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In 1644, Dr. John Lightfoot stated that the world was created on Sunday, September 12, 3928 and that man was created on Friday, September 17, 3928, at nine a.m. (In which time zone?)
More Useless Items:
Louis B. Mayer selected Hedy Lamarr's name in honor of Barbara La Marr, an doomed actress named "The Girl Who Was Too Beautiful".
United Nations' Secretary General Kofi Annan has a twin sister.
There are 132 rooms in the White House.
Wine bottle corkscrews belong to a family of tools called "gimlets".
Many people eat rock and are not aware of it. Marble is made up of calcium carbonate--which is an ingredient in the antacid "TUMS".
The word "scuttlebutt" originally meant a cask on a ship containing a one day supply of water. The word later meant "drinking fountain". Sailors would come to the fountain for water--and the latest news.
Another attack involving a building representative of a country resulted in 3000 people dead or missing on September 11--in 1973--when General Pinochet staged a coup on President Allende of Chile.
The "last spike" that joined the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad tracks was wired to transmit the sounds of the hammers via telegraph across the nation.
Magician David Copperfield's real last name is Kotkin.
A nanometer is the length that your thumbnail grows in one second.
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth name was Michael. So was his father's.
If you spent a dollar a second, it would take 32 years to spend one billion dollars.
Max Baer, Jr. (Jethro, The Beverly Hillbillies Show) once dated actress Sharon Tate.
In 1856, Britain practiced the conversion of Arab and Indian orphans to Christianity. As a result, Jihad began on the 10th and most Holy day of Muharram--September 11 on the Gregorian calendar (Allah Ta’ala created the heavens and the earth on this blessed day. He gave His infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies).
Abraham Lincoln's coffin has been moved 17 times; it is now encased in concrete to evade vandalism.
Singer Tom Jones allegedly passed out in the studio after holding the final note of "Thunderball", while recording the song from the James Bond movie of the same name.
Zsa Zsa Gabor is the great aunt of Paris Hilton.
One inch of rain equals 4.7 gallons of water per square yard, weighing 39 pounds. It also equals 14.5 million gallons of water per square mile, weighing 60, 710 tons.
George W. Bush and his wife Laura danced at 10 inaugural balls on January 20, 2005. Total dancing time together: 8 minutes and 54 seconds.
Seals are born with a full set of teeth.
Frank Morgan (Wizard of Oz) wore OZ author Frank Baum's coat while playing Professor Marvel during the movie, but didn't know it until later.
Singer Sam Cooke's last words were "Lady, you shot me".
"Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry's ashes (in a lipstick-sized container) orbited the earth for six years. The journey ended in 1997 when they burnt up during re-entry into earth's atmosphere.
Yasser Arafat's real name: Mohammed Yasser Abdul-Ra'ouf Qudwa Al-Husseini.
T. Rex singer Marc Bolan's real last name was Feld. He took his stage name from the first and last parts of the name of his musical hero Bob Dylan.
Actress Gracie Allen died while watching Robert F. Kennedy's speech at the 1964 Democratic convention.
Actor Clark Gable's birth name was William Clarke Gable.
At the summit of Pikes Peak, Katharine Lee Bates was inspired to pen the lines to her most famous poem, "America the Beautiful." She was overwhelmed by the sights of vast, open skies, planted fields, and the majestic Rocky Mountains.
Diane Linkletter (Art Linkletter's daughter) and Carol Wayne died mysterious deaths. Thier companion on the day each died was a man named Edward Durston.
Bodybuilder Charles Atlas' real name was Angelo Siciliano.
General George S. Patton was the richest man in the military during World War II. He donated all of his Army pay to various Army charities throughout his military career.
James Hoban designed the White House.
In the Middle Ages, the Islamic sect "Hashishiyun" was made up of men who smoked hashish before fighting. This is the origin of the word "assassin".
The creator of Coca-Cola was once also the mayor of Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
John Forbes Kerry is the 11th Cousin of President George W. Bush.
Susan B. Anthony's middle name was Brownell.
Vinegar dissolves papyrus.
