
Welcome to Veeni's Picks! The wacky and wise Vanara knows many things about the spirit world and now he wishes to spread his knowledge to the strange things our world has to offer. From time to time Veeni will post his experiences whether they take the form of Music, Film, or Other. Keep watching to see what our primal friend discovers next, and what he thinks about it.


Veeni Interview 5-27-03

Carew: Welcome to "The Lair" Veeni we're glad you could make it.

Veeni: Thanks Carew it was a long flight and boy is my spirit projection tired *snickers*

C: So Veeni you have decided to become an internet web reviewer for a relatively obscure corner of the internet... Why?

V: Well it really was an obvious career move considering as an NPC I'm relatively under utilized. I mean come on I'm a freakin Yoda (Star Wars)/Rafeeki(Lion King)rip off. I'm only there to pluck the plot out of the sticky mire that our illustrious DM likes to let PC's get stuck in. Because lets face it nearly a whole clan of Vanara get wiped out by Drow Ninjas and the PC's barely bat an eye.

C: Oooh... Kaaay..... Moving right along then... I hear you've been at work on some special projects in the Campaign "down-time" why don't you tell me a little about it.

V: Oh yeah I'm glad that you asked actually I've been working on a comic book that I plan to write and draw myself I'll give you more info on that as it happens but honestly I think it's some of my best work. Another project that I've been working on is you know... Tracking down Vanara who HAVEN'T been systematically erradicated by Drow Ninjas.

C: Well with projects like those it sounds like you are pretty busy these days. What do you like to do in your spare time?

V: Oh you know pick ticks off myself and eat them.

C: Fascinating. Well Anyways One last question. What can your fans expect from this web page?

V: They can expect me to be totally honest no Monkey business *snickers* Seriously.

C: Great! Well Again Veeni welcome to "The Lair" I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

Minority Report

POINTLESS RAMBLING: Okay, so I avoided this movie because lets face it Tom Cruise sells because of the name. In spite of that Tom has done some interesting stuff as of late (MI:2 excluded) Eyes Wide Shut, Vanilla Sky, and Soon he's even gonna do a Samurai movie. That's crazy! What's the deal Tom couldn't stand Brad Pitt getting all the weirdo roles! Had to prove you could be a male sex symbol and still play psychos? Well Kudos to you good buddy!

BACK ON TRACK: Minority report has all these futuristic thingys in the movie and most of them are NOT explained (GOOD! too much time is wasted on pointless explanation of every little detail; a flying car is a flying car WHO CARES how it works!) There were these three people with powers of Precognition who could predict future murders. They lay around in a protein bath all day and predict murders. Tom's character gets implicated in a murder that he does not feel he will commit. So he runs, we get to see weird plants, weird robot spiders, and weird futuristic plastic surgery.

The RATING: All in all I'd have to say "THAT'S GREAT" so that's the rating this movie gets:

The Eagles: Hell Freezes Over

Hell Freezes Over

THE RAMBLING: This album is a live compilation disc for one of america’s great rock bands. Before there was Faith Hill or Shania Twain there was The Eagles. Frankly I’m not a big fan of eagles. You know you’ll just be sitting there minding your own business picking ticks off of a fine looking lady when SCREEEEEE!!!! Tell me man isn’t that enough to give a brother a friggen heart attack? But these Eagles man they apparently didn’t get that whole screeching thing. From what I hear they are from California or something, maybe the eagles out west are just more considerate than where I come from. Their sound is mellow great jive for a Sunday afternoon. The version of "Hotel California" on this disc is by far one of the best recorded. And "Take it Easy" is also just a great song for driving or just bebopin around the house.

THE RATING: So I say yeah this is an excellent CD for Sunday Afternoon Jive.

Six Degrees of Seperation

The Rambling:

So yeah Will Smith plays this gay con-man! And he has this head swirlingly inteligent dialogue. It's a far cry from that scene in Independence Day where he Jacks that Alien in the face, but it's like numbing and soothing, like I could rock 16 infant baboons to sleep with the sound of Big Will talking about Kandinsky and classic film.

The Rating:

But really I don't know why but I like this film. Its got scenes that would shock the hell out of you; scenes with food in it that make you hungry; and scenes that just make you say dude that's alot of cats for one dream sequence. So there you go!

Dude that's alot of Cats for one Dream Sequence!

Edward Scissorhands

The Rambling:

Okay so this movie opens up with some freakish world where the impossible is possible. Everyone has their lawns the exactly perfect height, the gossip network is fairly accurate, and the town whore is actually a leader in the community (respected). Where the christian church goer is shunned as a nut-job. Then... Reality sets in. This obviously normal guy with scissors instead of hands comes down from the mount and destroys this otherwise perfect haven of discipline and order. Just what I need a hairstylist forcing his idealism on me!

The Rating:

If you like cool imagery, and a moral lesson, then this flick is for you. If you desire order, then this flick is a fools errand. So there it is...

This Flick is a "Fool's Errand"


The Rambling- So yeah I was flippin channels when I come by this oldie but goodie. So yeah Steve Martin does this classic little number about dealing out pain by the truckload! And then I get this call on my Cell phone that says “If you don’t get a review up this week, then we are canceling your review column!” Man who does that DM think he is?! Master and Commander? Oh yeah but that’s a whole nother story.

The Rating- Anywho aside from the fact that I’m reiviewing this to keep my page up I give this movie the:

“Good enough to save Veeni’s Job" Rating

City of Angels

The Rambling- It's a lazy Wednesday evening and I'm checkin out the prime star (That I was able to afford from my commision off that last lame review HAAAA!) And I see this City of Angels thing and I'm thinking its gonna be a documentary about L.A. ya know the actual "city of angels" so here I am all prepped for like surfers and venice beach and crazy traffic jams and Disney Land (Jungle Book is still their BEST EVER!) And WHAT THE HELL DO I GET?!!! Some crazy matrix lookin bastards hanging out ontop of billboards! Granted I'll give them that this movie was pre-matrix but these creepy bastards are all walkin around and no one can see them! I'm like "Hey bitch don't go in there! Creepy fucker in a coat is gonna getcha!". But of course she goes in there and what does this bastard do? He gives her this big ole hug! What the HELL kinda movie is this?! And all these creepy bastards hang out at the beach like a flock of birds, and lurk around the.... get this... library. What a bunch of fricken Party animals. The only redeeming part of the movie is where they totally get into this funky sex scene where she's all like "Uh, do ya like that?!" er some shit.

The Rating- So the sex almost saves this movie but I still gotta say this movie is:

“Crazier than a flock of birds" Rating