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Dragons are quite possibly the most beautiful kind of creature that has ever existed. They are a perfect blend of fluid grace and savage ferocity. They fly through the air with the elegance of angels, yet when provoked will come down upon their enemies with such fury as to make the strongest tremble.

Gliding through the air, dragons are a spectacle of unparalleled beauty. With no apparent effort, they fly in an almost hypnotic manner. Sunlight refracting over their glistening scales makes them appear little less than living rainbows. As a dragon goes silently into the distance, it’s brilliant body bathing in sunlight, one can not help but to be struck down with awe, all the while thinking, “ This is truly Nature’s most beautiful creation.”

While observing the captivating splendor of a dragons image it is easy to forget that this enchanting elegance is tempered with feral viciousness. The righteous fury shown in the onslaught of a dragon is unrivaled by any other performance of creation. Such ferocity is unleashed that only the strong of heart may dare to behold such an act. Few survive when a dragon unleashes its wrath upon them, but those who are so fortunate never forget the power of this magnificent beast.

Reflecting upon the amazing attributes dragons possess, one feels within himself the rapture in witnessing such a creature. Unfortunately, at present time dragons are rare and very hard to find. This is why I have joined the Save the Dragons Campaign. There are very few dragons remaining, so we need to protect the ones we can. If we all work together then maybe we can help these wonderful creatures endure the hardships they encounter and bring them with us into the future to captivate the upcoming generations as they do us.

Save The Dragons Campaign