The ratio of female honey bees to male worker bees in any given bee hive is 1.618 to one.
Doris Troy (singer, "Just One Look") also sang background vocals for the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want", and on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon Album.
Islamic tradition states that Adam and Eve covered themselves with banana leaves rather than those of figs.
Pittsburgh is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colors: Black & Gold. Thanks to Joannie Harmon for this UBI!
Diana, Princess of Wales weighed seven pounds 12 ounces at birth.
Ted Cassidy (Lurch, Addams Family) was a staff radio announcer for WFAA in Dallas. He provided ongoing coverage of President Kennedy's assassination.
Rexall Drugs states that vitamin A blocks ultraviolet rays from a beam of light.
The formal name for the Pony Express was "The Central Overland California & Pike's Peak Express Company ".
- A
ctor Malcolm McDowell has a fear of eyedrops.
J. Gordon Whitehead delivered three punches to Harry Houdini's abdomen--later considered a contributing factor in Houdini's death.
Saddam Hussein's daughters (Raghad and Rana) married brothers--Saddam Kamal and Hussein Kamal...note the first names.
The Gold Finch changes color from light gold to olive green as winter approaches.
Comedian Buddy Hackett was asked to become one of the Three Stooges after Curly Howard suffered a stroke in 1946. He declined, pursuing his own style of comedy.
A cow has four stomachs!
George Wyle, who wrote the theme song to "Gilligan's Island" also wrote the Christmas song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year".
In the US judicial system, the defense can pay for testimony. The prosecutor cannot; a subpoena is the alternative.
"Cheers" and "Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer's real life father was killed by a man named Arthur Niles. His television brother's first name is Niles.
Saddam Hussein's Hometown is Tikrit, Iraq.
Mules can see all four of their legs when walking; horses can't. This explains why mules are used to traverse the Grand Canyon.
On February 2, 1852 the first public toilet was inaugurated, located at 95 Fleet Street in London, by the Society of Arts.
Tautology is the needless repetition of the same sense in different words such as "secret, undisclosed" location.
Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker once had a fist fight because Chang enjoyed drinking alcohol.
Former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani was once married to his second cousin.
Nebraska's state nickname used to be the "Tree Planter's State", but was changed in 1945 to the "Cornhusker State".
The first Mack Sennet Keystone Cops film (Cohen Collects a Debt) was produced in 1912.
Larry Fine of the Three Stooges and Ray Kroc (founder of McDonald's) shared the same date of birth--October 5, 1902.
Silent film star Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle reportedly weighed 16 pounds at birth.
On September 19, 1982, Scott Fahlman, an IBM researcher first typed the smiley face emoticon :-) in an online message.
Eddie Murphy bought the house that was once owned by Cher--2727 Benedict Canyon Drive.
In his youth, Moe Howard of the Three Stooges used the stage name Harry Howard. His birth name was Moses Horwitz.
Plutonium-239 has a half-life of over 24,000 years.
The last letter George Harrison ever wrote went to Mike Myers of Austin Powers fame. He requested a Mini-Me doll. The letter was delivered by a private investigator on the day he died .
A group of whales swimming together is called a pod.
The giant squid is a carnivorous mollusk.
The world's largest truck stop is located on Interstate 80, west of Davenport, Iowa.
"Ectrodactylyte" is the name for people who have loster-like hands or feet.
The first person on record to swallow live goldfish was a Harvard freshman, Lothrop Withington Jr. in 1939. He was the son of a Boston lawyer and Harvard's 1939 football captain.
"Little Men" and "Little Women" Author Louisa May Alcott's surname used to be ALCOX. Her father changed the family name.
The oldest scorpion on record lived eight years.
In 1902, Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering the country for any reason.
The Norse town of Torshavn claims to be the only medieval Viking timber town in the world that has never been destroyed by fire.
England's Queen Mother had a nickname for her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II: "Lilibet".
The birthday of Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) has been documented as September 16th, 1282 or 1284.
The first manager for the Bee Gees (Brothers Gibb) was an Australian named Bill Gates.
Jesse Jackson prefers his grapes to be peeled.
