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                                                                Hello to all of our friends and family....

I know that it has been a while since I have updated my site, so , It's fitting that I give you an update on my life over the last few years.

In 2000, I began dating a totally amazing woman.  Amy has been there with me through thick and thin.  Each day that we are together, I am luckier all the little more.  We got married March 8th, 2003, which was 3 years to the day that we had been together.  Not too shabby if I do say so myself.  Pictures are at the link below, both from our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, and of the wedding.  After the wedding, we wound up moving from the 'Shwa up to Barrie, which is where we currently call home. 

Presently, I am working at Canadian Forces Bare Borden as a Resource Management Support Clerk.  Hopefully by April, my application to transfer to the Regular Force will have been processed, and I find out if I am accepted and where they are sending me.  As for Amy, she is currently working in a private nursing home in the local area.  She loves the work, the people there and the atmosphere she works in.

I am still an avid, and active hockey fan, participating in a hockey league on Base, as well as following the progress of the Leafs as much as I can.

I stopped attending Durham College after my first year.  I don't know, but it seemed like the allure of being in the military on a full time basis was just too tempting, so I took the bait.  Don't get me wrong, I love working with children, and even hope to have some one day, but ECE was just not the career field that I wanted to be in.

I hope to keep this page a little more up to date than I had in the past, so please keep looking for updates, as well as any ideas you may have.




My Poetry Page                                                                                                                            Our Wedding Pictures

Pictures from our Honeymoon                                                                                                            Basic FTX Pics

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