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The Angel graphic was created by PatchesAngel

Angel of New Orleans

In the Spring of 2000 I wrote a song called “Angel of New Orleans”. The song was inspired by a trip I took that same year to Jazz Fest. On the particular evening that the song was inspired, the Angel of New Orleans guided me home to safety after I wandered through the French Quarter and the Ghetto’s in search of “ The House Of the Rising Sun”, Finally a taxi driver who had seen me circling several times and recognizing my obvious inebriation, convinced me to call it a night.

I finally found the rising sun
In a taxi drivers smile
I won’t be coming back here
For a while

Of course I did not know what a long while it would be... This song was part of the album “There’s An Angel Watching You” which received rave reviews in Billboard magazine(see enclosed)and was also featured in the magazine, "Continuum". It has always been my intent for this album to be an Angel for all who listen. It was my intent in creating this album to help others and “ Songs of Love” a charity that creates personalized songs for chronically and terminally ill patients receives a portion of proceeds from this CD.

The song “Angel of New Orleans is a powerful song. A year after it was written , I went back to New Orleans to record the sound of New Orleans streets , including Bourbon street at 4am, children tap dancing,street musicians and ambient sounds. These sounds were recorded by me and my friend Chuck who later passed of Cancer. All of these energies are embedded in the recording and have been guiding me to assist the people of New Orleans with this song. As you know the angels cannot intervene without our request and the song itself does this: Angel of New Orleans won’t you guide me home tonight?

Music is the Universal Language of Love!!!! My intent is to offer this as a download for $3.33( the number of guardian angels and ascended masters)and to donate 100% of proceeds to The Salvation Army of New Orleans. I know this song can be an angel to many.

With love and light,
Barry Goldstein


Click above to view lyrics for "Angel of New Orleans"

About the producer

Music playing is "Angel of New Orleans"
Written by Barry Goldstein from the CD,
"There's An Angel Watching You",
For information on how to purchase this CD;
please, contact:CD Baby

TAAWY Angels are proud to sponsor the song,
"Angel of New Orleans", to help the victims of Katrina
Our Hearts and prayers go out to everyone!!

Help the survivors of Katrina

Graphic created by Loyce



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The music here is purely for entertainment
and educational purposes only,
without any commercial interest whatsoever or profit of any kind.
Titles have copyright by their respective artists and record companies.
Please support the Artists by purchasing their Cd's.