Cuban citizens cannot board a boat of any size without obtaining a permit.
Anissa Jones, child star in the sitcom "Family Affair" once auditioned for a role in the movie "The Exorcist".
- Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
The world's most expensive men's cologne is "Clive Christian's No. 1"--it sold for $1820 US in 2001.
Harry Houdini was the first aviator in Australia. He bought the airplane for $5000 in 1910.
On the television series "Green Acres", the character Mr. Haney's full name was Eustace Charleton Haney.
Mel Blanc holds the distinction as the most prolific (most projects) actor ever, with 836 film efforts.
The Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square has been an annual gift from Norway since 1947.
By the time you are 75 years old, you will have spent on average 23 years sleeping.
John Adams vowed to live until the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1826, he spoke his last words: "Thomas Jefferson still survives." Jefferson in fact died earlier that day.
A CENTAPH is a memorial grave marker, without the body.
The longest feathers of a wild bird belong to the Crested Argus Pheasant Rheinhartia ocellata which commonly reach lengths of 173cm or 5.7 ft.
The turkeys pardoned by U.S. presidents usually die within a matter of weeks; they are bred to be eaten. They usually don't live longer than 18 months.
The Sweet Potato is a member of the Morning Glory family.
A cockroach can live up to nine days after its head is removed.
Batman's Adam West and The Green Hornet's Britt Reid live next door to each other in Idaho.
Author O. (Oren) Henry took his name from a guard at an Ohio prison. He was born William S. Porter, and spent three years in jail for a crime he didn't commit.
The word ALGORITHM was derived from the Arabic name Al-Khawarizmi.
The average monthly income in Iraq for the year 2001: $7.00 (US equivalent).
Martina Navratilova chose Monica Seles to be at the top of her list of best women tennis players.
Freddie Sanborn was one of Ted Healy's original FOUR Stooges.
Leprosy is the world's oldest known disease, dating back to 1350 BC.
Osama bin Laden was the 17th son among 52 children.
Citizens of Omaha, Nebraska, ate more ice cream per person than any other Americans in 1999.
Most home runs hit during a single U.S. presidency: Jimmie Foxx, during Franklin Roosevelt's reign (353).
Citizens of Sydney, Australia are known as "Sydneysiders".
If you bought 50 Powerball lottery tickets each week, it would take 30,000 years on average before you won the jackpot! (2001 statistic)
A sea polyp can change sexes at will.
"Canada" is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
Coca-Cola has a pH of 2.8.
When you sleep, the electrical activity of your brain increases.
The "Bumper Dumper" is a portable toilet that connects to the back of a vehicle--great for use on camping trips! Thanks to Steve Roberts for this UBI!
What are they doing now: Monty Hall is the chairman of Variety Clubs International (2001).
A piece of paper cannot be folded on itself more than seven times. Try it!
Actor Jon Voight's brother wrote the song "Wild Thing" under the alias of Chip Taylor.
Polar bears have black skin (to absorb heat). Their fur is CLEAR. Thanks to Bradley Woods for this UBI!
Pigeons can fly up to 600 miles in one day.
New York Post columnist Cindy Adams reported that Gary Condit was involved in the 1978 production of "The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes".
Mao Zedong refused to brush his teeth. He rinsed his mouth with tea and chewed the leaves. "Does a tiger brush his teeth?" argued Mao. His teeth were green.
Mother Goose originated from a French collection of fairy tales titled "Tales of Mother Goose," published in 1697.
Martha Washington, Pocahontas, and Susan B. Anthony are the only 3 women to appear on US currency.
- Cesium is an alkali metal that not only melts in your hand, but would also react violently with your skin and possibly catch fire.
"Israel" literally means "place where one struggles with God".
Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died on July 4, 1934 from radiation poisoning.
The silvery metal Gallium melts at 29.8 degrees C (85.6 degrees F); if you hold it in your hand it will melt.
Marilyn Monroe and Andy Griffith were born on the same day.
Bob Dylan's childhood home address was 519 N. 3rd Ave. E., Duluth, Minnesota.
