I cherish the world, the people, the part and roles they play, the life i chose, the ones that brought me into this hell that i somehow found heaven in, i cherish the memories, the regrets, the wishes, the things i should have done, the things i shouldnt have done, the hate, the lies, the heartbreaks, the love, the starving child on the street that everyone seems to ignore, the country, the rulers, the lawmakers, the people who designed this system that seems like my mental and physical wasn't built for, the jail, the houses, the court buildings, the landlords, the tenants, the bill collectors always calling, the nagging uncles, the school, the studies, the degrees, the brainwashing, the pain caused from words spoken, gun shots, knife stabs and loss of love ones, i cherish all these cuz they all seem to be checkpoints in life. These obstacles that i turned into stepping stones i cherish.. If u want answer to live, then you must first start to cry. Even though it seems tough, life goes on, don't let anything make you dwell on a moment because it is just one of many moments in life that'll pass by and cannot be relived.