Welcome to my Choose Your Own Adventure review page! Last update: 10/01/99
I have been collecting Choose Your Own Adventure series books, published by
Bantam Books. I began collecting in 1993, right after a lot just went out of print (ugh),
but have managed to get the complete series of Choose Your Own Adventure books
at used bookstores.
The series begain in 1979 and ended in 1998. There are still a few in print, though,
but they will probably be gone soon. It consists of 184 books. There are also many
subseries and other CYOA type books. This page will eventually have reviews for all the ones I own.
If I don't own any, I would be interested in buying it or trading for it if you have an extra.
Email me.
This page will have reviews of Choose Your Own Adventure books, rated on a scale of Zero to Five Diamonds, with five being
the best. It will also include the author, interior illustrator, and cover edition. For
a good gamebook page, go to Demian's Gamebook Web Page.
The previously mentioned page has reviews of all kinds of gamebooks, including, but not limited to, Choose Your Own Adventure.
My page has reviews of only the Choose Your Own Adventure and CYOA type books
published by Bantam Books. I consider them CYOA type if they say Choose Your Own
Adventure somewhere on the cover.
When I get more time (and a scanner), then I will renovate this with different pages
and pictures of the cover of every CYOA & type book that I have.
Cover print 1 refers to the original cover design on books 1-69: Title near top, small illustration, and white spine.
Cover print 2 refers to the cover design on books 70-139: Large painting on cover, colored spine.
Some of the books with the original cover design were reprinted with the second design.
Cover print 3 refers to the cover design on books 140-175: Large painting, slightly different layout, Choose Your Own Adventure logo changed.
Cover print 4 refers to the final cover design on books 176-184: Completely different layout and Skylark printing.
There is only one known book, other than 176-184, that has been reprinted in the 4th cover.
If you know of any cover prints of books that I have not listed below, please Email me.
I have reason to believe that there is a 2nd edition cover print for #58, and
a few others, but have not seen them, so are therefore not listing them.
#1 The Cave of Time * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><>
While on your uncle's ranch, you get lost in the nearby Cave of Time. This is a pretty
good book for being the first in the series. It has stable writing, and a clear objective.
#2 Journey Under the Sea * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><
You have to go under the sea to find the lost city of Atlantis. I'll be honest with you:
R.A. Montgomery, although one of the creators, is probably not the best CYOA writer... he's choppy and
sometimes loses you. This is not one of his worst - it is actually pretty good for being his first
book in this series - but it's still not as good as some other ones.
#3 By Balloon to the Sahara (reprinted as Danger in the Desert)
by D. Terman * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><><
You take a balloon to the desert and get lost. This book is sort of finicky, but it's fun to read! Some things don't flow together well,
but it's creative. There's no point to it - it's just fun, and that's why I gave it a higher-than-average rating
#4 Space and Beyond * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><>
Your father was born on Phonon and your mother was born on Zermacroyd. Where do you choose to live?
This book isn't that great, but hey, that's R.A. for you :P There really isn't any
point to it, you just go exploring space. Choppy writing, as usual for this author.
#5 The Mystery of Chimney Rock (reprinted as The Curse of the Haunted Mansion)
by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><
You go into a haunted mansion. How simple. This isn't a bad book, but I was not that impressed.
Nothing happens in it. (Ok, so things happen, but they're not important.)
#6 Your Code Name is Jonah (reprinted as Spy Trap)
by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><>
You have to recover whalesong tapes and rescue Dr. Du Mont or whatever his name is from a spy ring.
I like this book. It is well constructed and well written for being this early in the series.
Kinda cheezy at times, but good.
#7 The Third Planet From Altair (reprinted as Message From Space)
by Edward Packard * Illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><
You have to try to figure out a message from space. This is sort of like a better-written
version of Space and Beyond (#4).
#8 Deadwood City * by Edward Packard * Illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><
Your typical random events book, this one takes place in the wild west. I'm really starting
to get tired of these random events ones. Well-written as usual from Mr. Packard, this
one was published a few years before it was introduced into the CYOA series.
#9 Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey? * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><
The description's in the title. Finally, a book with a clear objective. Too bad it's
not one of Ed's best works. I think he could have written it better. The
design is okay at first, but falls apart in the last 30 pages, where, if you get
stuck, you might not be completely sure about your ending. It's a new idea,
but it didn't work this time. Maybe next time.
#10 The Lost Jewels of Nabooti (reprinted as The Lost Jewels)
by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <
Some Jewels in Nabooti are lost, so you have to find them. Unfortunately, this
book doesn't make any sense. One of R.A.'s worst books in my opinion... and that's
pretty bad. Good luck finding your way through this one...
#11 Mystery of the Maya * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Richard Anderson
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <>
Go back in time to observe the Maya. Random events + R.A. Montgomery = terrible book. 'nuff said.
#12 Inside UFO 54-40 * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
You get captured by a UFO and have to find your way out. The typical well-written Edward Packard
random events book, with some fun ideas. There's a special thing - you have to
find Utopia. You won't get there by making any choice, though. It's on some
page. You'll have to figure it out for yourself =)
#13 The Abominable Snowman * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
Look for the abominable snowman. This book is better than R.A.'s 2 previous books,
but it is still choppy at times.
