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J. George Beehler

The subject of this brief review is a native of Germany, having been born in the Fatherland, on April 15, 1864, the son of J. George and Mary (Deininger) Beehler, natives of Germany. His father followed the occupation of a weaver in his native country, residing in Sachsenhausen, and remained there up to the time of his death, which occurred there in 1880. The mother passed away in Germany in 1887, and was buried by the side of her husband in the soil of the Fatherland. The subject of this review grew to manhood in his native land, receiving his early education in the schools of Sachsenhausen, remaining at home until he had attained the age of eighteen years. In 1882, his imagination was fired by reports of the opportunities for advancement existing in the great country beyond the sea, and he determined to seek his fortune in the New World. Leaving the home of his childhood at the early age of eighteen years, with no capital except a few dollars of his meager savings and the blessing of a good mother, which has attended him throughout all his life, he took ship and sailed away to America. Arriving in due time he first went to Gilman, Illinois, where he secured employment in a wagon making establishment and remained there for three years and during this time he acquired a through knowledge of the wagon making trade. In 1885 he removed his residence from Illinois to Nebraska, where he established himself at Wood River, and continued to follow his occupation of Wagon making. He remained here, engaged in that pursuit until he came to Greeley, Colorado where he was offered and accepted a position with the F. E. Smith Implement Co., one of the largest concerns dealing in agricultural implements in the state of Colorado. He remained in the employ of this company until the early part of 1893, when he resigned his position for the purpose of engaging in business for himself and opened a carriage shop at Greeley. This business he conducted successfully about one year, when he disposed of it and came to the state of Wyoming. Arriving here in January 1894, he purchased the farm, which he still owns and occupies situated on Wheatland Flats about four and one-half miles northwest of the city of Wheatland. He was the first settler on these flats and has remained there since that time continuously engaged in the combined occupation of farming and stock raising. He has met with considerable success and now is the owner of a fine farm, well fenced and improved with a comfortable brick residence and many evidences of thrift and prosperity. He has found this life more profitable as well as more congenial and attended with fewer risks than his former business of carriage and wagon building. When at Wood River, Nebraska, on April 15, 1891, Mr. Beehler was united in the bonds of Matrimony to Miss Etta Burmood, a native of Illinois and the daughter of Peter and Lottie (Sparks) Burmood, the former a native of the empire of Germany and the latter of the state of Illinois. The father formerly followed farming in the latter state, subsequently removing to Nebraska, where he continued in the same business near Wood River, where his home is now located. To Mr. and Mrs. Beehler two children have been born J. Elmer and Etta, both of whom are living. In 1897 Mr. Beehler was so unfortunate as to lose his wife, she passing away on the 20th. day of May, in that year, being buried at Wood River, Nebraska. The subject of this sketch is one of the most highly respected citizens of his section of the state. His habits of thrift, industry and frugality, which he inherited from his sturdy German ancestors, have enabled him to build up a good business in the land of his adoption, and he is now the owner of a fine property, which is gradually being added to from year to year.

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