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Edward Davis

Edward Davis, the popular proprietor of the Afton Bazaar and one of the prosperous merchants of the town was born in London, England on November 11, 1842 where his parents George and Mary A. (Timpson) Davis natives of County Essex, England were then living. His father was a carrier in the great metropolis and died there from an accident when he was but forty-eight years old. His son, Edward was the youngest of his five children all of whom are living and was educated in the city of London, soon after leaving school being apprenticed to a physician to learn pharmacy after this service being employed in a sugar refinery two years. At the end of that time he secured a berth on a training ship and for four or five years followed the sea. In 1862 he landed in Australia and remained there eleven years being engaged in freighting and merchandising. Near the close of 1873 he sold out in that country and came to Salt Lake City, Utah. There he engaged in business with his brother, G. W. and afterward with Kimble & Lawrence for two years. From there he removed to Paris, Idaho and passed five years in business. He was then sent on a mission to England for the Church of the Latter Day Saints to whose interests he was warmly and zealously attached. He remained in his native land for two years working with gratifying success. He presided over the London conference of the church and brought with him on his return to this country a company of emigrants converts to the faith. For three years he was engaged in farming and clerking in the Teton basin of Idaho. In 1895 he settled at Afton and was employed by Burton & Sons Co. until 1900 when he began business for himself in a general store, which is called the Afton Bazaar and is one of the attractions of the town. It is a neat and tastefully arranged establishment, with a prime stock of goods and has as an attachment the only butcher shop in the place. He also owns a number of cattle and has a pleasant home in the little city to which he is devoting the powers of his mature life. In church affairs he has been active and forceful from his early manhood. He was a high counselor in Bear Lake county, Idaho and holds the same rank here and is also the chorister for the stake Sunday school. Nature endowed him amply with musical talent and wherever he has lived he has contributed largely through this means to the enjoyment and benefit of his fellows. In April 1872 in Australia he married with Miss Ellen Ryan a native of Ireland and daughter of John Ryan. They had three children John and Annie R. living at Afton and Mary E. now wife of Frank Rounds, of Pocatello, Idaho. Mrs. Davis died at Paris Idaho in 1886 aged about forty-three years and Mr. Davis later married at Salt Lake with Miss Annie Tuellar a native of Switzerland. They have had six children. Jesse T., Shem, Sarah, Wilford and Rachel who died in infancy and Ephraim W. In 1881 at Salt Lake City, he was united with Mrs. Frances A. (Godsel) Morgan widow of Owen Morgan and daughter of John Godsel of Birmingham. Mrs. Morgan had three children by here previous marriage whom Mr. Davis adopted. They are Elizabeth, now the wife of Frederick Shepard of Paris, Idaho, Althea now the wife of Robert Sweeton of Utah and Maggie now the wife of Alexander Baker of Utah. By this marriage Mr. Davis had two children, Phoebe E. and Joseph G. who are living at Salt Lake City, Utah.

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