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Asahel B. Robertson

Conspicuous among the enterprising live stock men of Laramie County is Asahel B. Robertson a New Yorker by birth but from his early youth a resident of Wyoming with which commonwealth the interest of his life has been close identified, In his veins flows the blood of long line of sturdy scotch ancestors and he combines in his individuality many of the sterling traits of that strong and virile nationality. His parents John L. and Agnes E. (Mungle) Robertson, were natives of Scotland but came to the United States in 1852 settling in Delaware County, New York where the father engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1884 they moved to Pine Bluff, Wyoming where Mr. Robertson became interested in the live stock business but after remaining there about thirteen years returned to his former home in New York where he spent the remainder of his days dying on may 2m 1902 and is widow is still living in Delaware County. Asahel B. Robertson was born in the County of Delaware, New York on March 1, 1866 and passed the first eight years of his life at the place of his birth. In 1884 his parents brought him to Wyoming and during the thirteen years following he lived at and near Pine Bluffs, devoting his time t ranch work with his father. When his parents returned to New York in 1807 he remained in Wyoming having the proceeding year taken up his present ranch which is situated nine miles east of Fort Laramie in Laramie County. On taking possession of his place Mr. Robertson at once turned his attention to cattle raising which he followed for a time and abandoned. His ranch is well adapted to all kinds of agricultural purpose and quite a number of substantial improvements have been made thereon by the enterprising proprietor within the last few years. It also lies in one of the best grazing sections in this part of the state and affords rich pasturage for many more cattle then the area now accommodated. Mr. Robertson is a young man of energy and determination imbued with progressive ideas who by his own efforts has won a large measure of success being now well situated in life and with a promising future before him. He annually raises and sells each year a large amount of hay which business he has found quire profitable. Of Mr. Robertson personally much might be said in terms of praise. His character is irreproachable his integrity has always been above the shadow of anything savoring of dishonor and his influence exerted on the right side of every moral question has been potent for good in the community. While living at Pine Bluffs he served two terms as a constable aside from which he has held no public office, nor has he any political aspirations, preferring the more quiet and eminently more satisfactory life of a private citizen. The Presbyterian Church represents his religious creed himself and wife being devoted member of that body of worshipers. Mr. Robertson was happily married on May 29, 1900 to Miss Mary A. Sandercock, of Fort Laramie, Wyoming, a daughter of Thomas B. and Harriet A. Sandercock, both natives of Pennsylvania, the nuptials uniting them being celebrated at Greeley, Colorado. The have a bright little son Earl. Mrs. Robertson has been her husband’s active collaborator in all of his undertakings and presides over the household with an ease and grace which sweetens the welcome of all who claim the generous hospitality of their home. She is highly esteemed by her neighbors and her numerous friends and is interested in religious and charitable work throughout the county. She is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, belonging to Alpha Chapter, No. 2.

  • I found a Asah Robertson in the 1880 census living in Elmira, Chemung, New York.

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