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German Culture and Language

Fumfen Hunden!


Letter		Transcription		Example		Notes

a		ah			father

b		b			boy		p at end of word

c		ts, k					in combinations or foreign

d		d			day

e		ay(long)		daytime			

e		e or eh (short)		met

f		f			fall

g		g			go

h		h			hold		silent after a vowel

i		ee (long) 		deed

ie		ee			deed

i		I or ih (Short)		fit

j		y			yes

k		k			kite		always pronounced before n

l		l			live

m		m			met

n		n			net

o		o or oh (long)		photo		Oh, not Oh - oo

o		aw (short)		lawyer

p		p			pet

qu		kv			lack-variety

r		r			rise		trilled	

s		z			zeal		word beginning between two vowels

s		sh			she		with st or sp at beginning of sylable

s		s			see		all else or when doubled	

t		t			take

u		oo (long) 		food	

u		oo (short) 		foot	

v		f			fit

w		v			vest

x		ks			looks

y		used only in foreign words and pronounced  as in foreign w ord or ü

z		ts			lets

ä		e or eh (short)		met	

ä		ay (long)		daytime

ö		er			her		do not pronoune r itself

ü		ew			few

ch		kh					gutteral

ch		sh			shell

chs		ks			looks
ck		k			back
ng		ng			singing
sch		sh			shell

ai, ei		aye			kite
au		ow			cow
a ü ,  eu	oy			boy

German Joke

An Englishman, Frenchman, Spaniard and a German were waiting in the airport for their flight to depart. Someone asked what the most beautiful word was.

The Englishman said, "That's easy, the word butterfly. Not only is a butterfly beautiful, but the thought of butter flavor is beautiful and the flow of the word butterfly is beautiful!"

The Frenchman spoke at once, "That is amazing! In French the word for butterfly is Papillion. Just as you said, a butterfly beautiful and the flow of the word Papillion is beautiful!"

And then the Spaniard spoke. "In Spanish is the same. The spanish word for butterfly is Mariposa. It is a beautiful word and image. Butterfly may be the most beautiful word in every language!"

There was a pause in the conversation and everyone turned to the German. He looked embarrassed. Finally he said, "The German word for butterfly is Smetterling!" Then he went to the bar.

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© HW Summers, 1997