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Chapter 13

"Another note?" Chelsea asked a little disturbed. Joey grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Yah," Lance said while shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck. "What is the matter? You look like this one was important," Katy said, reading Lance like a book. "Well, The reason I woke up was because we heard something hit the door, hard. I looked over and Lance was up and heard it too. So we decided to get up and see what it was," Brandi replied. Her lip began to quiver and Justin went to her and put his strong, safe arm around her waist. Lance took over the explanation. "When we opened the door we found another note attached to the door," he sighed as he spoke, "with a knife."The room was silent, except for the girls' sniffles from crying."Then we left to go get Jake and Dana. You know the rest." "What did the note say?" JC asked, a little hesitantly, holding on to Kimberly a little tighter. Dana answered them:
HiGh HaRmOnIeS AnD N sYnC,
I'm SoRrY, dID I WaKe YoU? OoPs. WeLl DiD you nOtiCe hOw EaSy It iS For mE to hAVe A liTtle fun wiTh yoU? YoU AlL ArE SuCh A HoOt. I'm SoRrY If ThE GuYs HaVe BeEn FeElInG A LiTtLe LeFt OuT FrOm alL Of ThE AtTeNtIoN ThE giRlS HaVe BeEn GeTtInG FrOm Me. GoOd LuCk WiTh YoUrToUr, I' WiLl Be ThErE FoR eVeRy CoNcErT. aFtEr AlL, I aM A BiG FaN Of AlL TeN oF yOu. Love always, Your Number 1 Fan

"My God" Cheryl gasped. In total shock that someone was doing this to them, and now to their friends, especially Chris. She liked him a lot and wouldn't want anything to happen the him because of her. Everyone just looked around the room, stunned that the "psycho" had gotten past security to their door, of the 1 room that they were all in. "So what are we supposed to do?" Chelsea asked, wanting to run and hide under the bed like she used to do during a thunderstorm when she was a little girl. Just them, Joey grabbed her hand and she felt a little better. "Just go on with our lives and be really careful," Katy answered. "I guess your right," Chelsea said, unsure of her of her agreement with that statement. "In that case, we have an interview in an hour and then the sound check, so we better get ready," Brandi suggested. They all went to go get ready. Before he left, Chris gave Cheryl a kiss on the cheek. She was happy about that one.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over the next few days, the "Psycho" left them alone so they began to relax and have a little fun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~