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James Carragher

A prominent rancher of Spring Hill, Wyoming, is James Carragher, who is one of the leading citizens of Albany County. He was born on June 12, 1854, in Livingston county, N. Y., the son of John and Catherine (Carney) Carragher, both natives of Ireland. His father was a mason by trade and followed that occupation in Livingston county for many years and up to 1861, when he enlisted in Co. G, Eighth New York Cavalry and went to the front in the great Civil War. At the battle of the Wilderness he was captured and taken as a prisoner of war to Libbey prison and died there in 1864. The mother remained in the New York home and at this writing makes her home at Caledonia in that state. James Carragher grew to man's estate in Livingston County and received his early education in the public schools of Caledonia. After having completed his education, he remained at home with his mother and followed farming until he had attained to the age of twenty-four years. In the spring of 1879, he determined to seek his fortune in the country farther to the west, came to Omaha, Neb., accepted a position in the machine shops of the Union Pacific Railroad and remained there for about one year. In 1880 he removed to Colorado where he engaged in prospecting and mining in the county of Gunnison with varying success for about four years. He then abandoned the business of mining, and came to the city of Denver, in the state of Colorado. He then again entered the employ of the Union Pacific Railway and went to the territory of Idaho, where he was employed as a Stonemason. After he had completed his engagement in Idaho he returned to Denver where he remained a short time, and then went to Cheyenne, where he was employed as a stonemason, securing employment on a ranch near that city, he remained three years. In the fall of 1887 he came to Albany county, and in the spring of the following year he located a ranch on Bear Creek, about fifty miles south of Douglas, Wyo., and there engaged in the business of raising cattle. He continued here in the cattle business with considerable success up to 1900, when he disposed of his ranch to good advantage and purchased his present place on Trail Creek, a tributary of Horseshoe Creek, in Horseshoe Park one of the most desirable ranch locations in the state. He has since that time continued to reside on the latter ranch, and has met with success in his chosen industry, being now the owner of 480 acres of land, well fenced and improved with a modern residence in all suitable buildings and conveniences for the carrying on of a general cattle business. His success is due to his own efforts and to the energy, ability and good judgment he has shown in the management of his ranch and stock interests. He is one of the most respected citizens of Albany County, and has the warm friendship and esteem of all who know him. 0n November 17, 1899, Mr. Carragher was united in marriage at Cheyenne, Wyo., with Miss Margaret Abney, a native of Wyoming, and the daughter of Jackson and Margaret (Moody) Abney the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Ohio. The father of Mrs. Carragher was long engaged in the cattle business in Wyoming having a ranch near the city of Cheyenne. During the early days before the advent of the railroad, he was engaged in freighting from Missouri River points to the country farther to the west, and was an active and prosperous business man for many years in Wyoming and one of the earliest pioneers of the territory. He passed away in March 1896 and lies buried in Cheyenne. The mother died in 1879 and lies by the side of her husband. Mrs. Carragher is a devout member of the Protestant Episcopal Church and her husband is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, but both take active interest in all works of religion and charity in the community where their home is located. Politically, Mr. Carragher is identified with the Democratic Party, a conscientious believer in the principles of that political organization, although never taking a partisan position in local politics.

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