Don't take this personally ^_^ All of these are all copyrighted to their respectable owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUILTY VERSION 2.2: EPISODE 14= THE BLACK WIND BEGINS TO HOWL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the far and distant future During a big fight, Guilty Gear fighters are gone away To a world of stories that bite. Edgey made a great attack, They could not even counter-act Edgey grinned a grin so sly She'll brake their brains until they cry. EVERYONE: "What... The... HELL!!" EDGEY: "I'll send them cheesy fanfics the ones that make you insane" (la la la) But they like to fight alot, so they can take the pain (la la la) Now keep in mind, they can't take control to make the fanfics stop Fighting is not the answer here Even if they want to kill each other GUILTY ROLL CALL ("Lets Rock!") Testament ("What the...?") Millia ("Oh boy!") Ky Kiske ("I don't like this") Sooooooooooool ("Go to hell") If your wondering why Edgey's mean and other pointless facts (la la la) EDGEY "Shut up and watch the fricken show! So sit down and relax" for Edgey's Theater of Brain Breaking (TWANG) ------------------------------------------------------------- SOL: *sigh* I feel down. If only there was something I can do? KY: Folks, this is what happens when you are down and depressed. Here Sol, take one of these. SOL: Why Ky, whatever is this strange mercile drug? KY: Well Sol it's to cure the blues. Take it once a day and you'll feel as good as new! MILLIA: May cause drowsyness, nausea, explosive diarehha, lung cancer, e-coli and death. Do not take while driving, do not run heavey machinery, and do not look at porn while taking this drug. Children 89 and up are only allowed to take this drug. KY: Yes so buy the cure for the blues now! EDGEY: Uh... huh... ZATO: What the hell was that? VENOM: A small peice of hell. SOL: Oh come on! We worked long and hard on that skit! MILLIA: It took me a long time to read those lines off the cue card PERFECTLY you know! TESTAMENT: Great... there goes my career as a cue card holder! Thanks Edgey for single handedly ruining my dreams! EDGEY: Oh no problem at all. ZATO: This next fic is going to be a problem VENOM: I hope you can digest this pill EVERYONE: OOOH HO HO HO HO HO HO! EDGEY: Today's fic involves alittle bit of incest, alittle bit of out of character sign and a whole lotta pain! Enjoy poopsies! SOL: Ky, give me one of those pills... I think I'm going to need it EVERYONE: WE HAVE FANFIC SIGN!! >>This is my first attempt at writing anything resembling a fan-fiction, MILLIA: (Author) and I failed miserably! >>so please be patient with me if I screw anything up. SOL: I don't know if we can stay consciencous for that long. >>The characters in this story are KY: (Author) Suing the pants off of me for doing this to them. >>from the game "Chrono Trigger" and are the property of >>Squaresoft and Akira Toriyama. TESTAMENT: oooo we get to see people powering up and talking about power levels? SOL: No that's Dragon Ball Z. TESTAMENT: Oh... damn. >>This is a lemon fanfic, meaning that it >>contains explicit scenes of sex. While not nearly as "hard core" as >>other lemons out there, MILLIA: *cough* Yuffie's Chocobo *cough* >>it still has some parts that might seem >>objectionable to certain people. EVERYONE: WE OBJECT! >>If you are not mentally mature or are >>offended by scenes of sex or mastubation, >>please do not read this. SOL: Will Tifa be in those scenes? KY: We can scratch Sol off of the mentally mature list. >>This is actually Part 5 of my saga titled, >>"Love That Spans The Brink Of Time", MILLIA: Heeeey, didn't he say this is his first attempt at fanfiction? TESTAMENT: Maybe this is one of his more valient efforts. MILLIA: Touche skirt boy. >>but I decided to release this first because it is the most >>original idea that I had at the time. EVERYONE: HUH? SOL: But it would make more sense to make it part five wouldn't it? >>If I receive some good feedback >>from readers, then I will release the rest of the segments in >>chronological order. For now, though, just sit back, relax, and enjoy. >>-The ILLUSTRIOUS SOL: The Illustrious what? TESTAMENT: Cowboy? MILLIA: Twinky? KY: Broken Dildo? KY: What? >>note: * represents thought, such as when Magus thinks to himself. MILLIA: I feel enlighted by that sentence. I think I'm going to make my own gravy