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Hon. Charles E. Shaw

Hon. Charles E. Shaw, of Otter Creek near Bigtrails post office in bighorn County, Wyoming is one of the wealthy and progressive stock growers and farmers of the state and he has acquired his possessions and won his high place in public regard by his own efforts. He is a native of Iowa where he was born on May 23, 1859, the son of Andrew J. and Emma (Baird) Shaw, who were born and reared in Muskingum County, Ohio and removed to Iowa early in their married life. In his native state their son Charles grew to manhood and was educated and in 1879 when he was twenty years old he came west to Denver, Colorado and after passing a short time there he removed to Fort Lupton. In that section he rode the range in the cattle industry until 1886 when he came to Wyoming and located on the ranch which is now his home on Otter Creek. He established there a stock industry, which has grown to large proportions and is conducted on the most scientific principles applied in the most practical way. Nothing in the business that is of value is wanting to the complete equipment and proper management of this ranch and the results are commensurate with the outlay of time energy and skill. The ranch comprises 960 acres of land with a favorable variety of range and meadow and the herd numbers 1,000 well bred cattle of superior grade and prime condition. In addition there is a large band of fine horses, to whose breeding and rearing the utmost care is given. Mr. Shaw’s attention is not wholly absorbed in his business for he is a gentleman of progressive ideas and great spirit, especially interested in the cause of education although every good enterprise for the welfare of his community received his cordial aid and encouragement. He gives to the spirit of improvement with which he is closely in touch all of his best efforts to secure its proper trend and development and allows no partisan factional or personal interest to interfere with his taking what seems to him the side of any project most conducive to the general weal. Yet he is ardent and zealous in his party allegiance and was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1900. In that body in reference to public affairs he displayed the same conscientious care and wisdom he exhibits in his private business and devoted to the interests of the people the same energy clearness of vision and lofty integrity he gives to his own. His services were of great value to his immediate constituents having also force and influence for good throughout the state. He was married at Buffalo, Wyoming on August 31, 1898 to Miss Ora Chatfield a native of Nebraska and daughter of C. S. and Mary E. (morrow) Chatfield the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Illinois. They reside in Colorado. Mr. Shaw’s parents have both died. His father passed away on October 23, 1884 and his mother on May 20, 1901. His own family consists of one child, his son Charles E. Shaw Jr., who was born on October 13, 1899. In all walks of life and by all classes of the people Mr. Shaw is highly esteemed as a leading citizen a benevolent man and a promoter of the best interests of the county and state in which he has cast his lot.

  • I found a Charles E. Shaw in the 1880 census living at Park, Jefferson, Colorado.

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