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About the Webmaster


Hi there. Welcome to my web page, I hope your finding it interesting and informative. I originally decided to create this web page out of boredom and then I decided that maybe it would be a good idea just to have a website dedicated to Terry Goodkind, because when I've been searching the internet myself I find that you have to rifle through loads of info about other authors first before you can find out anything about the one that your searching for, and then there is practically nothing about the author and his novels apart from the images and any other images created by other people that look good.


Well enough of me complaining, its about time I introduced myself.

My name is Brian Nutting, I'm 21 years old and I live in the North East of England, and have a gorgeous baby daughter called Lauren Jessica.

I enjoy reading Science Fantasy novels, computing (in general), cycling, general fitness and homebrew beer and wine making.

A Picture of me

My C.V. / Resume