I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
And lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

-Linkin Park... "In The End"

Welcome to the hall of heroes. In my campaign setting the only way to truly die, is to lose a game of wits against Death. The following brave souls tried their hands against fate and lost; never to return. Remember the fallen, for in their stories remain our greatest hopes for the future.

Listed Heroes

Darwin Shadowshift

Darwin Shadowshift: an unknown element blown in from the south claiming noble birth from parts unknown.

In life Darwin had simultaneously proven himself to be the Legion of Pornfork's greatest ally and its greatest threat.

After handing Pornfork over to the enemy faction known only as "The Fanix" and unlocking an evil force unrivaled on Hurid; Darwin entered a period of introspection. During this time he unlocked many dark memories of the past, some which seemed to conflict. As a quest of self-redemption Darwin made it his personal mission to locate all of the existing "Porn-Weapons". He also believed that he could determine who would be the most worthy charges for these weapons.

This quest was forgotten several times as Darwin's past mixed with the choir of voices in his head (both dark and benevolent) threatened to claim his very sanity. At one point of breaking, Darwin wandered through the unknown topography of the Underdark caverns. Luckily he came out of this experience alive.

Darwin met his death (the first time) in a selfless act of sacrifice. He attempted to return a sleeping god's avatar to the correct layer of its abyssal home.

Darwin made many friends and enemies. One of his best friends and allies was Feng (Darwin once said that Feng was the only person he truly trusted). Feng was instrumental in Darwin's return from Death.

Darwin entered a brief period of clarity where his mission seemed nearly complete. He felt that his mission was now to cleanse the world of the evil that he had unwittlingly wrought by releasing Fagan. With a new found fervor, Darwin actually began to make progress towards this end when he was cut down in his prime.

A great and terrible Purple Dragon was threatening the life of innocents by laying siege to the royal city of Gijil. Any who exited or attempted to enter the great city were thoroughly incinerated. Darwin and his company attempted to ward off this threat unsuccessfully.

This brings us to Darwin’s final moment of peace.

Questions: It is said that the full truth of Darwin's dark past lies in the planar hub known as Sigil. Some even say that this secret is so well kept that even the "Lady of Pain" herself does not fully recognize it.

Famous Last Words: Meat?

read his background story here
Read the last page of Darwin's Journal


Bob: The enigmatic warrior known only as Bob.

In life Bob led a hermetic lifestyle of spelunking within his own networks of caves. These caves also acted as his home.

In a rare moment of impulse, Bob decided to leave his cave and explore the island of his birth. He encountered many strange sights and had several unusual experiences. Conflicting elements (a frozen village, situated very near a volcano where a fire elemental lived.), a village where everyone spoke in riddles and nonsense, a desert inhabited by a cyclopean brute, a small shack guarded by the fiercely territorial Micrits, a village where Bob left his mark in a rock and then took the rock with him, and a dark castle which was seemingly responsible for all the strangeness about are just a short list of Bob's exploits.

He survived petrifaction in the strange castle only to be cut down in the midst of his quest to help the frozen village (which was hailed as: Too cold for weapons).

Bob kept few traveling companions but met many a strange individual in his travels. Among the strangest were: The simple pigeon rancher Boo Boo Kitty, Raka the wise-man who claimed to be a wizard (who later became an undead head), and the oriental wanderer Usagi (with then companion Kamadake BallZ, the small creature which could transmutate into a large flying ship).

Bob is survived by: A granite plaque which features his name. And the only shoe-vel in known existence.