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Battledome Opponents & Info

Welcome to the one player battledome opponents article section. Here, I will give out information about the battledome challengers and what you should use against them. I am still working on this. If you would like to post info, just neomail f_l_u_f_f_y_k_e_n and you will also get credit. Thank You for visiting. To find someone faster, press: Ctrl+F to find something on the page.

The opponents are sorted by difficulty.

Chia Clown: difficulty 10-very easy to beat most weapons are weak and only do 1-4 icons. Only defense is downsize power plus, which blocks 100% of your attack. All you need is at least one good weapon.

Pant Devil: difficulty 21-very easy to beat near the start. More of a beginner's challenge than the Chia Clown. The Pant Devil has a good variety of weapons, he just isn't strong enough. He uses an attack fork (5 icons), a Rainbow Frost Cannon (4 icons and freeze) and a Pant Devil Claw, which can steal one of your weapons! Don't worry, most of the time the Claw misses but you get your weapon back anyways.

Ghost Lupe: difficulty 32-a simple battledome challenger. He is quite simple and uses weak weapons. Can be more annoying than the Pant Devil though. Just be careful. The Ghost Lupe is armed with multiple Icy Snowballs. His defense is good. I suggest that you use a weapon that does fire icons, as it is the only thing he doesn't block.

Harry the Mutant Moehog: difficulty 35-the first real challenge for an experienced beginner. Most of the time he will use weak attacks, but eventually, he does use his strongest weapon, the Ram Helmet. This powerful weapon can do up to 7 icons! If you're not prepared, you may get knocked out. If you're equipped with proper defense and healing, you can easily beat this opponent.

Kasuki Lu: difficulty 38-do not underestimate this opponent! Although they only have a difficulty of 38, they are one of the strongest battledome opponents with a difficulty in that area. Most of his weapons do 5 icons or more and he is armed with many single use "bombs". Be careful and make sure you're well equipped with defense and healing.

Zafara Rogue: difficulty 39-a powerful opponent. She definetely will put up a good fight. Unlike Harry the Mutant Moehog, all of her weapons do the same number of icons on average, which is about 5-6. All you need are strong weapons and healing. This rogue has a lot of defense as well. I wouldn't suggest using fire or earth against her. She may seem easy, but after you defeat her a few times, she will become very challenging.

Flaming Meerca: difficulty 40-this opponent is easy! If you got past Harry the Mutant Moehog or the Zafara Rogue without problem, this opponent should be a breeze! Most of his weapons are weak and he doesn't have much defense. As long as you keep attacking and defending at the right times, you will win!

The Mummy: difficulty 42-this battledome opponent has terrible weapons that do up to 4 icons each. Nevertheless, he is still a challenge. He possesses a great range of defense, but still a simple opponent if you have good weapons!

The Esophagor: difficulty 49-time to take out your anger on the Esophagor for making you do one quest for no reward. The Esophagor is a strong opponent with a lot of good weapons. He uses a sludge hammer (7 icons), slime pendant (6 icons) and grand lightming beam (6 icons). All of his other weapons are terrible though. He does have a good variety of defense though. I suggest to use an item, which blocks earth icons, such as a soul stone

Cave Chia: difficulty 58-there must be a mistake with the difficulty. As I've heard, this opponent is much easier than The Esophagor or Kasuki Lu! His weapons aren't very stron, but they'll do quite a bit of damage because his strength is higher than other battledome opponents. He has a lot of defensive weapons as well. Try your best and you can win!

Highland Chia: difficulty 58-more of a challenge than the Cave Chia. He has many strong weapons but his icons are too consistent. He lacks defense, and does mostly earth. This is a tough battledome challenger who can be beat. I suggest using a Leaf Shield from Illusen. This will block a lot of his damage.

Edna the Witch: difficulty 60-Edna is a mysterious opponent. You can only fight her during one hour of the day. This is the witching hour (12PM NST). Her battling is mysterious as well. She uses every kind of icon, while keeping good defense and strength. You need to develop a strategy to beat her and end her rip-off quests! A good defense weapon for her and many other opponents is the Large Metal Shield.

Koi Warrior: difficulty 62-one of the hardest opponents to beat without defense. He is equipped with three strong weapons. The Koi Warrior Battle Fork (11 icons), the Koi Warrior Hatchet (up to 10 icons) and th Koi Warrior Watergun (up to 10 icons). Once again, I suggest the Leaf Shield. It will completely block his Battle Fork and Watergun; two of his strongest weapons. In addition, it will block his weaker weapons as well. Try your best and beat this opponent.


Good Attack Weapons

Good Defense Items

Good Healing Weapons

Look over there! I think Balthazar is doing something important!