Actress Thelma Todd was selected Miss Massachusetts before becoming a movie star.
Sharon Tate's unborn baby, killed by the Manson family, was named Paul Richard Polanski.
Britney Spears' favorite song: Brown Eyed Girl.
In 1840, Sir Isaac Pittman taught Shorthand by mail.
Cymmer Castle, in Gwynedd Wales, was built and destroyed in the same year. 1116.
In the Superman Comic series, villain Mr. Mxyzptlk's girlfriend's name was "Gsptlsnz".
Koalas have no natural predators.
A grasshopper has proportionally at least ten times the strength as a kangaroo.
The name of the horse that played Mister Ed on television was "Bamboo Harvester".
Cleopatra's first language was Greek; she also spoke Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic and Egyptian.
Alfred Hitchcock's middle initial was "J".
The Biblical word "Brimstone" is also known as sulfur.
Frank Morgan, the "Wizard" of Oz, was born Francis Philip Wupperman.
Snow White's sister's name is Rose Red.
Little Red Riding Hood's name is Blanchette.
Anagram: George Bush = He bugs Gore.
Something in common: George W. Bush and Tony Blair both use Colgate toothpaste.
Cow's milk can be chemically altered to become wool!
Another word for a guitar pick is "plectrum".
Still on the books: It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle in Alabama.
Comedienne Phyllis Diller had 17 plastic surgeries in one year.
George W. Bush's oath of office was 35 words long.
Woody Allen's real name: Allen Stewart Konigsberg.
The seven wonders of the world are: Great Pyramid of Giza; Hanging Gardens of Babylon; Statue of Zeus at Olympia; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; Collossus of Rhodes; Lighthouse of Alexandria. Thanks to KDeuce0001 for inquiring!
The Guiness book of world records lists a movie called "The Cure for Insomnia" as being the longest film ever. It is 80 hours long. Thanks to BUPC13 for asking the question!
George W. Bush was the 17th US state governor to become president.
In 1896, the Tabulating Machine Company was created. It later grew into the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
The fictional ship S.S. Poseidon was hit by a 90-foot tidal wave on New Year's eve (from the 1972 movie "The Poseidon Adventure").
The term "Pen Knife" refers to a small knife that was used to trim the tip of a quill (feather pen) when it became clogged. Thanks to Steve Roberts for this UBI!
The word "pen" refers to the Italian "penna", which meant "feather". Feathers were used as Quill pens.
Psalms 118 is at the center of the Bible.
Cabbage seeds from 5000 B.C. were discovered in earthen jars in the Shensi Province, China.
Interesting anagram: "Eleven plus two" uses all of the letters in "Twelve plus one".
Automobile Manufacturer Volkswagen is the parent company of Audi.
Songbirds have two sets of vocal chords.
George Washington's false teeth were hand-carved from hippopotamus ivory and cow’s teeth, then fastened to his mouth with a set of metal springs.
John DeLorean invented the retracting windshield wiper.
OLD LAW still on the books: In Tucson, Arizona, it is illegal for women to wear pants!
Western Union began e-commerce by sending the first electronic money transfer service in 1871!
The leader of the Iroquois Indians was Chief PONTIAC.
Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh stated on the air that he has a television in his bathroom.
Since Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in 1961, superstitious Russian cosmonauts (men AND women)have followed his example of watching the classic Soviet film "Beloye Solntse Pustinny" ("White Sun of the Desert") and relieving themselves in the desert.
The first Submarine was built in 1620 by Cornelius van Drebbel.
In Cleveland, Ohio, it's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. Thanks to Andy Raffel for this UBI!
A rabbinical court in Brooklyn, N.Y., excommunicated Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.
The male northern fur seal can have as many as 100 mates per season!
The Chinook salmon's first trip is approximately 800 miles BACKWARD. It faces upstream instinctively.
U.S. presidential candidate Al Gore was born nine months after the alleged UFO landing at Roswell, New Mexico (Does this explain anything about him?).
The California Ground Squirrel is immune to rattlesnake bites.
Media mogul Ted Turner was the largest private U.S. land owner in the year 2000.
