Dallas & Lynette:
Fly In Minden,
NE- Aug. 22, 23, & 24
There will be a SWPC
meeting Saturday, Aug. 23 in Minden
at the airport under a wing. Plans will
be made for the months ahead. We’ve once
again have been asked if the SWPC would bring desserts for the Friday night get
together. (It only seems proper as we
look around and find many of the group are short wingers.) Dinner is at 7:00
S & S’s Hanger
We (Shirley and Steve Shepherd) departed Omaha on Sunday, June 22nd for
Cable, WI for the 2008 convention. Rick
and Nancy Jacobsen took off about 30 minutes afterward. The flight up was a little cloudy with a few
rain showers, but still flyable. Once we
arrived at Cable, it was sunny and beautiful.
The runway was adjacent to the Telemark
resort, which made it very convenient to see the planes come in and visit with
the new arrivals. There were around 50
airplanes that flew in. Monday night was
the meet and greet BBQ on the Telemark
outdoor picnic area. The executive
committee grilled our hot dogs and Brats.
What is the saying “too many cooks spoil the broth”. However, how can you ruin dogs and Brats. It was a fun
social and it was good to see everyone again as well meet new people (there
were several first timers).
Tuesday, there were seminars in the morning and off to Hayward in the afternoon
for lunch and the lumberjack show.
Wednesday was the poker run and an outing to Bayfield and Madeline Island.
Thursday there were more seminars, the business meeting and the grand
finale of the banquet and awards on Thursday evening. Besides Rick, Nancy and us ,
Alice and Ron Jensen and Jim and Janice Fix drove in from Nebraska.
Congratulations to Rick and Nancy for winning the best pacer and
people’s choice award. We said our
good-byes to everyone for another year (next year will be Knoxville) and flew home on Friday.
Notes from J & J
The dog days of
summer??? All I know is that is it dog
gone HOT and STICKY here in Nebraska
for the last week or so. We really
shouldn’t be complaining as each of our “airplane trips so far– SWPC convention
in Cable, WI, Arlington, Washington Fly In
(formerly known as the NW EAA Regional), and AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI
have had excellent flying conditions.
These “Fly Ins” for us mean the Chevy pick-up as we are loaded down with
either booth supplies or projector for seminars.
Our trips have been
saddened by the news of deaths in our Short Wing Piper Family. Bob Mills passed away the early part of
June. Bob and wife, Eleanor have for as
long as we can remember been editors/publishers of the SWPC magazine. Besides their efforts with the magazine they
have given freely of their time, knowledge, and support for our club and we
feel very fortunate to be able to call them our friends. At Oshkosh we
learned of the Tri-pacer crash on take off of a Texas family, John and Cindy Newman and
their son as they left their monthly SWPC meeting. John was the Texas Chapter president and they
have been regular attendees at the National Convention for many years.
The National
Convention in Cable, WI was well attended.
We gave a propeller seminar and also graded 61 propellers on the
line. The quality of aircraft has just
gotten better and better. After many
years of giving seminars and prop inspections this year was the best ever, with
10 the highest, the
lowest grade given was a 6 (5 to 0 means time for serious attention) and many with
a grade of 9 or 10. This also applied
to the whole aircraft, so quality has really come up. Speaking of quality our own Nebraska members Rick and Nancy took the
award for best Pacer and People Choice.
Well deserved!!!!
What’s ahead?......... The Minden, Nebraska
Fly In. August 22, 23, and 24th. There will be plenty of just good old fashion
time to sit and gab. This fly in has
become a “popular get together for Short Wingers” bringing friends from Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, and Arizona to just name
those that we can remember. This year
will be no exception as we have confirmation that Cliff and Carole Van Vleet
from Sierra Vista, AZ will be attending. Cliff is currently serving as President of
the National Short Wing Piper club and hopes that the “cream can supper;
complete with trough will be on the menu.
As Lynette and Dallas mentioned the Nebraska Ladies of the Short Wing
Piper Club will be bringing the desserts for the dinner and if I offended any
one with the “ladies” remark I apologize but– we know our members. I have attached a brochure from Dallas and
Lynette for more of the particulars.
Lodging at the Pioneer Village Motel Rates $39.00 Single and $46.00
Double. Let them know you are attending
the Fly In and please make reservations by August 15 at 1-800-445-4447. Dallas and Lynette also sent along a brochure
about the McCook Balloon Fest .
That’s all……… SEE
Jim and Janice