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Ready, Steady, Pimp

Latest Episodes

Episode One, Part I
Epsode One, Part II
Episode Pre-One

Super PIMP

Leroy - Episodes

The best way to view these animations is to, when the page start to load, walk away, and come back in 5 minutes. Then watch it from the begining (Ready, Steady, Pimp!) frame.

Want to send us, or Leroy a E-mail? just click on the picture below. Suggestions for stories will be looked at, and if we use them, we will give you credit. Also please inform us of any bugs so we can fix 'em!


Animations created by RUFF(writer) & READY(animator)RUFF & READY are the creators, and makers of Leroy. Anyone found copying, pasting or cutting leroy will be chased and rolled up on by Leroy and his Homies.
P.S. Leroy, and the other characters in these animations are totaly fictitious, and any smiliarities with anybody in the world, at any time are purley coincidence. And these animations are created purley for fun, and no offence is intended.
Ready, Steady, Pimp is property of RUFF & READY, so dont make us come and beat you cause you think you made it!
One last thing : just 'cause you see Leroy doing something dont make it okay!