In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", Romeo's family name was Montague.
The sun is flattened at its top and bottom.
The greatest altitude for a successful skydive was 102,800 feet, made on August 16, 1960, by a US Air Force balloonist named Joseph Kittinger.
The flight number of the aircraft that crashed with actress Carold Lombard aboard was TWA flight #3.
Jazz great Louis Armstrong always believed his birthday was July 4, 1900. It was actually August 4, 1901.
It is illegal to own a dog in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Almost every cell in your body contains six feet of DNA.
Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen stood five feet, eight and a half inches tall.
The first roller coaster in the United States was built in 1929.
The last remaining Tasmanian Tiger died in 1936. It was actually classified as a "marsupial wolf". DNA was retrieved, and cloning is in process.
The largest insect is the Acteon Beetle (Megasoma acteon) from South America. It can measure 9cms long by 5cms wide by 4cms thick.
Cost to put a prisoner to death by lethal injection in the United States during the year 2000--$86.08
Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hefner's middle name: MARSTON.
A capon is a castrated rooster.
Some moths have ears.
"Topaz" was Alfred Hitchcock's biggest flop, costing over $4M to make, but taking less than $1M at the box office.
In Nebraska, the greatest distance in the 2000 buffalo chip toss was 186 feet.
Official vehicle of Minnesota State Governor Jesse Ventura: Lincoln Navigator.
The color a head louse will be as an adult can depend on the color of the person's hair in which it lives.
Walter Matthau's birth name was Walter Matasschanskayasky.
Queen Elizabeth II unveiled a statue of a dung beetle at the London Zoo, but declined to attend the dedication of a children's playground and walkway dedicated to Diana, Princess of Wales.
The St. Louis Arch was built with 142 triangular segments.
The origin of the word queue was a braid of hair
worn hanging at the back of the head.
Pope John Paul II is said to be the 263rd successor to St. Peter as head of the Christian faith.
The memory of a goldfish is only three seconds long.
Bela Lugosi was buried in his Dracula cape.
At the beginning of World War II, the only countries that had aircraft carriers were the U.S. and Japan.
Pope John Paul II had one of the bullets from his 1981 near-assassination embedded in the crown of Mary at Lourdes.
Elvis Presley liked his bacon very crisp. Some of his other favorite foods were pig's feet, collard greens, and chitlins (chitterlings).
The giant Squid's eyes are each as large as a human head!
Red-green color blindness is a hereditary genetic disorder which affects one in twenty white males (red-green color blindness rarely affects females or non-whites; total color blindness affects less than one in a thousand of all sexes and races).
Michael Landon appeared on three consecutive TV Guide Magazine covers in July ****, the month of his death.
King Fahd of Saudi Arabia is one of 44 siblings!
A mother toad can lay up to 20,000 eggs at a time.
Camels have upwind nostrils and downwind nostrils!
At some places in Chile's Atacama Desert, it does not rain for centuries at a time.
Ed McMahon claims that Johnny Carson is an expert on Celestial Bodies.
The letter "O" preceding some Irish names actually means "Grandson Of"...
Rubber Bands last longer if refrigerated.
The term "Spitting Image" originated with the 19th
century saying "spit and image."
A starfish has no brain.
The swim bladder of sturgeon can be processed into a gelatin called "isinglass", which is used to clarify wine and beer and as a waterproofing material (or in paint and glue).
The American situation comedy "Sanford and Son" was adapted from the British "Steptoe and Son".
The Taino tribe from Cuba and nearby islands were killed by Spanish weapons 30 years after Columbus visited Hispaniola. They left behind only a few clues about their language--words that are commonly used today: barbecue, hammock, tobacco, hurricane, and canoe.
Hitler's cruise missiles (Vergeltungswaffen) were called "doodlebugs" in England because they failed to break Britain's will.
In the Middle Ages a Pope declared that the image of a rooster should appear on top of churches as a wakeup call to parishioners that they should attend services.
The average wind speed on the planet Jupiter is 225 miles per hour.
The RKO in "RKO Pictures" stands for Radio-Keith-Orpheum, a Hollywood film production Company.