#14 The Forbidden Castle * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><>
You have to find out the secret of the Forbidden Castle. This is (in my opinion) the first
fully developed, well written CYOA book. All events in the book tie together
nicely. Great book to read!
#15 House of Danger * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
A bunch of monkeys have taken over a house of a mad scientist. (Hmm, what a concept!)
I must say that this is the first decent R.A. CYOA book. His writing is only
half as choppy as in his previous books, and it's fun to read. The random-events
are starting to get old, though. :-(
#16 Survival at Sea * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
You search for Nessie and get lost. Stop with the random events already, Ed.
#17 The Race Forever * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
You go on 2 different races in Africa (I think.) This book can go on forever,
because if you finish one race, it directs you to go to the other one. This is
a fresh, new idea. But R.A. has become just a bit choppier since his last book.
#18 Underground Kingdom * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Anthony Kramer
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><
Find the Underground Kingdom! I found this to be a good book, quite interesting
to read. There's just something about it. It's kind of random-eventzy, but
if you get into it, it'll tie together nicely.
#19 Secret of the Pyramids * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Anthony Kramer
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
The pyramids have a secret (ha), and YOU have to find it! This book is quite
strange. And, to be frank, a bit dull. Not that bad for this author's first
CYOA book, though. But his slightly-dull writing style is rather consistent.
#20 Escape! * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
The U.S. has split up into 2 territories, and you are part of a team
that has to escape from your area. This book is pretty well constructed.
Choppiness rating is somewhere between his previous 2 books.
#21 Hyperspace * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Anthony Kramer
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
This is a strange book! I'm not going to describe it, because it's too strange.
But it's fun.
#22 Space Patrol * by Julius Goodman * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><
Random-events book in space. This is NOT a new idea. But it's well-constructed,
and it's fun. Of Julius's 3 CYOA books, I think this is probably his best.
#23 The Lost Tribe * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
When you're visiting your forgetful Uncle, you find secret Indian stuff. The
author seems like she's plainly trying to be descriptive, but she gets better later
on. (Her final 2 CYOA books are among the best in the series, IMO.)
#24 Lost on the Amazon * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
You get lost on the Amazon. Kinda similar to the previous book, if you ask me.
(You don't have to agree.) This book isn't choppy (yay!) but it's plain.
#25 Prisoner of the Ant People * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
You're on the Zondo quest group trying to find the secret of the ants, or something
like that. The title does not fit that well. But it's not a bad book - a bit
choppy (heh), but it looks like R.A. put a little more effort into this one.
#26 The Phantom Submarine * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Ron Jones
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
You have ESP. This book has sort of an interesting concept. But, I don't think it
was titled correctly, as the Manta does not seem to be the main subject of the book.
I wish I could say the same thing about the writing style as the concept.
#27 The Horror of High Ridge * by Julius Goodman * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
Something terrible happened in High Ridge 100 years ago. Something terrible happened
in High Ridge 50 years ago. Something terrible's gonna happen in High Ridge now.
And guess where you are? I don't know what I'd be doing in a town like that,
but this book is quite scary. The writing style is a bit dull, but the suspense makes
up for it. But, if you don't like scary stuff, this book will give you nightmares.
#28 Mountain Survival * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
You're in the wilderness. I'm sorry, but this book has absolutely no point to it.
#29 Trouble on Planet Earth * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><
Some aliens are taking all the Earth's oil. I thought this was a pretty well-developed
book. Sometimes choppy, but can you blame R.A. for being that way? ;-) It has about
the right amount of suspense, humor, and all that stuff. Nice pictures, also.
#30 The Curse of Batterslea Hall * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><
Your cousin Amanda is staying at the cursed Batterslea Hall, and guess who's going
to visit her. This is the first good book by Richard Brightfield. I enjoyed
reading it. I can't pick out any major problems with it, except what kind of a
name is 'Batterslea Hall'?
#31 Vampire Express * by Tony Koltz * illustrated by Doug Jamieson
Cover prints: 1,2
My rating: <><><><>
Your Aunt gets kidnapped while you're on the Vampire Express in Transylvania.
This book debuts both the author and the illustrator, neither of them very
profilic (author has 1 more book, illustrator 0), too bad, because it's great
for a first CYOA book, which is probably why it has been one of the longest-lasting
books in the series. All the paths tie together nicely, and the writing style
is good. The vampires have personalities, and so do most of the other peoples.
Great book, except if you don't like vampires. But I didn't like vampires, and
I liked this book, so you'd better read it.
#32 Treasure Diver * by Julius Goodman * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
You are a treasure diver. I consider this to be the first of the 'You Are' CYOA books,
even though this title doesn't say 'You Are.' But anyway. Unfortunately, it's not
very good. He puts too much blood and guts into this book (who would have expected
that in a book called 'Treasure Diver'? Guess he has too much left over from #27...)
And, it's random events.
#33 The Dragon's Den * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Paul Abrams
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><>
You're on a search for a dragon's treasure. It includes everything appropriate to the
time period. I love it. This author's writing peak is around here, I think...
#34 The Mystery of the Highland Crest * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
This book is odd, your relatives are really strange. And, the title's way too long.
It's kind of a mystery book, without as much depth as it should have. But don't worry,
Louise has better books later on.