now. >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOL: This fic must be really raunchy if there's so many 'X's! TESTAMENT: I think it's a message that this isn't appropriate for any age group. >>Chapter 5: The Black Wind Begins To Howl KY: And I forgot to fix that damn window again. >>Magus stood by the window and gazed out into the night sky. TESTAMENT: (Magus) I wonder if ET really did go home. >>The moon had never appeared so large to him before, >>and he stood and marveled at it's sheer size. SOL: Penis substitute anyone? >>*Must be the fact that we're floating above the clouds*, he thought >>to himself. It had been a week since he had appeared in the year 12,000 >>B.C. MILLIA: Things were pretty crappy without colour TV. >>He had passed himself off as a prophet in order to get closer to >>Lavos so that he could finally settle the grudge he had had for so long. >>The beast would pay for taking away everything that mattered to him, TESTAMENT: Things will die when you destroy Magus' Pog collection. >>everything that he had so dearly loved. Being from the future, he >>seemed to be filling the boots of an oracle rather well. KY: (Magus) You Queen Zeal will take a shower without clothing! MILLIA: (Zeal) Egad! He IS a profit! >>He had already amazed the residents of Zeal with his >>seemingly uncanny ability to SOL: Take off womens clothing with just his mere touch. >>prophesy the future with unbelievable accuracy. >>He had even gained the respect of Queen Zeal herself, as she >>quickly made him her grand visieur, much to Dalton's dismay. MILLIA: And Dalton immediatly threw a temper tantrum. >>Magus smiled as he once again went over his plan in his head. SOL: Yes... faster Magus... Kill kill! >>The time for the Ocean Palace's completion was drawing near, and soon he >>would have vengence upon the entity that plaged his existence, the >>beast that haunted his dreams every night. KY: Micheal Jackson in a leather thong saying "Merry Christamas" over and over again. SOL: *shudders* Why the hell did you put that invisionment in my head??? >>Yes, soon Lavos would be no more than a memory for him. >>His plan how seemed flawless to him, and he >>was satisfied with the way things had turned out recently. MILLIA: (Magus) Lets see, I copped a feel on all the waitresses in town, I stole some kids' lunch money and I'm going to kill Lavos. Damn I'm good. >>"Lavos", he said to himself, "I hope you know what you're in for." >>He chuckled a dark laugh, SOL: How can one chuckle a dark laugh? >>and decided to turn in for the night. >>Positioning himself against the wall in the empty corner >>of the room, he draped his cape around himself and closed his eyes. >>He had become accustomed to sleeping while standing up, >>so that he could react quickly >>in case he was ever attacked while he slept. KY: How does that work? SOL: Better then sleeping upside down? MILLIA: Like Testament? TESTAMENT: I DON'T SLEEP UPSIDE DOWN!!! SOL: Amen to that! We don't have to see your thong. TESTAMENT: I hate you guys... >>He was just about to doze off when he heard a knock on the door. KY: (Magus) THIS ISN'T HEAVENS DOOR! PISS OFF! >>*Damn servants*, he thought. *Don't they know it's the middle of >>the night? Oh well, they'll go away if I just ignore them.* >>The knocking continued, MILLIA: (Magus) I'm not in! TESTAMENT: (person knocking on door) But you may have just one one million dollars! >>bringing Magus to the conclusion that it wasn't the servants. SOL: Just by the amount of knocking? MILLIA: What if it's a persistant door to door sales man? >>He relunctantly unfurled his cape and walked to the door. >>*They must have a lot of balls, waking me up when I'm trying to >>sleep. I'll just give them the cold shoulder so they'll leave.