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Hugo E. Buechner

“Earn thy reward: the gods give naught to sloth," said one of the ancient sages, and the truth of the admonition has been strikingly exemplified in human affairs throughout the ages. The gentleman to whose life story the reader's attention is here invited, has by ceaseless toil and endeavor attained a marked success in the business world, being recognized as one of the representative men of Cheyenne where he has maintained a resilience of over a quarter of a century. Hugo E. Buechner is a native of Germany, the eldest of three children constituting the family of William and Louise (Hermann) Buechner, and he was born on October 30, 1849. He attended the schools of his native place for five years and then came to the United States, reaching this country on September 3, 1860. During the ensuing three years he received instruction in the public schools and in June, 1863, entered an establishment at New-ark, N. .J., where jewelry was manufactured, for the purpose of learning this trade, remaining with the firm of Field &, Co. for a little over twelve years, during which time he became thoroughly trained in all branches of the business and earned a reputation second to none as a skillful workman. In 1875 Mr. Buechner came to Cheyenne and accepted a position in the jewelry house of Joslyn & Park, with whom he remained two and a half years, severing his connection for the purpose of engaging in business for himself, and in partnership with P. Zehner and A. Jackson, under the firm name of Zehner, Jackson & Buechner he started upon a business career which in due course of time won him not only the leading place among the jewelers of the city, but placed him at the head of the industry in Wyoming. The above partnership lasted until 1887 when the name of the firm was changed to Zehner, Buechner & Co., by which it continued to be known until 1895 when Buechner & Son became proprietors. Under the last name the business is still carried on, the firm now being the only manufacturers of fine jewelry in the state and it is standing at the head of the trade as general dealers. The house as at present constituted consists of H. E. and Charles Buechner, with a second son identified with the business in a clerical capacity with the prospect of ere long also becoming a member of the firm. From the beginning the enterprise has been successfully meeting the most sanguine expectations of those interested under the skillful management of Mr. Buechner, who gives close attention to every detail and employs only the finest workman. The business has so increased in magnitude of operations as to keep the establishment running at its full capacity in order to meet the constantly increasing demands for their high grade goods, and calls come from all parts of the state for their exquisite workmanship in engraving and chasing. Mr. Buechner has not only succeeded to a high place in the business circles of Cheyenne and the state but is equally prominent in the social and political life of the city. In 1882 he was elected to represent Laramie County in the Seventh Territorial Legislature, and, when Wyoming was admitted to statehood, he was a member of the First General Assembly under the present constitution. In politics he is pronounced in his allegiance to the Republican Party and has been prominent in local and state affairs. He is also public spirited and takes a pardonable pride in the growth and development of Cheyenne, having the utmost confidence in the continued prosperity of the city. Mr. Buechner has been successful in the accumulation of wealth and is now the possessor of an ample fortune, which has been earned by close attention and successful management since locating in the West. He owns a beautiful home and his domestic relations are most pleasant and agreeable, the family moving in the best society circles of the city. Fraternally he is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, enthusiastic in disseminating the principles of that excellent organization and active in carrying out the good work inaugurated under its auspices. Mrs. Buechner was formerly Miss Lena Schmaltz of Newark, N. J., in which city she married her husband in 1872. This most happy union has resulted in two sons and one daughter, namely: Charles G., his father's partner, a young man of excellent business and social standing, Mayme, wife of Frederick J, McKie, and Augustus, who holds an important position with the firm of Buechner & Son, and who will soon join in the partnership and tread in the foot steps of his father, with a full knowledge of the jewelry business. Mr. Bucchner is to be congratulated in having two sons who so well adapt themselves in the business. He has now spent forty years in an active service at the Jeweler's Bench.

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