#35 Journey to Stonehenge * by Fred Graver * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <>
You're a reporter who goes to Stonehenge. This book doesn't make much sense, and
it's not too interesting, either. This new author hasn't written any CYOA books
since. (This book doesn't have any point to it, either)
#36 The Secret Treasure of Tibet * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Paul Granger
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><>
Are you going to discover how to levitate? (Yes, it sounds cheezy, but it's actually
a pretty good book. Richard's on a roll. Too bad the roll is gonna get smashed sometime
later...) The events of this book fall into order. Read it. You'll be glad you
did. I was.
#37 War With the Evil Power Master * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Paul Abrams
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
In this sequel to #25, you have to try to defeat the Evil Power Master. This book was fun
to read, and there was a definite objective to it.
#38 Sabotage * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Ralph Reese
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
It's 1942, and you're undercover against the Nazis. This may have been better in the
Time Machine subseries - it's a bit too historical. (Not that there's anything
wrong with that...) You'll see more historical books from this author, though.
You won't see any more books from this illustrator, though. Too bad. I thought
he was a pretty good illustrator.
#39 Supercomputer * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
You have a supercomputer that can do anything! Including RANDOM EVENTS!
#40 The Throne of Zeus * by Deborah Lerme Goodman * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
While you're in Greece, you get transported back in time and have to find Zeus.
This is the first book from this author, who seems to be into Greek mythology
and what not books. Not a problem with me...
#41 Search For the Mountain Gorillas * by Jim Wallace * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
Search for primates, eh? And you wonder why this book didn't last that long...
I don't consider this the most interesting of plots, I don't think you would either,
but it has a decent writing style.
#42 The Mystery of Echo Lodge * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Don Hedin
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
Echo Lodge is cursed. Louise Munro starts out with some bizarre books, doesn't she.
Don't worry, they get better later on. I guarantee you that. I also guarantee you
that Don Hedin is Paul Granger's real name. (I wonder why he waited until #42
until putting a stop to his nom de plume...)
#43 Grand Canyon Odyssey * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Don Hedin
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
While in the Grand Canyon, you get transported back in time and see a bunch of historial
figures. (Told you Jay was historical.) This one is slightly interesting though.
#44 The Mystery of Ura Senke * by Shannon Gilligan * illustrated by Paul Abrams
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
Recover a stolen teapot! How pathetic is that? This book could definitely use
some work to it... Some stuff is there, but it needs more.
#45 You Are a Shark * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
You discover some hidden monastery, and you turn into a bunch of animals. How nice.
The title is misleading; there is only one place where you're a shark. This is
an interesting book to read, but the layout is way too simple.
#46 The Deadly Shadow * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Don Hedin
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><
Some guy keeps on disappearing and exploding. You have to discover why this is
happening. Rather interesting, really. It starts to get just a little bit choppy
and random-eventzy, but it really is interesting.
#47 Outlaws of Sherwood Forest * by Ellen Kushner * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
While at summer camp, you get transported back to the time of Robin Hood. Kind of
choppy how it happens. The rest of the book is bumpy, but it has potential. See
some of the other reviews of books by this new author, who is into those wonderful
and mysterious stores of old. They're great. So is the illustrator.
#48 Spy For George Washington * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Don Hedin
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
Well, well, well, looks like historical Jay is at it again! This time you're a spy
for the revolution. Rather well written, but slightly dull at times.
#49 Danger at Anchor Mine * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
Are you going to look for gold at Anchor mine? This book keeps on going around,
and around, and around, and doesn't really have a point to it. And you're tired
of reading all these bad Louise Munro Foley reviews without seeing the good ones
I promised you. Well, I'll let you cheat. Skip to #104 if you want to see a good
Louise Munro Foley CYOA review. ;-)
#50 Return to the Cave of Time * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Don Hedin
Cover prints: 1, 2
My rating: <><><
Not much different than the first one, but this time you get to see the beginning and ending of time.
#51 The Magic of the Unicorn * by Debra Lerme Goodman * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><
There's no water! Get some! Find a unicorn! I found this book to be on the delightful
side. The ideas, though childish sometimes, are well written and well thought-up.
#52 Ghost Hunter * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1, 2
My rating: <><><><>
In this sequel to #9, Harlowe's ghost is supposedly haunting his old house. You and
Miss Jenny Mudge (I think they could have found a better name...) have to find it, and
the jewels that are lost in the house. Complex plot, fits like a puzzle. One
of the longer-lasting CYOA books.
#53 The Case of the Silk King * by Shannon Gilligan * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: 1, 2
My rating: <><>
You're searching for Jim Thomson, the disappeared silk manufacturer. I see the
skeleton of a plot without much to it. Too much on the random-events side. Kind of
boring, also. SPECIAL: In 1990 (I think
that's when it was, anyway) it was made into an ABC-TV weekend special. (Why they
picked this one, I don't know.) Also, the cover print for the second edition has the
same design as the cover print for the first one, which is very strange.
#54 Forest of Fear * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
You get stuck in time in the forest of fear with a bunch of Native Americans.
Too strange.
#55 The Trumpet of Terror * by Deborah Lerme Goodman * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><>
The golden apples of immortality are missing. Go find them, so you can bring them
back to the Norse gods and goddesses! An enchanting book. Fun to read, and somehow
the random events work for this book.