* KY: By answering the door?? TESTAMENT: That sounds like attention more then the cold shoulder >>He turned the handle and opened the door. SOL: DOOR OPENING ACTION! >>A young, blue-haired girl stood behind it. >>She had obviously been crying, for he noticed the red, >>moist spots around her eyes. TESTAMENT: She could have been doing pot! >>"Schala, what a pleasant surprise. Do come in." >>Schala came in to the room and sat down on one of the chairs in the >>corner. Her head hung low in shame as if she had done something >>terribly wrong. MILLIA: (Schala) I just wanted to see what would happen if I flushed all the royal toilets at once!! >>Magus pulled up a chair and sat across from her, >>looking into her sorrow ridden face. >>"You don't look so good", he said. "What seems to be the problem?" >>"It's the black wind, prophet. I can feel it blowing against me, >>trying to push me down with all it's might." SOL: Then close a window! TESTAMENT: I think it's more complicated then that Sol. MILLIA: Lets go to the next paragraph to find out why! >>Magus nodded. He too knew about the black wind, all too well. >>She had been the one to tell him about it, back when they lived in the same >>time period. He was very young then, and he didn't quite understand >>what she was talking about at that time. MILLIA: (Magus) But birds and bees are two differnt things Schala! >>But as he grew, he came to realize just what the black wind >>was and what it represented. The black >>wind was the feeling of pity and self-remorse that came over you when >>you know something bad was about to happen. It caused you to believe >>that somehow you were completely responsible for what was happening. SOL: I guess some people feel the black wind while others don't. Thank you paragraph! *smiles* KY: Ow... >>He had felt the black wind several times in his life. He loathed that >>feeling, and he felt assured that it would disappear from his life >>forever once he had defeated Lavos. MILLIA: Only to find out the black wind also howls when ever Magus touches himself. >>"Why don't you talk to your mother about it?" he said, indirectly >>trying to get her out of his room. He may have loved his sister, but >>that didn't change the fact that he was tired. KY: That just didn't make any sense. MILLIA: I'd hate to see him sleep deprived at a funeral. >>"Mother doesn't listen to me anymore," she said as she kept her head >>low. "All she is concerned about is the Ocean Palace's construction. >>It's almost as if Janus and I aren't important to her anymore." SOL: Silly girl. Immortality is more importent then ones own children! >>She looked up at him with sad eyes for a brief moment, then dropped her head >>even lower. He could tell that she was fighting back the tears. >>Magus leaned forward and took her hand in his. TESTAMENT: Now is not a good time for an arm wrestle! >>He knew the pain that she was going through, for he had felt >>it himself so long ago. She >>was the only person he had ever shown compassion to, and he felt very >>proud of the fact that there was someone on earth who he loved. EVERYONE: Aaaaaaw. MILLIA: This Hallmark moment brought to you by Satan. Thank you. >>"I just don't feel loved anymore," Schala continued. With that, she >>stopped fighting her losing battle against tears and broke down and >>sobbed. >>He got up from his chair and hugged her. She laid her head down on >>his shoulder and cried until her eyes hurt. He felt sorry for Schala. >>He loved her so much that he almost cried himself. He hated to see her >>like this. >>"There now," he said with a compassion that he had never talked to >>anyone with. KY: (Magus) If it makes you feel better, you can punch Dalton in the nuts. >>He loosened his embrace on her and lifted her head up to >>eye level with him. He gazed into her gorgeous dark-blue eyes as he >>said, "You're a beautiful woman, Schala. Any man who wouldn't love you >>is a fool who does not deserve to live." SOL: So he immediately goes on a killing spree. >>He could see some of the luster return to her eyes. He kissed her >>gently on her forehead and then stood up to reclaim his spot in the >>corner. MILLIA: INCEST! INCEST! TESTAMENT: Does a kiss on the forhead count as incest? SOL: How would I know! I dun like to make out with family members! KY: *puts his hands over his ears* I'm not hearing this!! >>"Prophet, wait!" He turned around to see her advancing towards him. >>As she edged closer and closer to him, he became a little nervous. >>*She wouldn't,* he thought to himself. KY: (Magus) DEAR GOD SHE HAS A GUN!! >>Schala suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, >>and kissed him passionately on the lips. SOL: Now THAT would count as incest. EVERYONE: Eeeewww. >>*Yep. She would.* >>Releasing her grip, she looked up into his eyes and asked, "What is >>your name, prophet?" MILLIA: (Magus) Binky! Yeah.. that'll stick.. he he he. >>*I can't tell her my name! It'll blow my cover! But if I don't >>tell her something, she'll get sad again, and that's the last thing I >>want to happen. Why does she wanna know, anyway?