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History of the World

Ascension Backstory Part III

by Rand, the Most Sednezer'd

HGML was just entering what I (and only I) like to call the CMG wars, a string of endless conflicts between HGML and newer groups. Jazzfan had gotten progressively busier, and Zazdor and I had been doing more and more of the work. The first set, Ascension, had been released, and at least a basic storyline was developed for Rebirth.

Having completed the outline for Ascension, Zazdor and I portioned out the story, each taking about half. Zazdor woud begin, taking the story from it's outset to right before Jewel is introduced. No more than 2, maybe 3 chapters. Or so we thought.

Zazdor came up with the concept of Ezaziel, (he seems to like the 'zaz' sound, no?), and began developing some of the other Cult of the Fire Moon survivors past what we had intended before. More chapters became necessary. Slowly, he wrote chapters and posted them on the HGML continuity website, which he had created himself.

Over time, the primitive HGML website languished and died from lack of attention; Jazzfan had had to scale his efforts back again do to this 'real life' phenomenon. Zazdor volunteered to take over administration of the main HGML website, as he already controlled the storyline page. Jazzfan agreed. Quickly, but quietly, more and more responsibility was shifted to my former protege, and less and less from Jazzfan. I found myself an advisor to my assistant. I did not mind - when I knew I was right, I could convince Zazdor on the few occasions we dissagreed, and who wants to actually sit ON the throne anyway? It's much safer behind it.

The time to write my chapter finally came. I spent hours on it, nearly a full day, and when I was done, I had...four pages.

I like telling stories, and I have fun ideas for them. This is a story I sincerely want to tell.

Doesn't mean I started out any good at it!

Looking back at earlier chapters, it is clear to both Zazdor and myself that we have complimentary writing styles - his profusion of detail compensates for my almost utter lack thereof. Over time, proofreading each others' chapters and writing more and more, we began to notice our weaknesses, and work towards fixing them. My average chapter length has gone from a sad 4 to 7 or 8. No longer do I say things like "Aerelle and Mica had a long conversation about the battle to come;" I've learned to actually show the conversation itself! (*Gasp!*) I know that sounds simple, but writing isn't as easy as it looks. Happily, I now at least remember to add imagery - though I still have to remind myself at times. If you compare my first Jewel chapter to one of the more recent ones (and you should, because the last few I wrote are great fun), I think you'll be about to see a vast improvement.

Next time: Writing continues and the CMG wars (not as interesting as it sounds).