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Joseph M. Wolff

The interesting subject of this review is one of the highly enterprising and progressive contributions of Wisconsin to the inchoate civilization and very rapid development of the farther West and like most other rural inhabitants of Wyoming he is actively engaged in the leading industry of the state the livestock business conducting it with expanding magnitude and increasing profits. He is located on a fine ranch of 160 acres of excellent land in the Meeteetse Valley, on which he settled when it was virgin soil to the plow and knew naught of systematic cultivation or obedience to the skill of the husbandman. He was born on December 15, 1862 and at the early age of sixteen took up the burden of life for himself, armed only with a stout heart a vigorous frame a clear head and a resolute will and with almost no training beyond a very limited education in books secured for a few weeks in the winter months of his boyhood. His first engagement in the contest with men and circumstances was as a freighter in Dakota and farther along the line of construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad which was then in building and which he attended as far as Billings in Montana. In 1882 he came to Wyoming settling within the limits of what is now bighorn County, where he devoted himself to range-riding until 1898 when he located on a ranch he had taken up in 1888 which he developed and improved with the view of establishing on it a stock business as soon as he was able. All his energies were bent in this direction and all of his earnings were carefully used in furtherance of his design so that when he took up his residence on the land he was well prepared to carry forward with enterprise and vigor the contemplated industry which he then began and is still conducting. His herd had grown from a small beginning to 250 head of superior cattle and he has also usually about 100 fine horses. Mr. Wolff belongs to but two of the fraternal orders so numerous and popular among the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. In 1897 he married at Meeteetse to Miss Elsie Ward a native of Minnesota. They have one child, their son, Lindley. The healthy and steady development of his neighborhood and of his country has a strong hold on the interest and the hopes of Mr. Wolff and to the promotion of such development he gives active aid in every way that has his approval omitting no effort and withholding n help that he can contribute toward securing the best and most desirable results. And in proportion to his zeal in this behalf he enjoys the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens as a man of public spirit and progressiveness a feeling which is intensified and established by the integrity of his character the uprightness of his life and the attractive geniality of his manners.

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