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Hiram A. Andrews

A prominent and successful stockman of Laramie County is the state of Wyoming, is Hiram A. Andrews, of Davis’ Ranch who was born on December 3, 1862, a native of Iowa, and the son of William and Mary Andrews, residents of that state, where his father followed the business of farming until the time of the outbreak of the Civil War, when he enlisted as a member of an Iowa Regiment and was killed in battle. Thereafter Hiram A. Andrews made his home with the parents of his mother in the county of Jefferson, in the state of Nebraska there grew to manhood and there received his education in the public schools, In 1881, having an ambition to make his own way in the world he left his home in Jefferson county and removed to the county of Merrick; in the same state. Here he secured employment on a farm and soon after he engaged in the business of farming on his own account. He continued there following that occupation until 1888, when he disposed of his property in Merrick county and removed his family to the territory of Wyoming, secured a position on a cattle ranch, where he remained for about one year then accepted a position as foreman of the L. C. ranch of the snow Cattle Co., situated on Horse Creek, Wyoming. He continued in the management of this property up to 1893, when he resigned for the purpose of engaging in business for himself and removed to the place known as the Stone ranch, where he has since resided engaged in the business of raising cattle and horses. He is also the owner of 1400 Acres of land adjoining this ranch upon which is located one of the finest sandstone quarries in Wyoming and since 1897 he has been carrying on a highly successful and profitable business in the selling of sandstone for building purposes. On July 15, 1883, Mr. Andrews was married in Merrick County, Nebraska to Miss Celia Trout, a native of Ohio and the daughter of John and Lettie (Black) Trout, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. Her parents were among the earliest of the pioneers of Merrick County and for many years were engaged in the business of farming and stockraising in that section, the mother passing away in 1896, Subsequently to her death the father disposed of his interests in Nebraska and removed his residence to Wyoming where he now makes his home in the city of Cheyenne. Fraternally Mr. Andrews is affiliated with the Woodmen of the World, being a member of the lodge at Cheyenne, and politically he is a stanch member of the Republican party and takes an active interest in public affairs, believing it to be the duty of every citizen to see that the public business is conducted in an honest and patriotic manner. He has never sought or desired preferment at the hands of his party but dices his undivided attention to the management of his business affairs, in which he has met with conspicuous success. He is a capable and enterprising business man, clear of judgement direct in his purpose and successful in his methods, He has varied business interests but his sandstone quarry is the one which promises to make him one of the wealthy men of his section of the state of Wyoming.

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