A FEMTOsecond is one quadrillionth of a second.
Chili peppers don't stimulate tastebuds. They stimulate PAIN FIBERS in the mouth.
"Wierd" came from the Old English WYRD meaning "fate".
Until 1911 The international distress signal was C.Q.D.--'come-quick-danger'. S.O.S.then became the new standard.
The 500 foot tall monument "Chimney Rock" marked the end of the prairies for the early American pioneers.
The Monkees starred in only one movie--"Head", made in 1969.
Art Carney's father had OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).
India is the largest English-speaking nation on earth.
Popeye's hungry friend Wimpy's full name is J. Wellington Wimpy.
Dom Perignon perfected champagne in 1697.
"Friday" comes from the Old English Frigedaeg (Frigg's Day), after Frigg, the wife of Odin and the goddess of the hearth and married love.
The suffix "ology" means "the study of" something. The shortest "ology" word is "oology"--the study of eggs.
The word "set" has the longest definition in most dictionaries.
Harry Houdini's body was transported in a coffin he used as part of his magic act.
The only English word that contains a triple letter is "goddessship".
The word "pistachio" refers to both the nut and the tree it comes from.
- Actress Rita Hayworth's real name was Marquerite Cansino.
James Doohan (Scottie, Star Trek) is missing the entire middle finger on his right hand.
Ulysses S. Grant's horse was named Cincinnatus.
Mao Zedong refused to brush his teeth. Instead, he rinsed his mouth with tea and chewed the leaves.
The first people to fly across the Atlantic Ocean were John W. Alcock and Arthur W. Brown. The two Brits took off from Newfoundland on June 14, 1919.
FEMINUM is the fictitious gold material discovered by Wonder Woman's Amazon tribe; it was made into her belt buckle and gives the wearer super powers.
"Mary Had A Little Lamb" were the first words Thomas Edison spoke into his recording machine.
Hong Kong has the world's largest double decker tram fleet.
When copper is exposed to arsenic, it will turn black.
The early stage names of Sonny and Cher were "Cleo and Caesar".
The last execution in the Tower of London took place on Thursday, August 14, 1941.
In parts of Alaska, it's illegal to feed alcohol to a moose.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
The Statue of Liberty was shipped across the Atlantic on the French
frigate "Isere".
Singer Van Morrison's real name is George Ivan Morrison.
In the US, a CENTILLION is the number 1 followed by 300 zeros. In England it has 600 zeros.
Howard Hughes eccentricity: he saved his own urine.
Steve Jobs once categorized Apple Computer employees by a BOZO BIT--either a one or a zero.
The word "Starboard" is derived from the Old English word for the paddles that Vikings used on the right side of their ships to steer: "steorbords."
Estee Lauder's real name was Josephine Esther Mentzer. She married Joseph Lauter who later changed the last name to Lauder.
Walt Disney received the most Oscars for an individual--26!
The only living tissue in the human body that contains no blood
vessels is the transparent cornea of the eye.
The S.S. Poseidon was hit by a 90 foot tidal wave on New Year's Eve.
The paper clip was patented in 1901.
The forests on Kauai are fertilized by dust from the deserts of China, 9660 miles away!
The voice of the GRINCH was provided by Thurl Ravenscroft--the same man who was the voice for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes' Tony the Tiger. As an oversight, Thurl's name was never added to the credits of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".
The real name of Santa's reindeer DONNER is "Donder"--German for "Thunder". Blitzen means "Lightning".
The initials on "BVD" brand underwear stand for the firm owners' names--Bradley, Voorhees, and Day.
At age 101, Larry Lewis ran the 100 yard dash in 17.8 seconds setting a new world record for runners 100 years old or older.
The first radio was called a "Radiola", and sold for $75 in 1921.
Dolphins swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open.
The brother of Popeye's girlfriend Olive was named CASTOR Oyl.
Old Time Radio comedy duo Amos and Andy's last names were Jones and Brown.
The first automobile assembly line could produce one car every 93 minutes.
In Lehigh, Nebraska it's against the law to sell donut holes.
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