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What IS Reiki?

What Reiki Is To Me - Earl Violet
The Nature of Dis-Ease

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Vital Life Force Energy.

Rei--Universal or spiritual consciousness/wisdom (God Consciousness) or a higher dimension of light and soul, knows the cause of all problems and how to heal them.

Ki--Vital life force energy, which animates everything, also called Prana, Mana, Holy Ghost, Chi, etc.

Universal--1. including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception. 2. a. present or existing everywhere, b. existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions. 3. comprehensively broad or versatile. 4. adapted or adjustable to meet varied requirements.

Vital--1. a. existing as a manifestation of life, b. concerned with or necesary to the maintenance of life. 2. full of life and vigor. 3. characteristic of life or living beings. 4. a. fundamentally concerned with or affecting life or living beings, b. as tending to renew or refresh the living, c. of the utmost importance, essential to continued worth or well being.

Life--1. a. the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body, b. a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings. 2. spiritual existence transcending physical death. 3. an animating and shaping force or principle.

Energy--1. a. dynamic quality, b. the capacity of acting or being active. 2. natural power vigorously exerted. 3. usable power.

Reiki is not about words in a book, a lecture, or any site on the internet. You won't find or feel Reiki there. It's a feeling, a Knowing, and a growing experience for a lifetime.

There is a theory that Reiki is a "pool" or has a pool of energy created from the intent of anyone who uses Reiki, and when they do use the symbols it adds to the intent in the pool, thus expanding the possibilities of the symbols beyond their origional purposes. This is why the system was so closely guarded and viewed as sacred. It IS sacred. It was thought that people could affect this pool of intent in negative ways with such intents as greed, etc. A Reiki Practitioner would have the ability to tap this pool and add Reiki energy to it each time they use it, but the nature of Reiki is pure universal love. It cannot be tainted or used for harm. Any attempt would simply do nothing at all.

This energy is different than our own unique individual energy. It is channeled from universal life energy. Because I've used the word "channeled" does not mean that once a person is attuned to Reiki they'll start speaking in tongues or contacting transitioned (deceased) loved ones. It means that the energy comes from a universal source so it doesn't exhaust the Practioner's personal energy resources like other healing systems do. In fact, both the giver and the person recieving treatment are energized. I've seen shamanic healers use their own energies in efforts to help and heal to the point of putting their own health in serious jeopardy.

Reiki has its own intelligence. I've read several theories on whether it is a direct type of ray, or a blend of rays manifesting as a current. Personally, I would lean toward the collection of rays, or series of rays with the whole viewed as a current like a flowing rainbow somewhat. The symbols tap into differnet blends or series of rays and energy can be channeled that way. I believe there unlimited types of currents in the universe, and many keys, or symbols. In deep prayer we unconsciously use keys to tap into currents. But all this is so analytical and dry for such a stimulating experience.

Basically, modern physics has discovered quite a while ago that all matter is comprised of is different frequencies in energy. Scientists have researched and documented the chakra systems as major energy centers in the body and have identified the main channels the ancient Chinese accupuncturists have known for thousands of years. So, though the main population still rejects Reiki or energetic transfers (I've been called a devil worshipper and accused of voo-doo!), science is currently putting considerable research into vibrational medicine, healing with sound, color, and energy using harmonics. Though science is still intent on machines to create the harmonics - like a note plucked on a harp will make other strings on the harp vibrate - its only a matter of time before they discover the best tool to heal an ailing human body system is simply another human who is attuned to the correct frequencies to create the harmonics in the body needing healed! Reiki will do this.

The list below is found in many Reiki sites and instruction manuals:

What Reiki Is

Reiki is a powerful natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital energy.
Reiki is an evolutionary process that increases the natural flow of events and patterns of manifestation in life.
Reiki is always available. Once attuned to the Reiki energy, you never lose it.
Reiki is safe to use anytime, any place, any situation.
Reiki is easy to use.
Reiki is an individual experience.
Reiki restores and balances natural energy.
Reiki is for preventing disorders, maintaining positive wellness and helping the healing process.
Reiki is a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual enlightenment.
Reiki is for you and everyone alive who is desirous of a higher quality of life.
Reiki is beneficial when used with medical or other procedures.
Reiki is a completely self-contained natural healing system. It is complete and whole in and of itself, yet acts synergistically with other types of healing.
Reiki is spiritually guided.
Reiki is transcendental energy. It works with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Reiki is correspondent to the 4 elements: Earth/physical, Water/emotional, Air/mental, and Fire/spiritual energies.
Reiki is counterclockwise spiraling energy.
Reiki is safe, it cannot be used to manipulate or control.

What Reiki Is Not

Reiki is not difficult to use.
Reiki is not a religion or cult.
Reiki is not a dogma or specific doctrine of beliefs.
Reiki is not "laying-on-of-hands"; it works whether you believe in it or not.
Reiki is not a form of mind control or hypnosis.
Reiki is not psychic healing or psychic surgery.
Reiki is not massage technique.
Reiki is not just for when you are ill.
Reiki is not imagination or wishful thinking.
Reiki is not channeling (it's more like a funnel!).
Reiki is not limited to a select few people.
Reiki cannot be taught by just anyone.
Reiki is not taught by only one organization.

Benefits of Reiki

Heals cause, eliminates effect of the imbalance.
Does not conflict with religious beliefs.
Is an alternative, natural healing and helping method.
Can be combined with other healing methods.
Minimizes feelings of helplessness when faced with a crisis situation.
Releases accumulated daily stress.
Lasts a lifetime.
Promotes from within qualities of loving, caring, growing, compassion, trusting, self-actualizing, goodwill, peace and serenity.
Is an intelligent energy which goes to greatest need.
Reiki starts to flow when you touch something, it's always on.
Reiki does not interfere with medical treatments, enhances medications, quickens healing time, reduces need for anesthetic.

As for the stories of Dr. Usui and Hawayo Takata, I've written the factual elements of their lives that I've discovered through research of my own and others. I've also included the mythical storeis that were traditionally taught (and still are!) by most schools - which have been proven highly inaccurate. But try to avoid the fictional inclusions and understand that they were meant as inspirational messages, formatted to be accepted by a wider range of people so the gift of Reiki could be more easily accepted and widespread. This is the most effective healing energy and system I've come across with a lineage of loving individuals who have devoted most of their lives to spreading this gift throughout the world. And Reiki is spreading quickly as more and more people discover the reality of the system's attributes. The intent behind the fabrication of the traditional stories is clear. The spirit was and still is full of LOVE.
