MSTing by Edgey This is all in good fun This is not to insult the author Don't take this personally ^_^ All of these are all copyrighted to their respectable owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUILTY VERSION 2.2: EPISODE 20 = Ky in U Part 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the far and distant future During a big fight, Guilty Gear fighters are gone away To a world of stories that bite. Edgey made a great attack, They could not even counter-act Edgey grinned a grin so sly She'll brake their brains until they cry. EVERYONE: "What the HELL!!" EDGEY: "I'll send them cheesy fanfics the ones that make you insane" (la la la) But they like to fight alot, so they can take the pain (la la la) Now keep in mind, they can't take control to make the fanfics stop Fighting is not the answer here Even if they want to kill each other GUILTY ROLL CALL ("Lets Rock!") Testament ("What the...?") Millia ("Oh boy!") Ky Kiske ("I don't like this") Sooooooooooool ("Go to hell") If your wondering why Edgey's mean and other pointless facts (la la la) EDGEY "Shut up and watch the fricken show! So sit down and relax" for Edgey's Theater of Brain Breaking (TWANG) ------------------------------------------------------------- [Millia is just casually brushes her hair. Suddenly her brush stops and won't come out of her hair] MILLIA: oh no.... a knot.... EVERYONE HIDE!! [Meanwhile at the Office of Brain Breaking] EDGEY: Boys, I think we need to see what we're doing wrong. Why didn't they break?? VENOM: I though Yuffies Chocobo would be enough ZATO: If they can withstand that... they can withstand anything... [Edgey ponders for a moment] EDGEY: I think we need to go up there with them to see the next fanfic so then, by understanding their pain, we can find much much worse! VENOM: Do you want me to call them up now? EDGEY: yeah sure why not! [Venom hits the button and all three look at the screen in shock] [LOBBY] [Everyone is tangled up in Millia's hair. Sol was barely able to respond to Edgey's call, Testament is being strangled and Ky is trying desperatly to get the knot out. Millia is just sitting in a chair sulking about this whole thing.] KY: Why does this have to happen everytime you get one knot in your hair? MILLIA: *sulking* Well it's very sensitive to this kind of treatment. SOL: JUST LET ME BURN IT!! MILLIA: Don't... touch... the hair! TESTAMENT: I can't breath! [Ky manages to get the brush through the knot and untangle it] KY: GOT IT! [Millia's hair suddenly goes back to normal] TESTAMENT: I can breath! I can breath! SOL: I still think I should have burned it. [Millia turns her hair into a mallet and hits Sol on the head] MILLIA: Moron... Oh hello evil captors and that stupid guy called Zato. [OBB] ZATO: Why I outta... EDGEY: Well in todays fic there's going to be a slight change in plans. [LOBBY] SOL: You're sending Tifa up here with us??? *happy* [OBB] EDGEY: Umm.. no... VENOM: We're coming up there to watch the fic with you so then we can understand what we're doing wrong. Why you people are not going insane. ZATO: Me stupid... puh! [LOBBY] KY: So then... how are you sending the fic if all of your are here and the fic is there? [OBB] ZATO: Easy we have it set on a timer. [LOBBY] EVERYONE: Oh SOL: Great we get crazy lady and the ambiguously gay duo here with us. [Edgey, Venom and Zato all appear beside them] ZATO: KNOW MY HATE! MILLIA: FEEL MY WRATH! [fight insumes between the two] EDGEY: Oh yes before I forget, Millia, Ky and Testament will have this fic off! MILLIA: BAH HA! Sol and Zato have to watch the fic! SOL: Hey why do I have to watch it??? EDGEY: Easy... because you keep on bugging me to get Tifa here!! SOL: Oh... doh... [Lights and sirens come on] EVERYONE: WE HAVE FANFIC SIGN!!! [Doors open] [6 5 4 3 2 1] [Walk in the order of Venom, Zato, Edgey, and Sol] >>Guilty Gear X EVERYONE BUT EDGEY: That's us! >>Disclaimer: SOL: Fic may cause one to get light headed >>I’m not sure what is disclaimer ZATO: There's a first. SOL: Yeah, usually it's warning, hentia! >>Introduction : ZATO: I think this is where the author writes a public appology to everyone. >>This story is about Ky, SOL: DAMMIT! Why didn't you let Ky in here?? EDGEY: Because we're only watching the first chapter of this. You can make fun of Ky in that one. SOL: Okay... >>the seikeshidan group want him to go to university >>and he is forced to go. SOL: Ky is an uneducated fool so he is deemed a loser amounst his peers. >>Note: I don’t really know that much about guilty gear x’s world EDGEY: Uh oh, this