#56 The Enchanted Kingdom * by Ellen Kushner * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
While at your aunt's in England, you stumble upon a kingdom of elves and dwarves
and whatnots. Well, looks like the Kushner/Mitchell team is at it again, and not
at one of their better works. This book is strange. I suppose it could be classified
as a horror CYOA book even - even though the title certainly doesn't append to
that. Too many random events.
#57 The Antimatter Formula * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
Your parents have discovered a formula to the antimatter universe. This book has
no plot to it. It's strange, boring, and not incredibly well written. Too bad.
It has an interesting concept. For a rip off of this concept (by a book that is
better written but just as boring, if not more), go to #147.
#58 Statue of Liberty Adventure * by Ellen Kushner * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><><>
You and your friend search for a hidden treasure on a trip to the Statue of Liberty.
This is a very good example of how a CYOA book should be written. (But seriously,
what kind of title is "Statue of Liberty Adventure"?) You might even get stuck
in 1907! I was impressed.
#59 Terror Island * by Tony Koltz * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
You're stuck on an island with a mad scientist on the large. Random events and
slightly-less-than-very-good writing style have caught up with this author.
#60 Vanished! * by Deborah Lerme Goodman * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
Two words: Bermuda Triangle. I think someone was high on caffeine when she wrote
this book. Those aliens dressed in garganzo-gonzo or whatever it is are a bit too
much. So are the random events.
#61 Beyond Escape! * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><>
This sequel to #20 is slightly worse than it. It's more of the same, but now
Haven's an alien, or something like that.
#62 Sugarcane Island * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
It's just random events! Nothing else! But, the good writing style of E. Packard
is present. And many readers will enjoy the 38/39 chance of getting a good
ending. SPECIAL! This was published a long time before the CYOA series was
introduced as the first CYOA-type book ever. If you want a special book, get
this one.
#63 Mystery of the Secret Room * by Ellen Kushner * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: 1, 2
My rating: <><>
You discover a secret room at your aunt's house. This book has WAY too many random
events in it, but it's fun. Hmm, where have I seen this author and illustrator
on the same book before? (HINT: #47 and #56)
#64 Volcano! * by Meryl Siegman * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
You and your friend search for a sword at a volcano. The plot of this book is
ok, but the writing style is a bit too simple.
#65 The Mardi Gras Mystery * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
You're at your uncle's in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, and some voodoo people
try to manipulate you. (Whew!) Rather interesting plot, of you couldn't tell
already. Well written. Slightly strange.
#66 Secret of the Ninja * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by S. Freymann
Cover prints: 1, 2
My rating: <><><
Your dojo is messed up, and you have to go back in time to figure out what the
cause of it is. It happens to be a psychotic demon ninja spirit. This solid book occasionally gets shaky. It's a bit strange, also.
#67 Seaside Mystery * by Ann Hodgman * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><
A mermaid's missing. Go find her. (Hence the title it was originally going to be,
The Missing Mermaid. I'm glad they didn't use that title.) Not that bad, except
they could use less random events.
#68 Secret of the Sun God * by Andrea Packard * illustrated by Yee Chea Lin
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><
What's the curse on Eagle Mountain? It's strange, that's what it is. Jeez, all
these recent books seem to be strange. But this book is boring, too.
#69 Rock and Roll Mystery * by Jim Wallace * illustrated by Ted Enik
Cover prints: 1
My rating: <><><>
Two members of your rock and roll band have been kidnapped by aliens from outer
space. Damnit!
You can guess what I'm going to say next... this book is strange :P But really, it has
everything it needs to be a solid CYOA book.
#70 Invaders of the Planet Earth * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
The Taurons (some aliens) have taken over the Earth, and you have to try to get
them to leave. Simple enough. Writing seems solid enough.
#71 Space Vampire * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><
Judith Mitchell + illustrating vampires = scary. Now that that's taken care of,
a vampire is on the loose in your solar system. Track him down. This is one
of the few books that random events works for.
#72 The Brilliant Dr. Wogan * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <>
This book sucks (excuse my semi-vulgar language.) Really... searching for a missing
doctor? You can't get much worse than this. It's boring, the choices are NOT
more challenging (contradicting the cover), and some of the endings seem unfinished.
R.A., if you needed more space, I'm sure we can extend the # of pages in the book.
(We did with #11, which was just as bad, BTW)
#73 Beyond the Great Wall * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Yee Chea Lin
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Historical Jay is at it again, this time making you search for some hidden treasure
in China. Although there were some fun parts, this book was too historical and boring. If you want an interesting
historical one, go read #48.
#74 Longhorn Territory * by Marc Newman * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
You're an assistant sheriff, and this book is full of random events. Not bad for
a 17 year old, though. I've seen a lot worse work from other authors. SPECIAL! Yes, a 17 year old really wrote this book. A long
time ago the CYOA series had some writing contest, and Marc was the winner.
#75 Planet of the Dragons * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
Nice book about what happens when you landed on Tambor. I love this book. It's
a sequel to one of the endings on #70. I guess there was so much to be written about
it that he put it into an entire book. (Which is better, IMO.) Find some girl and
her father and take the whole bunch of you back to Earth. I was only slightly
disappointed, because 1) 1 of the endings is cheezily written, and 2) MOST OF THE
DRAGONS AREN'T REAL! (so sorry if I ruined it for you.) But it's a good book.
