In all the hulla bulloo of Forkstock 4 our heros neglected to actually free the gremlins! They had the spam they had the right place, but they just forgot! "We'll show those Pornforkers! We'll Fix them good!" The Gremlins helped themselves to a large glass of water; thus they had their revenge for the defiling of their E-5 pole. It took them all year but they finally did drain the lake leaving the neglectful Forkstockers without a place to play.


The hall was filled with heros; with each glance one of greater speed and strength appeared. Was there a battle to ensue? Was there some great foe to vanquish? No, simply friends gathering; pushing egos aside for one great evening of debate.

As the morning broke, they realized one great truth: those Trees didn't stand a chance. Especially when you have $60 dollar studded leather bracers, a mace (with a screw off top), and a refurbished flail (gods praise the fool that invented the key ring). After all the world was theirs.

The Lair