can lead to trouble. SOL: Wait.. you didn't read this fic before you sent it to us? EDGEY: that would ruin my experiment! SOL: Touche! >>but that’s why it is a fan fic, VENOM: It's a fanfic because you're writing about someone else's characters!! ZATO: This is going to be a bumpy ride. SOL: You two should know about bumpy rides. [Edgey snickers] >>so send me your comments about it. Okay? EVERYONE: We oppose the fic! ZATO: No soup for you! >>__________._________ VENOM: The fic flat lined and then just had one last heart beat before it died. EDGEY: So that means we can go right? SOL: No... wait... didn't you just say my line and I said yours? EDGEY: Spooky dukey! >>A weird person VENOM: Knowing our luck it's Micheal Jackson. [Everyone nods in agreement] >>Ky: well, I don’t have any objections I only hope they >>will be alright while I’m gone! EVERYONE: HUH??? VENOM: Did he just miss a whole paragraph??? EDGEY: (as fic writer) Ky, you missed a bunch of lines! ZATO: (as Ky) I only deleted them so the fic would end faster! >>Ky was in his way to the university ZATO: The university... OF DEATH! EDGEY: MURDER 101! VENOM: The Detention... OF DOOM! SOL: Ten o'clock Biology. Twelve O'clock.... DEAD! >>but he was wondering if he is going to need his furaiken, >>anyway he’s going with it. EDGEY: ARRRAGH! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? >>Now he’s going to do his entrance test. EDGEY: Now I'm going to fall asleep. SOL: Now I'm going to mooch candy off of Edgey EDGEY: Now I'm going to hit Sol. SOL: Now I'm going to behave. >>Ky: let’s see-- 2-3 -- mmm -- VENOM: (Ky) Eleventeen >>Ky : well, now we have to wait, I >>think I’ill go to an hotel SOL: Yes now I'm going to state where I'm going outloud so everyone can hear me! ZATO: "I'ill"? >>Manager: welcome, Do you want a room? VENOM: (Ky) Yes I would like a room in the hotel! >>Ky: Sure, thanks! ZATO: So this hotel just gives rooms away?? >>Ky: alright ZATO: Okay... now what fic? >>Ky: mmm... SOL: Bop >>here it is! VENOM: Hotel room finding action! >>Ky opened the door to find a room almost >>like a suite but it wasn’t SOL: Hence why it's almost! >>Ky: whoa! EDGEY: (Ky) I really don't know what's going on! >>I wonder how the suite is!? >>I think I’ill get some sleep now ZATO: (Ky) HERE THAT WORLD??? I'M GETTING SLEEP KNOW!! HA! >>Without thinking he got asleep EVERYONE: THEN WHY THE HELL DID HE STATE HE WAS GOING TO SLEEP!??!?!?! >>?: well, room 318, let’s see SOL: (mystery person) Lets see, roach infested, bathtub, some blonde guy sleeping in my bed. Yup this is the room! >>?: wow, what a room!! Very good to a lady like me! >>I’m going to take a bath! EDGEY: Why is it that people in this fic are stating what they are doing next??? >>The young lady undressed SOL: (Starts to hum a porno tune) >>and got to the shower, after taking the bath she >>got into the bed still naked without noticing Ky; VENOM: It's turning hentai already? ZATO: (lady) Say is that a pencil or you just happy to see me? Oh wait... it IS a pencil! SOL: And how would you know this Mr. Zato? VENOM: Yes... do tell. ZATO: Well... IT'S JUST A FIC!! EDGEY: Oooh ho ho ho ho! >>She looked up then closed here eyes and put her head to the right >>then she noticed some kind of hair, EDGEY: All this without looking? My god! She has her own personal Eddie like Zato! >>she opened her eyes and VENOM: (Lady) I'M IN BED WITH LEONARDO DECAPRIO! >>?: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>Ky: eh! eh! eh! What!? What!? >>?: PERVERT!!!!! EDGEY: (Ky) Me? Oh don't worry! I'm not even attracted to women! SOL: I'm telling Ky you said that! EDGEY: I'll give you a mint if you keep your mouth shut! SOL: SOLD! VENOM: He sold his soul for a mint... >>She connected a super punch! ZATO: Anime cliche one thousand and three. >>Ky: Ouch! >>?:How dare you enter a lady’s room!? >>Ky: what are you talking about!? And ..! >>?: huh? EVERYONE: What? >>She noticed she was still naked EVERYONE: Waaaah waaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah >>?: what are you staring at!? SOL: (Ky) Duh.. BREASTS! >>Ky: Ou! Ou! Ouch! ou! ZATO: What'd she do to him!? >>She picked a towel >>?: get outta here now!! VENOM: And this is why you should NEVER believe a hotel employee when they give rooms away! >>Ky: why!? This is my room! >>?: what do you mean by that!! EDGEY: (Ky) You're sleeping in my breasts! I mean bed! Bed! >>Ky: The manager told me: room 318! >>?: me too! ZATO: We are on a collision course to wackiness! EDDIE: Tell me about it (Everyone looks at Zato and his shadow Eddie) EDDIE: