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My drawings. ^_^_v
Some are strange,some normal,some are nude and some are requested

Catgirl avatar/RPG Character

Just flying.7/5/01

Looking over her shoulder curiously.7/8/01

Weilding a power.

Skyblue plugsuit.

Midnight Star (rpg/GMCA)popping her neck


Midnight Star...Lost count.

Midnight Star looking a bit scared with a ki ball ready.

Midnight Star casting a lighning bolt

Midnight Star and her dragon form...Blue fire instead of redish yellow orange fire.

RPG related
***Seductive posing Mids***(rp)

***Midnight Star naked and posing in flight***

***Another nekkid Mids***

***Midnight Star***

***Midnight Star sleeping.***(hentai rp)

Other drawings

Holding a gold Ki ball

A drawing of a gargoyle in 5th or 6th grade.

Drew in.....6th grade.

Koda Warrior. Wild C.A.T.S

Mayana with Demon wings

Samona,Bengala,and Anala

Random sailor scout.

Swirly eyed Bengala

Mayana,Samona,Bengala and Anala 2

***Samona and Bengala***



Me holding the sword of truth. Symbolic pictures. Tell me if you get the symbolism.

Another symbolic drawing of me as a catgirl with golden wings.

This is sort of a symbolic picture.^^;;

Another one of those symbolic pictures.

Me wearing a black trench coat with a sad look

More drawings

Matt Dinwiddie a.k.a. Golden Ninja or GN

A posing Sailor Hentai Nekojin 12/28/01

A loving cat-girl shares a very special moment with her human love. 10/8/01

Devil. *cough*

***Mids and her henshin wand***

***Mids smiling and nude***

Spikey ki ball.

Midnight Star flying in her battle gear.

Sailor Hentai Nekojin again.

Sailor Hentai Nekojin posing.

Me as a chibi

odd stuff

info and drawings of Sailor Hentai Neko My senshi avatar

My Fanart For fanfics and impro

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