Thank you for coming to my page. This is Chess for those who didn't know that. I had run the game Marvel Super Heroes for over a decade and have had an incredible amount of players come and go, return and fade and just have fun in general. I never had a 'new campaign' every week, instead I just continued the storyline. What turned out to be a silly, now and then past time, soon became a devilish creature that consumed my every waking moment! But alas... it did eventually come to an end.

Below I have a list of the most interesting, influential, pivotal, and fun characters that have been created for my games. In all the battles fought, won and lost, these are the ones who have been chosen for their individuality and development by the players. They are listed in no particular order but those who have played and created these characters will berrate me with questions of why I chose who I did....... also, just cuz I want to annoy him, any character created by Seth will automatically be a Gamma class Mutant! Play that Funky Music White Boy! Oh yeah!


The pictures are those we have used to represent the player characters in similar powers, power levels, or just plain costume design. I will hopefully soon have original artwork, created by Ray, to put in place of the ones I am using. There are a couple of characters that I will have a difficult time finding representations due to the complexity of them. So sit back and click away at nearly 14 years of work in the making!