* KY: So then she'll know the name of the man she boffed.. duh. >>"Why do you ask?" replied Magus. TESTAMENT: Swift thinking Magus. >>"Because I want to know the name of the man I'm in love with." SOL: I feel really really ill. >>*Uh-oh. Maybe I went a little too far with that advice I gave her. >>Now I'll have to fall back on it. I know. I'll tell her my other name.* TESTAMENT: (Magus) Stinky >>"My name's Magus," the wizard replied. >>"Oh, Magus," she said in a sultry voice. "Kiss me." MILLIA: Wow.. a sudden turn of events indeed! Everyone is out of character now! How kooooooky!! >>*Damn, now she's getting hot for me! Pretty soon she's gonna want >>me in her, and I can't screw my sister! But I don't want to see her cry >>again. Oh well, I guess I have no choice.* EVERYONE: WHAT??? SOL: She'll cry once when she finds out she f***ed her own brother!! >>Magus lifted her head up and returned her kiss, slowly inserting his >>tongue into her mouth. She made a soft sound of joy as their tongues >>slowly caressed each other. MILLIA: So what does a soft sound of joy sound like? SOL: TIFA GO BOUNCY!! >>*This isn't that bad. It's just a kiss, after all. It's not like >>we're going to second base or anything.* TESTAMENT: (Magus) But to make sure she doesn't cry again I better do that also just in case! >>Suddenly, Schala slowly broke free from their embrace, and stood >>facing Magus with sultry eyes. She reached behind her and pulled the >>band from her hair, which fell down to the backs of her ankles. She >>approached him and reached behind his back, un-fastening his cape and >>letting it fall to the ground. She started to breathe heavy breaths as >>she rubbed her hands across his well defined chest. She kissed him once >>more, then pulled his shirt up over his head, revealing his thin, but >>well built figure. KY: The most descriptive stripping scene we've seen to date in these fics. >>Magus started getting concerned as she laid her head against his >>chest and covered him with kisses. He may have looked like he was >>enjoying it on the outside, but inside he was slapping himself. SOL: (Magus) Stupid stupid stupid! TESTAMENT: I'd be nice if he starts to slap himself on the outside also. >>*Magus, you dolt! I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. Now she >>wants me inside her. I don't think I could bring myself to do her even >>if I wanted to. True, I've done a lot of strange things in my life, but >>incest has never been on my "to do" list. I've gotta break this off >>right now!* EVERYONE: ALRIGHT! MILLIA: FIC ENDS! SOL: We wish... ;_; >>He was just about to tell her off, when she lifted her gown over her >>head, exposing her large, full breasts. KY: (Magus) Well lookie here little missy... Guh guh JUGS! SOL: SCHALA ME BOUNCY! *drools* >>Magus couldn't help but get >>aroused as he looked at her. He began to feel a slight tightening in >>his pants. Luckily, he still had on his cod piece, so she didn't notice >>his massive erection. MILLIA: And the cod peice shoots right off and it starts deflecting off of every wall until it comes into contact with his head. SOL: Ouch that would cause a massive concussion. MILLIA: Who said it was the head on his shoulders? >>"Schala, I uh..." said the wizard as he struggled for the right >>words. SOL: (Magus) Nice rack... DOH! >>"Yes, Magus, what is it?" TESTAMENT: (Magus) Your Tatas are so round DOH! >>"Schala, you're, uh, you're, you're...." MILLIA: (Magus) Quite nude. KY: Well if he doesn't want to have sex with her, Just say those three simple words. "I am gay" >>Magus tried to think of the right words to say to Schala so that she >>would leave, SOL: JUST SAY YOUR GAY! >>but he kept getting distracted by her beautiful tits. >>Finally, he lost control over his thoughts and blurted out the first >>words that came into his head. >>"Schala, you're a fox!" MILLIA: Now THAT is just priceless! >>Schala giggled as Magus mentally slapped himself. That comment was >>going to press her on even further, and he shuttered at the thoughts of >>what she might do to him. Shuttered? More like fantasized. TESTAMENT: I feel ill. Oh so very very ill... >>"Thank you," she said, appreciating the compliment. "You're not so >>bad yourself." With that she grabbed his hand and put it to her breast. SOL: Funny enough they started to make squeeky toy noises. >>*What am I doing? MILLIA: Groping your sister. >>Am I trying to get screwed? EVERYONE: Yes. >>She may be a fox, but she's also my flesh and blood! SOL: Glad to notice. >>I can't do this! I just can't do this! I... I... I... I like tities.