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W. S. Myers

W. S. Myers of Burlington in Bighorn County, Wyoming is a native of Kentucky born on March 10, 1848. His parents were John and Polly (Findley) Myers also Kentuckians by nativity and prosperous and highly respected farmers of that state in which their son was reared and educated. In 1869, soon after passing his twenty-first birthday he emigrated to Missouri and began farming and raising stock on his own account. His business prospered and he continued it in Missouri for fifteen years. In 1884 he removed to Custer County, Nebraska and for ten years thereafter there carried on the same line of enterprise again scoring a success and with commendable frugality and care saving the proceeds of his labor for more ambitious ventures elsewhere. In 1894 he came to Wyoming and finding in the location where he has since made his home a suitable place for conducting his chosen occupation on a more enlarged scale than before he settled on a homestead claim which he has made valuable and attractive with well-arranged and well-built improvements and reduced to systematic and prolific productiveness by careful and judicious cultivation. His ranch comprises 160 acres of the best land in the basin being located one mile west of the promising little town of Burlington, Wyoming. On this he has a large herd of fine cattle and a band of excellent horses and here he conducts one of the most progressive and skillfully managed stock and farming industries in this portion of the county. He is interested in the Farmers’ Canal Co. in a serviceable and leading way and is always active in behalf of any good enterprise for the benefit of the neighborhood in which he has cast his lot. With good judgement and careful investigation he gives his support to the spirit of progress and aids in directing the trend of its operation. In politics he is an ardent and working Democrat and has a potent voice in the counsels of his party although not himself a claimant of its honors or official positions. In 1872 while living in Missouri he married to Miss Nannie McClain a native and resident of that state. They have five children, Thomas E., Eva, Arthur S., Fred F. and Vernie. Wherever Mr. Myers has lived he has made a creditable record and won the esteem of his fellow men as a man of integrity and character a business factor of enterprise and capacity a citizen of public spirit and breadth of view and a social element of wide knowledge genial manners attractive personality and entertaining conversational powers. A Winfield S. Myers was living in 1880 Census: Jackson, Outnam County, Missouri.

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