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If you would like to check out Wes's Hot Wheels Page you may do it here.
Here is a couple of pictures of animals that have made there way into our home and hearts.
Here is a picture of our Rottweiler, Xena, she was in the middle of her menstrual and I hated to kick her out of the house. It was an interesting sight.
Teaching her to mow the yard was an ingenious idea, and a hell of a time saver for us.
Here is one of our numerous cats Ben,he is almost 9 years old and as much a part of the family as anyone.
Although we lost Ben in this past year I cannot bring myself to remove his picture from this page, he was just too much a part of our lives.
Of course we could not be normal and just have the usual animals we had to get something sort of exotic. This is Buddy our Chinchilla who is a soft as he is sweet
The typical Siamese, I love you,pet me, hey look how I shredded your drapes, Taz named of course after the Tazmanian Devil is the most appropriate name that could ever be given to a living being!
Another one of our cats is Baby, who loves to be cuddled.
Well beings we were so short on pets and long on love we found this little kitten we named Holly, right before X-Mas, and brought her home.
A year later and the little kitten named Holly is a cat, but we are not too sure she knows that, does anyone know an animal physcologist who can tell this cat it is not a Chinchilla? Holly has been with us now for almost 6 years, gee time flies.
Does adopt a pet have our number or what? This new addition is Marshmellow (the previous owner named him, not us.) How can a 10 pound cat shed 12 pounds a day?
These two,Sunny & Shawn, aparently think they are going for a motorcycle ride, believe it or not they crawled in there on there own.
With any luck our Zoo, as it is sometimes called, will not grow to much more, althought as you can see we have a lot of room, there is only so much food to go around.
If you would like to check out Wes's Hot Wheels Page you may do it here.

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