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Charles Moslander

One of the prominent and representative agriculturists and stockmen of Uinta County, Wyoming is Charles Moslander whose fine ranch is located on the Big Muddy, eight miles south of Altamont. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri on June 29, 1857, a son of Joseph and Belle (Humes) Moslander. His father was a native of Wisconsin while his mother was born in England. Until he was fourteen years of age Mr. Moslander diligently attended the common schools of St. Louis and acquired a scholastic foundation for the practical knowledge which he has come to him through long years of association with men and affairs. Commencing the responsibilities of life for himself at the age of fourteen for seven years he was a teamster in St. Louis but on attaining his majority in 1878, he took the long and wearying journey across the plains to Utah, where he located in Cashe County and for one year was engaged in working for wages, he then came to Wyoming and was employed for six months in Aspen, and then in Beaver Canyon in Idaho, he engaged in teaming for himself. Eight months later he returned to Utah for the winter going to Blackfoot, Idaho in the spring and following freighting for six months from Blackfoot to the Wood River Country. He then went back to Cache Valley and to Beaver Canyon, Idaho, where he was engaged in freighting for six other months and then following freighting from Cache Valley to Camas, Idaho and also from the mine Viola to Camas to Cache Valley and to Rawlins, Wyoming occupying in all two years time in this vocation. From Rawlins he went to Aspen, Wyoming and was engaged in the sawmill business and in ranching. In 1887 Mr. Moslander located 600 acres of government land in partnership with A. K. Stoddard, with whom he formed a business connection in stockraising which they have conducted with great success to the present. These gentlemen now own about 6,500 acres of productive land and give their attention to the raising of graded Hereford and Durham cattle of which they raise a large number. They are also interested to some extent in raising sheep and horses on the same property. Mr. Moslander is also connected with Mr. Stoddard in the sale of hardware and implements and in a lumber and coal business in Nampa, Idaho. Their business operations have been conducted with skill and discrimination and have brought them satisfactory and profitable returns. Mr. Moslander has always taken an active part in local affairs as a prominent and valued member of the Democratic Party, in whose cause campaigns and elections he has cone valuable service. Fraternally he is a member of the Brotherhood Protective Order of Elks, holding membership with Salt Lake City Lodge, No. 89 at Salt Lake City, and is also identified with the Maccabees at Evanston, Wyoming. Mr. Moslander was married in Logan, Utah on January 19, 1882 with Miss Maggie Mangham a daughter of William H. and Elizabeth (Hill) Mangham, who was born in Wellsville, Cache County, Utah, her mother being a native of Canada and her father of England. Eight children constitute the family of Mr. and Mrs. Moslander, Nora M., a graduate of Brigham Young College at Logan, Utah and now teaching school in Spring Valley, Wyoming; Bessie, Margaruite, Isabelle, Valeria, Charles, Harold and Zadia. Mrs. Moslander has long been prominently connected with and a useful member of the church of Latter Day Saints and her daily walk and character are in fullest accord with the honorable teachings of the church.

  • In 1880 Census Place: Pleasant Valley Or Beaver Canon, Oneida, Idaho

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