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Battle Cave Game Home Page

This is the home page that links to all of the guild games! We currently have 4! Don't worry, more will be added soon, so check back. Try to get on the hi-scores of War on Chias, Hit and Run or Escape from Chia Labyrinth!
We also have two secret variations of War on Chias that can be found on the War on Chias page. Try to find the infinete health mode and the start with 5000 points mode!
Have Fun!

CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS: fluffy_ken's Pirate Cave
An ordinary Pirate Cave level made by fluffy_ken to be played on Hannah and the Pirate Caves. Challenging and Fun!
Expected to be done: January 2004

Current Battle Cave Games

Catch the Enemies!
War on Chias
Hit and Run!
Escape from the Chia Labyrinth