I'll... just sit here and be his eyes and shut up... >>Ky: well, we will have to share the room SOL: Boom chicka wow >>?: Ha! You wish, pal >>Ky: We don’t have other option this is the last room EDGEY: (Ky) So come to pappa... >>?: ... SOL: Wait... is her name 'question mark"? VENOM: Maybe it's like one of those Prince name things EDGEY: The artist formerly known as Suzy. >>Ky: So? >>?: Hmph! Alright, but don’t try anything pervert!! >>Ky: I would never do that!! SOL: (Ky) I'm too much of a goodie goodie >>( shoot!) EDGEY: I'VE BEEN HIT! >>?: whaddya say!? >>Ky: nothing! >>?: alright, we are going to share the room EDGEY: Wow this fic is just... just so rivetting! I Just can't wait to see the grand conclusion... of sucking.. >>>>Ky: yes >>?: you will try to be a gentleman >>Ky: yes SOL: Wow this chick is quite forward. I mean... she just met The guy and she's already going to be sharing a room with him! >>?: And I will sleep in the bed and you in the armchair >>Ky: yes... Hey!! >>?: ha ha! By the way my name is Lina EVERYONE: FINALLY! VENOM: We have a name! >>Ky: mine is Ky, pleased to meet you VENOM: (Ky) And your wonderful breasts >>Lina: I can’t say the same you pervert! >>Ky: Hey! It wasn´t my fault I was asleep!! SOL: I'm going to use that excuse next time someone naked lays beside me in bed. >>Lina: yeah, sure!! >>Ky: Argh!! I’m going to sleep! >>Lina: me too! ZATO: SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! >>Ky: fine! >>Lina: fine! EDGEY: (Ky) Okay then... SOL: (Lina) I'm going... EDGEY: (Ky) fine then go.. SOL: (Lina) I'm going! >>They were angry but they went to sleep. ZATO: Fun fact, going to sleep angry causes heart failure! SOL: Fun fact, bad fan fiction causes heart failure! >>In the morning Ky was awake and begun to train a little with his furaiken, >>Lina wasn’t awake yet >>Ky: hyaa! Ha! Hyaa! VENOM: Kick punch it's all in the mind. >>The furaiken was spitting lightning everyway. EDGEY: Man... he's probably going to hit the people in the swimming pool. >>But the hour to see if he got into the university came, >>he sheathed his sword and got out of the room. SOL: You know, if someone walked in on that scene they could have thought EVERYONE ELSE: Stop >>Lina: Hawwwwwwwwww!! VENOM: How ya'll doing!? (everyone else breaks out into laughter) >>what a great dream! Huh? That Ky guy isn’t here! Oh well, time to go! SOL: Now she puts on her bra... because she wants to be modest on the first day of school. >>Ky: well, let’s see Ky Kiske…Ky Kiske…Ky Kiske…Ky Kiske! Yeah! I got in!!! ZATO: Cripes this movie is like Doom with no villians around to kill. >>Lina: Yeah! I got in!!! >>Ky: huh? >>Lina: huh? EVERYONE: WHAT!? >>Ky: YOU!!!! >>Lina: YOU!!!! EVERYONE: ME!? >>__________________._________________ ZATO: and the fanfic has finally flat lined. >>That was the first chapter I hope you liked it, anyway tell me if you liked or >>not to see if I continue it or not, EDGEY: Please say not! Please say not! SOL: Ummm... this is the only time you get to watch these... EDGEY: Oh... well... umm... BRING IT ON!! MWA HA HA! >>also tell me any comments or suggestions VENOM: Yeah.. have something happen!! >>( AND IT’S NOT A HENTAI FIC!!! Everyone tells me that! ) ZATO: Just because what's her face was naked? SOL: Now if she and Ky had hot sticky dirty... EVERYONE ELSE: Stop! >>well, thanks for reading, bye! EDGEY: Bye bye! So long! Fair well..... FEETS DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!! (Edgey bolts out of the theater) SOL: I guess we better get going... (Everyone leaves the theater) {1 2 3 4 5 6} SOL: Heeey... how'd I end up in the Office of Brain Breaking? ZATO: You tagged along with us and teleported back with us. SOL: Sweet!! Can I stay? Can I can I!? EDGEY: Okay... Sol... I'm just going to punch in a few numbers and.. SOL: I don't wanna go! I don't wanna.. *pop* ZATO: Well he's gone.... VENOM: Thank God... EDGEY: That's the last time I do something like that. At least I know the fics hurt. (meanwhile... back at the lobby) SOL: Man... where am I... Guys? Guys? (Sol switches on the light) SOL: Hey... I'm in a bed... (someone shuffles beside him) SOL: please say that's Millia... please say that's Millia. TESTAMENT: WHAT THE HELL!???!?! SOL: *shreiks* YOU'RE WEARING A THONG!!!! (meanwhile, in another room in the lobby, Ky and Millia are playing a game of chess) SOL AND TESTAMENT: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! MILLIA: Sol's back... KY: Yeah... damn... (The End... For now) STINGER: "?: what are you staring at!? Ky: Ou! Ou! Ouch! ou!"