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Keepin' it hot!

Ora, Ora! Judging from the searing flames rising from your PC's mouse, you've nearly completed your journey through the 'Inferno! Cool down by surfing through these awesome links and web rings listed below; ranging from Samurai Shodown to Video games in particular. If you'd like to leave your link on this listing, feel free to email me at along with a description of the site. If you have a button/banner you'd like portrayed along with the link, attach it to the email, please. As for those wishing to have a button/banner from this site you're in luck! Choose from the following:



This fiery Samurai Spirits Ring site is owned by Kazuki64.
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This Fighter Forever site is proudly owned by the Burning Explosive Ninja, Kazuki64.
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Blue Samurai: A mini-site based on the hero of Samurai Spirits Warriors Rage, Seishirou Kuki. What actually started out as a class web designing assignment has become yet another up and coming Samurai Spirits web site! One of many sites I've helped in completing!

--The Haohmaru Element--: Information, images and more based upon "the Kingly one", Haohmaru - one of the better sites out there. I should know - I originally asked THE's web-designer for permission of his layout! To call this site "awesome" is an understatement!

Samurai Shodown Forever: The ultimate source for SS news, character information, and images. Swordsmen, net-surfers, and SNK fans alike should journey here.

Konru Chise: Can't get enough of SS Forever? Head to one of its counterparts! Filled with images and even historic information, you'll want to bookmark this site alongside the other SS related pages.

Temple of Samurai Shodown: Acha! Fan-art galore along side images and information on the Samurai Spirits!

Samurai Spirits Fantasy World: Yo-shaaa!!! Samurai Shodown 64 information and images are here, courtesy of SS Fantasy World. Find out information on the 3-D SNK swordplay of the Samurai Spirits!

Sogetsu no Miko's Samurai Sprits Hall: Even though I'm not included in the hall (yet...^_-), oniisan is. Go check him out along with Ukyo, Shizumaru and even that baka, Amakusa , here at the Bishonen Shrine. BERSERK (the manga/anime) is featured also on this site. Much thanks to the 'Miko!

Asura Dynasty ~ Samurai Spirits: This is the English version of the great and constantly improving Asura Dynasty; host to informational tidbit from the Samurai Spirits world, as well as famed artwork by SS OVA-movie version artist, Aoi Nanase! Besides, check out the nice SS64 pictures!


Running Wild: Looking for more information on SNK's newest chapter in the Fatal Fury series, Garou: Mark of the Wolves? Then head here to check out information, images, and even move lists for its characters. I should know, I helped make the site! Under remodeling.

SNK Japan: Venture here net-surfers to check out the actual SNK Neo Geo site, or at least what's left of it. Sure, we've heard the tales of SNK's return…but what I want to know is where is Samurai Spirits 5?!

Bakumatsu Roman: Samurai Spirits fans, the next game on your agenda to plunge into should be SNK's underground hit, The Last Blade. Spectacular animation, a story line based upon the real Bakumatsu Era, and more. Before doing so, make it a priority to head to Cassiel's site for LB information and images!

GameFAQs: The ultimate source of guides, information and video game news; CjayC has thankfully provided gamers with a grand site to catch up on all of this and more! A must see site!

Nagakuse Online: A superb fanart site featured by a comrade of mine- Jin Nagakuse, surf over here for all sorts of nifty artwork. Enjoy the hosted mangas and Tell'em Kazuki64 sent you!

Rising Sun.Net: Dedicated to costume play(cosplay) images, Rising Sun depicts quality photographs of various southeastern cosplayers posing as their favorite anime and videogame characters. It even has enhanced backgrounds on selected photographs! Vogue!

Eric Conveys an Emotion: Got a case of the Mondays? Or in need of a good laugh? Check out the award winning internet site by the master of varied personas, Eric! While you're there, buy one of those cool T-shirts too!

Video Game Museum: Looking for scans, endings, and even wallpaper of your favorite video games? Head down to the VG museum and ask Bagu about it many times! A fat boys!