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Gods and Goddesses

By seeking an understanding of divinity within the ways of Nature we establish an unspoken communication with the Creators. As we come to know the Old Ways, we encounter and embrace the polaritites of the GREAT SPIRIT (Goddess and God). Out of this we develop a reverence for them and establish a rapport. Every ripple of energy causes a response, whether that energy is in the form of a prayer or a ritual.

We see in Natured that deity is the one creator and maintainer of all that is . In an attempt to perceive it and communicate with it, we personify it as a goddes and a god. The God and Goddess of Wiccan theology are essentially opposite aspects or polarities of the Divine-Source-of-All-Things. In other words, they are those aspects of divinity which we can isolate as active and receptive, electrical and magnetic, masculine and feminine, etc.

In ancient times deities were personal gods and goddesses, perceived as beings who were conscious of us, caring and providing for our needs. With the influence of Eastern Mysticism some modern Wiccans view the gods as aspects of our Higher Selves, our own divine nature dwelling at the core of our being.

The mythology of the Old Ways is very simplistic on the surface, but contains layer after layer of hidden symbolism. Essentially the myths establish a goddess and a god who preside over Nature and all within it. The Goddess of Wicca is a mother goddess associated with the Moon and traceable back to the Neolithic cult of the Great Goddess. The God is the Lord of the Animals, associated with the sun and also traceable to Neolithic, if not Paleolithic, times. Nature is viewed as animated by a host of beings personified by such things as fairies, nymphs, satyrs, and other magickal creatures who vitalize Nature with their energy.

The Old Ways view Nature as the spiritual blueprint for creation. This is why there is such a close emphasis on working with Nature Spirits and Elementals in Wiccan Magick. Ritual circles are traditionally cast by evoking Elemental Beings to help emposer the rites. Offerings are frequently left for them, especially at the Summer Solstice and at Samhain.

The Old Ways tell us that the gods need us as much as we need them. They are maintained by our rituals, providining them nourishment and energy, and by our conscious imagery that sustains their astral connection to us as well as to their own source. That is why gods and goddesses typically belong to a pantheon and have a king and/or queen.

You will find listed on the following pages Gods and Goddesses from different nationalities, and religions. To say the least, this is not a complete listing. These were some that I found while doing research for the online group I belong to, The Celestials. You will find the major countries and religions, such as Norse, Babyloian, Roman, Greek, Aztec, Mayan, and Native American.

I also included some things that have an impact on magick, such as familiars, faeries, and other magickal creatures. Different demons from various religions are included. So on with the show. Click on the following locations to go to the God or Goddess of your choice.

A B C D E & F G H I-K L M N O & P Q & R S T U-W X-Z

There were a number of sites I used to comprise the information. I have also listed them in case you would like to do some more study yourself.