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Chapter 18

"Ok you guys, Wake up!!!" Jake said as he pulled into the hotel parking lot in Lexington. "Ahh, ohh, here already?" They all groan, tired from their exciting day. "I'll race ya to your room!!" Chris yelled to Cheryl. "Ok!" Cheryl yelled as she ran off, Chris hot on her heels. "How can they have soooo much energy ALL the time?" JC asked sarcastically. "I wanna know where they hide their energizer batteries," Joey said. "They don't have a cape like Superman." Just then Chels hit him upside the head. "Ahh. What was that for?" Joey asked. "It's to late to be making references to S-man's cape." Chels answered as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. They all entered their hallway to see Chris and Cheryl standing there with guilty grins on their faces. "What have you 2 been up to?" Brandi asks. "Nothing" They chime in at the same time (they were making out, but heard the elevator bell and stopped just as the doors opened, but shhhh) Kimber started to open the room. (They had adjoining suits that had four rooms, 2 on one side for the boys and 2 on the other for the girls, and one commons area, that way it was easier for security to keep an eye on them) Katy was the first one in the room. She let out a scream that cut through the air like a knife and then she fell to the floor. Lance walked over to her and held her, trying to calm her down, unsuccessfully, as the others all walked in and gasped.. The room was a wreck. Someone had trashed it. All of the furniture in the commons was torn, the lights were broken, the TV was kicked in, and the curtains were torn down. Jake and 3 another body guards went to check out the other rooms. They four all 4 of them trashed as well, with everything thrown about. Beds moved, clothes and personal belongings everywhere, everything was broken. Just as Jake walked back in holding a note that was on Katy's bed, Dana walked in and asked what al the commotion was about. "Oh my!" She said when she entered the room. "Is that another note?" Justin asked as he held on to a crying Brandi. "Yah, I'm afraid it is," He replied. "Where was it and what does it say?" Chels asked while sobbing into Joey's embrace. "It was.. on Katy's bed," He replied looking at her with a heavy heart. She just closed her eyes and held on to Lance a little tighter. "What did it say?" JC asked. Jake read it aloud:

DeAr HiGh BiTcHeS AnD n BaStArDs
I ReDeCoRaTeD YoUr RoOmS FoR yOu. i HoPe YoU LIkE iT. So yOu tOoK The DaY OfF WiThOut tElLinG AnYOnE, EspEciALLY YouR BiGgEsT FaN. I'm EsPeCiAlLy MaD aT YoU KaTy, yOu DiDn'T TaKe mE wItH yOu tO yOuR GrAnNiE's. I wOuLd'vE LIkEd To mEeT HeR,. WeLl, YoU AlL hAvE MaDe mE AnGry. yOu WiLl LiVe tO ReGrEt ThAt, Or MaYbE YoU WoN't..... Love Always, Your Number One Fan

By this time everyone was just about in tears. Katy was just sobbing. Lance was trying to comfort her, but wasn't having any luck. They were all scared for their lives.

How did "the psycho" get into their hotel rooms? The door wasn't preyed open. How did he/she know that they were at Katy's Grandmas? stay tuned to find out!!!!

Chapter 19