#76 The Mona Lisa is Missing! * by Ramsey Montgomery * illustrated by Gonzalez Vicente
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
The Mona Lisa is missing! Go out and find it! This book isn't that great! (But
hey... that's what you get from Raymond [R.A]'s relative. I don't know how they're
related, but they probably are. His other nephew, or cousin, or son, or whoever's
wrote books, and they're almost as bad.) It's boring, but the illustrations are
pretty good. Too bad Mr. V doesn't illustrate any more CYOA books.
#77 The First Olympics * by Ben M. Baglio * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><>
You are a participant in the first Olympics! A good, solid book. Participate in
events, but get back into your own time. (Jeez, why can't they just have it set in
ancient Greece? Why do you have to get transported there? If a book isn't modern,
then it shouldn't be.) But it's interesting. And fun.
#78 Return to Atlantis * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by George Tsui
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
This book is about the same as #2... a little better writing style. Featuring the
illustrations of George Tsui, who doesn't illustrate any more CYOA books, but
makes the cover for a whole bunch of them.
#79 Mystery of the Sacred Stones * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Find some missing stones. This book has no meat. It's completely vegetable. (Not that
there's anything wrong wih that... except if you're talking about books instead
of food.) Don't worry, Louise's next book is good.
#80 The Perfect Planet * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
You are sent on a mission to Utopia (hmm... wonder where they got that name :P), the
perfect planet. Probably the most stable book in the series. But slightly boring.
Something's amok over there! You can find this book at about any used bookstore...
#81 Terror in Australia * by Shannon Gilligan * illustrated by Howard Simpson
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
You go to Australia and get sucked into a new age alien group or something... (hmm,
I'm thinking of a song by Depeche Mode entitled 'Strange') This book has no substance,
it's completely random-events, and it's slightly interesting.
#82 Hurricane! * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Stop Dr. Hurricane from making hurricanes! *shakes head* This book seems to be
stable, but it's BORING.
#83 Track of the Bear * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Track the polar bears, participate in the Iditarods, and all these other wonderful
random events.
#84 You Are a Monster * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
You get captured. You get injected with stuff. You become a monster. Lots of random
events happen to you, but they work for this book. It's fun to read, also.
#85 Inca Gold * by Jim Becket * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
I haven't reviewed this one yet.
#86 Knights of the Round Table * by Ellen Kushner * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><>
Well well well, look who has a 5-star book (the 2nd best book in the series, IMO... too bad it's her last CYOA book.
You enter some bookstore and get sent back to the days of King Arthur. Kind of an
interactive version of "King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table"...
It rules.
#87 Exiled to Earth * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
You and your friend Og live on the planet Orca, and you explore too much. Therefore,
you are sent to Earth. While this book is rather choppy, it's still has a fairly interesting idea.
It points out some of the, uh, worse points of the U.S. (which it deserves, BTW. I'm moving
to Canada when I get older.)
#88 Master of Kung Fu * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
This book has hardly anthing to it. It's not very interesting, either. In fact,
it's kind of stupid. You and Billy (see him in later MASTER books by Richard Brightfield)
go to Korea (or is it China? Who cares, all the MASTER books by Ricky B are the same).
Stuff happens, mostly random events.
#89 South Pole Sabotage * by Seddon Johnson * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
Hmm, 3 in a row for Mr. Bolle. Anyway. You go to Antarctica to research the
Earth's ozone layer. Fairly well-put together book, even though it is a bit
#90 Mutiny in Space * by Edward Packard and R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Howard Bender
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
What do you get when both of the original creators of the CYOA series write a book? Something
terrible. You can tell what parts R.A. writes. You're on a spaceship, and someone
takes it over. It's completely random events from there.
#91 You are a Superstar * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Stephen Marchesi
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You succeed at about everything you do. Fun, but predictable and nonrealistic.
#92 Return of the Ninja * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Guess who's back? (HINT: look at #66. No, not Nada. The other one. Ya know, the
psych-- nevermind, you'll have to look for yourself.) The part with all those TV
reporters is amusing. The rest is the same as #66, without the back-in-time stuff.
#93 Captive! * by Bill and Luann Hampton * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover print: #2
My rating: <><><><><>
This book is awesome! The count has been taken captive, and you have to team with
a bunch of Celtic Monks to find him. (This is 1266 A.D., BTW.) It's very interesting
and suspenseful (at the right places.) I can't think of anything wrong with this
book, except maybe why did they have to put their cat in it? (I'm sure their cat
likes it, though. ;-)) Too bad we've never had another book from these authors
#94 Blood on the Handle * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Stephen Marchesi
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <>
Don't try to attempt to make any sense out of this book, because you won't.
#95 You Are a Genius * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Strangely reminiscent to #91, but put together a little better. Almost completely
random events.
#96 Stock Car Champion * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
You're an assistant for 2 stock drivers. This book doesn't have much substance
to it, and it's awful.
#97 Through the Black Hole * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
This slightly amusing book goes through the black hole and into a plethora of random events.
#98 You Are a Millionaire * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
You find a satchel filled with lots of cash. While deciding whether or not to return
it, you get caught up with a whole bunch of random events.