* EVERYONE: GRAAAH! MILLIA: That sounds like something Sol would say! SOL: Only Tifa's titties... only Tifa's... >>Magus gently started to rub his hand up and down Schala's breast, TESTAMENT: (Butthead) huhuhuhuhuh... boobs. >>causing the girl to moan softly with pleasure. He then put his mouth to >>0ther tit and started to suckle her nipple, KY: You said she was a fox. Not a cow! SOL: ZING! >>rubbing it with his tongue and >>gently nibbling it with his teeth. Her moans amplified, and she started >>to breathe even heavier as the wizard did his work. MILLIA: Sounds like the new pleasure maker 2000 name. >>She had very sensitive skin, and whenever his tongue made a pass, she could feel it >>between her legs. It felt so good that she clenched her hands to his >>shoulders and called out his name. SOL: (Schala) Oh Dalton! I mean... Oh Belthazar! I mean.. oh crap. >>This prompted him to bite down on >>her even harder, not so much to hurt her, but just enough to make her >>squeal. >>Suddenly, unexpectedly, as if on cue, TESTAMENT: Techincally not on cue then. >>she stuffed her hands down into his pants and gripped his firm penis, >>giving it a nice squeeze. MILLIA: Blowing the tip clean right off! >>The combination of pain and pleasure sent ripples through Magus' body, >>causing him to growl in delight. Schala removed his mouth from her >>nipple and bent down in front of him. >>"What do we have here?" KY: (Schala) it's so small! >>she said in a very naughty tone of voice as >>she eyed his ever bulging cod piece. Magus watched in half fascination, >>half horror as she unbuckeled his cup and slowly pulled down his pants, >>giving her a good look at his eight-inch manhood. >>*This can't be good.* SOL: BUT YOUR EGGING HER ON IN HAVING SEX WITH YOU, YOU YOU YOU YOU STUPID HEAD!! MILLIA: Stupid head? SOL: It was the only thing I can think of! >>Schala softly ran her finger across his fully extended unit, making >>him shiver slightly as she gently scratched him with her fingernail. TESTAMENT: Hitting a major artery and he bled to death SOL: If only. >>She began to kiss his head and play with his balls, as he looked on with >>concerned eyes. He tried to remain as emotionless as possible, so as >>not to make her think that he was enjoying this. He still struggeled >>with his thoughts as he tried to think of the best way to break her off. MILLIA: Say you're gay.. Saaaay it... >>*Okay, okay, just stay calm. I can handle this. I can... OOHHHH!!* SOL: You can't even handle liquor let alone being seduced by your own sister you sick perverted whore! >>Magus looked down to see Schala bobbing her head back and forth, >>taking his entire wang into her mouth. KY: This fic is WANGtastic! >>He tried his best to stay stoic, >>but eventually gave in to the pleasure he was experiencing, releasing >>several soft, low-pitched grunts. He felt ashamed that he was actually >>enjoying getting blown by his sister, but whenever he tried to tell her >>to stop, he felt another wave of pleasure flow through his body. SOL: JUST SAY YOUR GAY AND END THE PAIN!! >>"Oh, Schala. Don't stop. Uhh..." was all he managed to say as the >>girl continued giving him head. >>*What am I saying? EVERYONE: You said don't stop! >>That's just gonna make her give me more. MILLIA: My name is Magus! And I'm a stupid idiot! >>I.. I... Oooh, I feel weird. I'm gonna.. explode..* EVERYONE: (chanting) die... die... die! >>Before long, Magus could not take it any longer and, tilting his >>head back, let out a sharp growl as he came into Schala's mouth. She >>greedily lapped up as much of his seed as she could, leaving him dry as >>a bone. KY: So he dehydrated? >>Magus struggeled to catch his breath. "Thank you... Schala..." TESTAMENT: (Magus) Thank you for teaching me what living like a red neck is like. >>he said between breaths. "That... was...good." >>"The best is yet to come," she said as she stood up and pulled down >>her undergarments, revealing her fully naked body. >>Magus looked at her with longing eyes. She was the most beatiful >>creature he had ever laid eyes on. MILLIA: So now it's incest bestiality? Ew! >>Her