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Thoughts, Ramblings, and Whatever

This is dedicated to someone I love very is my way of saying I am sorry

Here lies love....

Born of hope and joy
Died of hurt and despair.
A widely misunderstood emotion.
We look all our lives
For that perfect partner.....
Our soulmate......
The extension of ourselves.
Do they exist?
Are they an illusion?
How can we know this person,
If we don't even know ourselves.
This is real life
It is not a movie
It is not a romance book
There is no perfect love.
We need to learn to live with flaws

Here lies love.

These two poems are dedicated to my lil were there when I needed you now let me return the favor

Little Girl

There is a little girl living inside of me
A little girl who...
By all rights should hate me.
A little girl who...
Never had the chance to grow up.
I took away
Her hopes and dreams.
And replaced them
With hurts and pains.
No one can see her
I locked her away
I gave her my darkness and despair
So I could have sunlight and peace.
She wants us to be one
But I fear this little girl
She can destroy me
She knows things about me
Things no one else knows.
Maybe some day when I'm old and gray
I'll set her free so she can play
Til then she'll stay locked away.
By all rights she should hate me
But she loves me cause....
She allows me to do this to her
And for that
I love the little girl inside of me
And maybe someday I'll tell her so
If she doesn't already know.


Part of our past
Living in our present
Controlling our future
Good ones...bad ones
Happy ones...sad ones
Why do we remember
The bad memories more
And let the happy ones slip away?
I have always felt that
A mistake was not a mistake
As long as it was used as a learning experience
The same can be said for memories
We can use them
To make us strong
All you need to do is find the key
Lock away the ones you don't want
Let them out a little at a time
Let them give you strength
Control them instead of allowing
Them to control you
Everyone has the power
Control your past
And you control your future