#99 Revenge of the Russian Ghost * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Stephen Marchesi
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><>
While in Russia, you are approached by a stranger with a boot. This boot leads
you through a sleugh of adventures consisting of a boot, a long time ago, gypsies
and other fun stuff. Good plot. One of the best books of the series; too bad it
did not last very long.
#100 The Worst Day of Your Life * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
This book is totally dedicated to random events, but I have a feeling it was supposed
to be that way. Fun idea for the 100th book. SPECIAL: If your cover price is $3.25
or less (in U.S; $3.99 or less in Canada) then you get the history of CYOA books
in the inside cover! I don't know why they removed it in the next printing. It made
me mad, because the first one I got didn't have the special in.
#101 Alien, Go Home! * by Seddon Johnson * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
This fun little book takes you on an escapade as you try to return Gleeb Fogo
back to Ptermania. Even though it has too many random events, most of them work!
(but some don't.) But, this is one of the funnest books in the CYOA series
to read (IMO). Too bad we don't get any more from this author (what an unfortunate
name, BTW.)
#102 Master of Tae Kwon Do * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
This is probably the most solid of the MASTER OF series, though it gets flimsy
at times. I found it interesting. Search for a missing agent in Korea (or some
country over there.) I'm not happy with a few of the endings, but most of them are ok.
#103 Grave Robbers * by Ramsey Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Some people are stealing stuff from Native American graves, so you have to stop them.
Fairly simple. No really strong or really weak points of this book.
#104 The Cobra Connection * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
You visit your uncle and get caught up in some spy ring. Every choice in this
series locks together (except for the football players in the room next to yours,
but that's rather interesting.) This is one of the better books in the series.
I found it very interesting.
#105 The Treasure of the Onyx Dragon * by Alison Gilligan * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
The title makes it sound intriguing, doesn't it? Other that one part, though, it
doesn't have much to it. It's not bad, but it's not complex like the previous one.
Two main plots: go treasure hunting and stop some evil guys.
#106 Hijacked! * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
Your bus gets hijacked. This book is extremely disturbing. I would be ticked of
if this ever happened to me. The objective is clear, but I still don't like it
#107 Fight For Freedom * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
Extremely boring book about apartheid. Stop it. But there's nothing to this book.
It's a huge dose of history, and going around and talking to a bunch of people.
#108 Master of Karate * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
This book, like #88, doesn't have much substance. You and Billy have some adventure
in a foreign country.
#109 Chinese Dragons * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Yee Chea Lin
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
Good solid book by R.A. Montgomery: can this be true? :-) Your house is in war
territory, and your family gets killed, and you run away to a new life. Follows
your path as you go.
#110 Invaders From Within * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><>
An alien is discovered. Where is it from? You'll have to figure that out yourself.
In the meantime, have some pizza. Plot fits together well.
#111 Smoke Jumper * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
You jump out of airplanes and get confused in an extremely mixed-up plot.
#112 Skateboard Champion * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You're good at skateboarding, and this book has no plot to it!
#113 The Lost Ninja * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
I don't consider this a sequel to #66 and #92, except for maybe that it has Nada
in it. Plus, it's a lot better than the other ones. This book actually has a
plot to it, and a good one at that. There is this mysterious ninja-person that you
meet, and you have to get him back to his family.
#114 Daredevil Park * by Sara and Spencer Compton * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
What a fun-looking book! Too bad it's not that fun to read. It's boring, which
really is too bad. You get free passes to Daredevil Park (which you'll see in a few
later books, BTW). You go on a lot of dangerous rides and get seriously injured.
Plus, what kind of person in their right mind would play video games in the bathtub???
#115 The Island of Time * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
I used to think this was the stupidest book in the series, but it's really not that
bad anymore. You get stuck on the island of time, and weird things happen. It's
bizarre. But one thing about this book - there are no really "bad" endings.
#116 Kidnapped! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
You and your friend get kidnapped. Kind of a bland concept, I'm afraid, but this
book holds together well.
#117 The Search For Aladdin's Lamp * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><>
You are at your aunt's, and you find some museum with a mysterious passage that
takes you to the lamp world (or whatever it's called.) The plot may be confusing
at times, but usually it's not.
#118 Vampire Invaders * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
The space vampires of 37 books ago are back, and now they've landed on Earth.
Stop them! This book wasn't that entertaining, except when you get turned into
a vampire.
#119 The Terrorist Trap * by Shannon Gilligan * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
This topsy-turvy book takes place after your brother gets kidnapped by a group of
terrorists. It gets a little too odd at some places.
#120 Ghost Train * by Louise Munro Foley * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
Ms. F's final book takes you to your uncle's farm, and you're caught up somewhere between the 1920s and
the 1930s, as well as your present time. Somehow you get caught up in a whole
mess of events that weaves its way together somehow.
#121 Behind the Wheel * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Another semi-solid book for R.A.! Reminds me of #96, but it's not half as bad. You're
racing some car and get caught up in some mystery.
#122 Magic Master * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Bonza, the magic master, is in town, and some people are trying to drive him out.
This book doesn't have much of a plot to it, but it's alright.
#123 Silver Wings * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Boring book about flying an airplane and some semi-adventures on it.
