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James H. W. Strong

While patriotism is by no means a family affair or limited even in a small measure to family lines it cannot be denied that there is much of inspiration for it in the example of valiant ancestors and it is equally true that some strains of blood are far more inclined to love of country then others. The Strongs of New England and New York have all through their history shown a devout and serviceable loyalty to their country ever being foremost in every struggle for its advancement in peace and war. They were early arrivals in the country, the first American of the name having come from England with the stern and God-fearing Puritans to Massachusetts in 1620. They bore their part bravely and effectively in the Indian wars and in the early civil proceedings of their portion of the New World. They were conspicuous for gallantry and endurance throughout the long Revolutionary struggle went forward promptly and decisively at the first call to duty in 1812 and in the awful contest of the Civil War distinguished themselves on many a bloody field. State legislatures and the National Congress have echoed their eloquence the bench and the bar have been adorned by their learning and integrity all the learned professions and all the useful arts have owned their presence and their masterful influence. James H. W. Strong, a prominent rancher and stock grower of the New Fork Country in Fremont County, Wyoming and the U. S. Commissioner for his district is a member of this family and in his life he has well exemplified its sterling virtues. He was born in New York City on January 6, 1869. His parents James H., and Georgiana L. (Berryman) Strong, were natives of the Empire State and city, and there the father carried on a flourishing and prosperous real-estate business. In the Civil War he was a lieutenant colonel in the Second New York Cavalry and after his return with a record of great credit he resumed his business which he continued to conduct until his death in his native city in September 1900 at the age of seventy-nine years. His widow is still living there. His father James Strong was a soldier in the War of 1812 and his grandfather was a Revolutionary Veteran. Mr. James H. W. Strong was the second of four children, of whom three are living. He attended the public schools of New York until he was eighteen years old, then engaged in mercantile pursuits in that city until 1896 in that year selling his interest in the East and coming to Wyoming for the purpose of carrying on a cattle growing industry. He found a suitable location began on rather a small scale but has increased his land to 400 acres and his cattle to a large herd. His business has prospered he has grown in influence and force with his people he has exhibited high traits of citizenship which have brought him to the front in every laudable undertaking for the food of the community and he is firmly established in the respect and confidence of those who know him. In 1899 he was appointed U. S. Commissioner of this district and is discharging the duties of his responsible office with diligence and fidelity and with an intelligence that has won him golden opinions from all classes. He is a member of the patriotic organization known as the Sons of the Revolution a valuable distinction.

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