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Mrs. Margaret B. Wilson

Mrs. Margaret B. Wilson, widow of the late Andrew B. Wilson, then of Meeteetse in Bighorn County, Wyoming whose death on March 2, 1886 at the very meridian of life before any of his faculties had lost their vigor while his usefulness still impressed itself on every form of activity in the community, which he loved and had helped so materially to build up and improve, was universally lamented aided by her sons, Daniel and Charles Wilson conducts one of the finest ranches and most extensive and progressive stock industries in Bighorn County and also one of the leading mercantile enterprises ion the town. She was born in Ohio the daughter of Daniel and Nancy (Jackson) Hoover of that state natives there being reared and educated in the community in which they first saw the lights of this world. When she was but one year old her parents moved to Indiana. In that state she grew to womanhood and was educated removing as a young woman to Missouri. Mr. Wilson was the son of William and Rebecca (Pierce) Wilson and while he was yet quite young his parents took up their residence in Illinois and later removed to Missouri. In that state he met Miss Margaret B. Hoover their mutual tastes brought them together and they were married in 1859. Soon after they took up their residence in Kansas and they remained in that state until 1876, when they came to Colorado and for four years there after were actively engaged in raising stock and farming. In 1880 they sought a new home on the virgin soil of Wyoming locating near Saratoga Springs. In 1881 they came to Meeteetse and again engaged in raising stock and farming. They also opened a general store which by close attention to business a studious observance of the needs of the community and a commendable enterprise in supplying them united also with a strict probity in business and a courteous and considerate manner toward their customers they have made one of the commercial institutions of the section and laid a large scope of country under tribute its coffers. On March 2, 1886, as has been stated Mr. Wilson died and since that time Mrs. Wilson has carried on the various interests in which they were mutually concerned with the same care skill business capacity and public sprit that distinguished their management prior to his death. The mercantile stock is selected with a correct judgement based on a through knowledge of the trade, which it is to supply, and the business in conducted with every regard to the strictest uprightness and integrity. Additional to this mercantile establishment which occupies the most of her time and attention, Mrs. Wilson has a ranch of 2,000 acres of excellent land well improved and highly cultivated and on this ranch she maintains extensive herds of cattle and bands of horses keeping them in good condition and always sustaining the high standard of her brand. She has seen much of life in its various attitudes as exhibited on the frontier and early became inured to its privations and dangers as well warmly interested in the development of the section to which she belongs. In the struggle for advancement she has borne her full share of the labors and burdens incident to the conditions and has kept in the front rank of every line of progressive activity. She was the first postmistress in this part of the state and administered her office with systematic attention to her duties and to the general satisfaction of its patrons. One of the special features of her stock industry is a herd of elk, one of the finest to be found in the Northwest which is looked after with great care.

  • Found 1880 Census living Pueblo County, Colorado.

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