#124 Superbike * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Judith Mitchell
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Random events book about getting a really fast bike. Weak plot occurs when you
try to win the Tour De France.
#125 Outlaw Gulch * by Ramsey Montgomery * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Your roommate gets kidnapped in the wild west and you have to find him. Like Ramsey's
previous book, nothing too terrific or too terrible about it.
#126 Master of Martial Arts * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><>
Billy (remember him?) runs away, and you have to find him. This MASTER OF book
actually has a clear objective.
#127 Showdown! * by Shannon Gilligan * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><
Fairly disturbing book about horse races and a mystery. This book isn't all that
interesting, and too many people die in it.
#128 Viking Raiders * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><
This book didn't seem too popular; a shame, because it is well written and fun to
read. You're a viking and explore the world. Not much of a plot there, but it's
a good book.
#129 Earthquake! * by Alison Gilligan * illustrated by Hal Frenck
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You're visiting San Francisco, and get caught up in an earthquake. Not much of
a surprise there. Not much of a plot, either.
#130 You Are Microscopic * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You get shrunk to visit a small world. Not much of a plot here.
#131 Surf Monkeys * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You're on a surf team and get caught up in a mystery. No real new ideas here.
#132 The Luckiest Day of Your Life * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Weak attempt to complement #100 (by the same author, even). Full of random events.
#133 The Forgotten Planet * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
Your great-aunt Julia is missing. So is some information that the government covered
up. So is a planet. Find the whole bunch of them. Well-written book; some people
may find it boring, but I found it really interesting.
#134 Secret of the Dolphins * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><
The dolphins have a secret and you have to find it. Fairly good book with a fairly complex plot.
#135 Playoff Champion * by Felix Von Moschzisker * illustrated by Hal Frenck
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
You're on a baseball team, and you have to win a big game. WAY to simple idea.
#136 Roller Star * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
Try to be the best rollerskater in the world! Not much of a plot here.
#137 Scene of the Crime * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><><><
There's going to be a new mall in town! But it will be illegal! So, you and
your friends have to stop it from being built. Interesting idea with a good plot.
BTW, you see this author and this illustrator on a lot of the same books later.
#138 Dinosaur Island * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><>
This book is a rip off of Jurassic Park. There's dinosaurs, but not a lot of plot.
#139 Motocross Mania * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #2
My rating: <><><
Solid book about driving a motorcycle and winning some race. Not that interesting
of an idea though.
#140 Horror House * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Your aunt and cousins purchase a supposedly haunted house, and you have to find who
(or what) is haunting it. Seems interesting enough, but it's not that great.
The cover art needs work, by the way.
#141 The Secret of Mystery Hill * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><>
You are on Mystery Hill, get transported back in time, and have to get back.
Slightly strange, but solid, book. Quite interesting, also.
#142 The Reality Machine * by Edward Packard * illustrated by June Brigman
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
You get to test the new virtual reality machine. It's fun, but lacks a plot.
#143 Project UFO * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by June Brigman
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <
Project UFO, AKA one of the worst flops in the series. First of all, the title
would have been better off as The UFO Project, and second, the book doesn't make
any sense. The idea of FREEDO, who or whatever he is, is not explained enough.
I really have no idea what the point of this book is. After shoveling out a few
solid books, he got bad books again. If you can make any sense of this book,
then Email me.
#144 Comet Crash * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Leslie Morrill
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><
This book looks terrible, but it's not that bad. It's rather solid. A comet
is going to crash somewhere around the U.S., and you have to get as many people
as possible away. Not a problem with plot. However, for some reason, this book
doesn't seem to appeal to too many people. It was the first with the 3rd cover
print to go out of print. The previous book should have been.
#145 Everest Adventure! * by A.C. Montgomery * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><
Not much here. You go climing a mountain and meet some really strange people.
Almost as bad as R.A.'s books.
#146 Soccer Star * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
These sports books are so dull. I'm not going to write a review, because you should
be able to tell what it's about by the title. Daredevil Park makes a guest
appearance here... heh heh
#147 The Antimatter Universe * by Kate Mueller * illustrated by June Brigman
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
Hmm, I think someone lifted an idea from #57... better written than it, though.
But boring. And odd. Check out her passport book for a better Kate M. book.
#148 Master of Judo * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Your friend Billy is gone, nada, history. He's replaced by Chuck, but the similarness
of the MASTER OF books isn't.
#149 Search the Amazon! * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
Search the Amazon River to find the pink dolphins. A plot is there, sort of;
the interest is not.
#150 Who Are You? * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><
The newest of the YOU ARE books has an interesting twist to it. You get amnesia,
and try to find out who you REALLY are. And if you're lucky, you get to go to
Daredevil Park!
#151 Gunfire at Gettysburg * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Doug Wilhelm starts going historical now (lucky, sarcastic us)! This one takes you back
to the Civil War, and is a history lesson for us all.
#152 War With the Mutant Spider Ants * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><>
The mutant spider ants have invaded. Now stop them unless you want them to eat you.
#153 Last Run * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <>
Oh Mr. Montgomery... why'd you have to have 2 bad ones in a row? A skiing book
that contradicts itself in many places. There are also people out to get you, so
you must ski away from them!
#154 Cyberspace Warrior * by Edward Packard * illustrated by June Brigman
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Your uncle has a new cyberspace game, and it resembles Hyperspace (#21). Or at
least I think it does. It's strange.
