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John Seaman

No man’s destiny scarcely has vocation can be predicted with certainty in this great republic. He who states out at twenty-one a lawyer, doctor or farmer is very likely to be found at forty years following a very different vocation. The land is full of opportunity to energy thrift and self-reliance and he who has a clear head a stout heart and a willing hand can make his way successfully albeit with many a struggle and privation which will only sweeten the triumph when won. Something of this has been the fate of John Seaman a prosperous and extensive ranch and stock grower of Big Horn County, Wyoming who was born On October 23, 1859 in Pennsylvania where his parents Elias and Emilia (Ludwig) Seaman were also natives. John much opportunity for attending school and hen he was fourteen years of age desire and duty combined to impel him to seek his fortune where there was a wider range of opportunity so he left home for Illinois which was then a portion of the West. Through efforts and struggle he reached that haven of his hopes and accepted employment on a farm. For six years he made a comfortable living in that state at the occupation then in 1879 when he was twenty, looked father toward the sunset and came to Greeley, Colorado. Ten years later he sought a new field of operations in Wyoming locating at Bonanza in the Bighorn County where he spent five years in the mercantile business in partnership with Ferd Bernstein. He then located on 320 acres of land on No. Wood River and began raising stock and farming. This dual enterprise he continued on that land until 1899. He then sold out and purchased the place he now occupies which comprises 400 acres of good land well improved and a large part of which is under an advanced state of cultivation. His herd consists of 200 cattle, which are well bred and well cared for. Mr. Seaman’s business is exacting but it does not wholly absorb his attention and time for he seeks recreation in the meeting of the lodge of Odd Fellows to which he has belonged for a number of years and in various other organizations social in character. The affairs of his neighborhood and county also have their due hare of his interest and all good enterprises have his active aid for their advancement. In 1899, at Bonanza, he married to Miss Eliza Spratt, Irish by nativity but for many years a much-esteemed resident of this country.

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