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November 18, 1999

Gerald Biby
509 Shugart Street
Beatrice, NE 68310
(402) 223-0100

Governor Mike Johanns
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 94848
Lincoln, NE 68509-4848

Dear Governor:

There is strong evidence that a culture at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, Technology Transfer Officer exists which is having a negative impact on Nebraska agriculture and agricultural related business. Support for this allegation is attached in the form of an audio tape, video tape and a bound volume of documents (more audio tapes and docments are available). The information was accumulated by me during a grievance process I filed against the Director of the Technology Transfer Office, Dr. Donald Helmuth.

Although the grievance was filed on June 21, 1999, the administration (Chancellor Moeser) has not issued his report (a least to me) on what he is going to do (Generally the grievance process lasts about two months). A grievance appeals committee, comprised of a faculty member, a managerial/professional (that's what I am) and a clerical person, reviewed all the evidence and issued a report (October 11, 1999) supporting all my allegations. However, the Chancellor has never acted on this report. Instead on September 23, 1999, in violation of the retaliation provisions of the UNL grievance policy, I was placed on paid administrative leave, pending a hearing. The hearing took place on October 12, 1999 (8:00AM). I was dismissed on November 12, 1999, still with no report by the Chancellor.

The unit I worked for is the Industrial Agricultural Products Center. It was created by the Board of Regents in 1988, when the state was experiencing the same hard times in agriculture. The unit receives minimal support from UNL, no support from the State of Nebraska or the Federal Government. It is essentially self-support. Typically we respond to requests from business, or proposals from organizations like the Corn Board, for specific targeted projects that will lead to the commercialization of Nebraska grown commodities. During the last three years developed we created a business model that has resulted in successes (Attached is a copy of the information we recently provided to the Board of Regents).

I believe the Industrial Agricultural Products Center was possibly the most successful unit that UNL had on the East Campus for innovation and commercialization of new uses for agricultural commodities. As a result of the activities of Dr. Donald Helmuth, Director of the Technology Transfer Office and others the unit has effectively been destroy during the last 11 months. The reasons are elusive, however, I believe that the unit was becoming too successful and was making the Technology Transfer Office "look bad." However, there are other reason that are certainly more specific to what has happened to the IAPC and myself during the 1999 that are evident in the information attached to and accompanying this letter.

The way technology has been handled for the last 4+ years at the UNL Technology Transfer Office, is not a new topic to UNL administrators. Our unit began in 1995 started writing memo's and letters about problems with the office, citing specific incidents and results. We also wrote letters to UNL administrator when they did something "good."

There now appears to be a culture at UNL, at least in the context as it relates to Dr. Helmuth's activities, that he can do no wrong. The cliche is, "Don't tell me the facts, I already have my mind made up" appears to be what is now happening.

I anticipated in April 1999, in a memo to my immediate supervisor, Dr. Milford Hanna, that I would be unemployed within six months for making waves. It is sad to be right. Yet, I cannot work in an institution where ethics, morals and integrity are expendible.. Based upon what has happened to people I know who have had an experience with the Technology Transfer Office, I can only say it is being badly mismanaged to be kind.

At this point in my life I cannot tolerate what has happened. Will writing you get my job back (I doubt I want it back). The administration at UNL is not going to do anything unless they are forced to act. You, are my last approach at doing this "quietly." I can go to the media and with the evidence I have, the video tape and numerous audio tapes and documents, create a very unfavorable environment for the University and the Board of Regents. But I do not want to hurt all the fine people that work hard at the university or soil its reputation.

It will take someone with dedication and power to effect the changes needed to alter what I am now beginning to believe may be a administrative culture that goes beyond the Technology Transfer Office. They know how to the circle the wagons quickly and defend each other. I do have the ability to continue this crusade alone, but it is lonely. Is there help available from your office?


Gerald D. Biby

P.S. You probably receive many letters like mine grumbling about this and that and asking for your intervention. Your time is valuable, consider having a "trusted" friend or aide, view the 2 hour video tape and listen the to audio tape, appx. 45 minutes on each side. The bound volume is supporting information. Then if you believe that nothing needs to be done, I will honor that and continue working on this alone.

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