#155 Ninja Cyborg * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><>
There's a ninja cyborg on the loose from the future, and you and Nada (yes, she's
back!) have to travel all over time to stop it!
#156 You Are an Alien * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Roy Richardson
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><>
You are actually an alien, and your species is calling you back home. Are you
going to go? The illustrations look strangely similar to June Brigman's.
#157 U.N. Adventure * by Ramsey Montgomery * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
You're in the U.N. Nothing much interesting here.
#158 Sky-Jam! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><
Enough with the sports books already... this basketball book is not that interesting.
#159 Tattoo of Death * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><>
R.A.'s first attempt at writing a martial-arts book, and not half bad. You're
in a gang, you got a tattoo, and now you're in deep schmuck.
#160 The Computer Takeover * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Roy Richardson
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><>
The computers are taking over the world, and you have to stop them. Good, solid
plot written in the Edward Packard style that we all love (but are starting to get
just a little sick of.)
#161 Possessed! * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><
You're cursed in this extremely scary book (which has no plot, BTW.)
#162 Typhoon! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Basically a re-write of #16...
#163 Shadow of the Swastika * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><>
Watch out, beware, those Swastikas are there... eh... You're a half-Jew during the
Holocaust (sufficient plot for one of these books, eh?) You have to get you
and your friend out (but your friend never gets out.) One of the more interesting
historical books of the series.
#164 Fright Night! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Daredevil Park is hosting Fright Night (deadly combination), and you have to go
in there and get the huge treasure, if there is one. But it might be a better
idea to escape while you're alive.
#165 Snowboard Racer * by Anson Montgomery * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
You're a snowboard racer and have to win something, but your team boots you.
You have to get back on.
#166 Master of Aikido * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
You go to some distant country to learn aikido and have another adventure. But
this time, you have the option of going to some remote country.
#167 Moon Quest * by Anson Montgomery * illustrated by Roy Richardson
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
You go to the moon. Kind of interesting, but a juvenile plot.
#168 Hostage! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
Your bus is taken hostage (hmm, where have I seen this before? #106) and you get
to be injected with the deadly EFF1 (or whatever it is) virus! Plot is good -
ideas are slightly ripped, but for the most part it's solid.
#169 Terror on the Titanic * by Jim Wallace * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3, #4
My rating: <><><
Well, well, well. Look who's back after a nearly 100-book absense. (His last book
was at #69... what a conicidence) which proves that CYOA authors never die, they
just temporarily fade away. Anyway. 1)You're on the ship, and 2)there's some
stolen gold. 1)Stop the ship from crashing, and 2)recover the gold. Not much
of a problem there... or is it?
#170 Greed, Guns, and Gold * By Edward Packard * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><
This is a poor book. Ed is capable of much better. You're on a ship, and you have
to stop people from stealing stuff. Not much of a plot. It's not written the
best, either.
#171 Death in the Dorm * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by June Brigman
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><>
The first 4-star (IMO) book by R.A. takes you to a freaky college where people are
being murdered. This gruesome mystery actually fits in well with R.A.'s choppy
writing style. Plus, computer hackers are involved!
#172 Mountain Biker * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Frank Bolle
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><
This book is too much like #139 and a bit on the boring side.
#173 The Gold Medal Secret * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Tom La Padula
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><>
This book is a poor substitute for #77 for the olympic CYOA book. Someone on the
Dzaki team is high, and you have to stop them from cheating.
#174 The Power Dome * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Roy Richardson
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><><
You are hiking and discover a power dome. Now a new alien species is trying to
take over the earth. Find out where they're from and what they think they're trying
to do. Good, solid book.
#175 The Underground Railroad * by Doug Wilhelm * illustrated by Ron Wing
Cover prints: #3
My rating: <><><
You have to help some slaves escape. This is sort of like #151.
#176 Master of Kendo * by Richard Brightfield * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><
Alright, enough about adventures in Korea!
#177 Killer Virus * by R.A. Montgomery * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><
Go to Africa to stop some virus that's killing everyone. Not too interesting.
#178 River of No Return * by Vince Lahey * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><>
Fairly boring book about thrashing the whitewater rapids.
#179 Ninja Avenger * by Jay Leibold * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><><
The ninja cyborg from #155 is back, and you have to stop him... AGAIN
#180 Stampede! * by Laban Carrick Hill * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><
You're on your uncle's farm and you help with livestock. Extremely boring
book with no point to it.
#181 Fire on Ice * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><>
You are at school and play hockey. Not much of a plot here. (Jeez, what's with
all these low-quality books recently?) SPECIAL: First odd-numbered book written
by Edward Packard since #97. (Have you noticed that?)
#182 Fugitive! * by Edward Packard * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><><><
You get kidnapped, and forced to steal some diamonds. Now the police are after
YOU! Good, solid book - haven't had one of these for a while.
#183 Cyberhacker * by Anson Montgomery * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><>
In this strange book you get trapped in some weird cyber world.
#184 Mayday! * by Edward and Andrea Packard * illustrated by Eric Cherry
Cover prints: #4
My rating: <><>
You are flying a plane and it crashes. HELP!
I'm not finished yet... stop by later for more!
Feel free to Email me any time!