long blue hair fell all the way >>down to her ankles. Her face was that of an angel, her eyes as deep and >>blue as sapphires. She had a perfect hourglass figure, her skin was as >>soft as a rose petal. Her thick, full breasts seemed to point outwards, >>as if they were held there by some mysterious force. SOL: So Luke uses the force to have female's breasts point outwards? >>He looked down and noticed her vulva. Blue pubes! EVERYONE: EGAD! TESTAMENT: Make a specitcal of it! SOL: At least we know she doesn't dye her hair. >>The girl had blue pubic hair, which >>seemed to accentuate her sensuality rather than diminish it. Staring at >>her beautiful body, Magus felt himself slowly start to get hard again. >>They stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity, admiring each >>other's bodies. KY: (Magus) I like your tities! >>It was Schala who broke the silence. "Magus, please pleasure me." >>With that she approached him and clung to his chest. >>*Oh well, you've gotten yourself this far, might as well give her >>what she wants and get this over with.* MILLIA: IF ONLY I COULD GO IN THIS FIC AND STAB YOU TWENTY TIMES!! >>He picked her up and carried her to the bed, kissing her on the neck >>as they went. SOL: Tripping over Alfadore. >>He softly laid her down and took his position between her legs. >>*I can't believe I'm doing this.* EVERYONE: BUT YOU ARE! YOU ARE! >>Using his thumb and index finger, he pried open her pussy lips, and >>slipped his tongue inside her. She moaned in ecstasy as he licked her >>insides with short, quick strokes. EVERYONE: EEEEEEEEW! SOL: I wouldn't want ANYONE licking my large intestine! >>As he continued to eat her out, her >>vulva started to expand, giving him a lot more room to play with. He no >>longer needed his fingers, so he placed his hands on her thighs and >>gently caressed them as he did his job. MILLIA: The author makes it like it's going to expland and stick his whole head in there. >>Suddenly, Schala squealed and bit her lip as she started to suck in >>deep breaths through her teeth. Magus stopped momentarily and looked >>inside her. He smiled, realizing that he had found her clitoris. EVERYONE: HUH??? KY: So her clitoris is inside of her??? SOL: I'm so confused!! >>*All right. This is what I've been looking for. I need to make her >>cum as quickly as possible so that I can put and end to this. What >>should I do? Ahh, I know!* TESTAMENT: He's making this sound like a treasure hunt now! X_X >>Pushing his face as far between her legs as it could go, SOL: FOMP! >>Magus opened his mouth, placed her clit between his sharp, vampiric canines, >>and ever so slightly, so as not to hurt her, bit down. MILLIA: And popped it like a zit! DOH! >>Her response was >>nothing short of plutonic. She screamed out loudly, squeezing her >>breasts as tight as she could, to where they looked as if they were >>going to pop. KY: The description in this fic is starting to scare me. >>"OH MAGUS!!!" she cried. "Do that again!" >>Magus happily agreed, SOL: Though he just wants to get this all over with. >>sinking his teeth into her again, a little bit >>harder than before. Once again she squealed in glee, and he knew the >>inevitable was just around the corner. He bit down on her one last >>time, almost piercing the skin of her clit with his sharp teeth. >>The girl could take no more, and she called out his name at the top of her >>lungs before her whole body tensed and she felt her juices flow out of her. MILLIA: Noah... get the ark. >>Her cum splashed against Magus' face as her body made an almost >>complete arch. She emitted several loud moans before her orgasm finally >>went down, leaving her entire body trembling. TESTAMENT: We were left a trembling wreck. >>Magus wiped the fluid off his face and licked it off his fingers. >>It was sweet and salty, and was actually quite tasty considering the >>fact that it was from another human being. EVERYONE: HUH??? >>*I feel dirty. Well, at least it's over.* SOL: YOU FEEL DIRTY? WHAT ABOUT US!!?? >>Once Schala had regained her composure, she looked deep into Magus' >>eyes, and he knew just what she was after. EVERYONE: Nooooooooo!!! >>*Oh no! No, no, no, NO! I refuse! This has gone far enough! Now >>it's time to break this off, right here, right now!* MILLIA: SAY YOUR GAY! EVERYONE: GAY! GAY! GAY! GAY! >>"Schala, I don't think we should do this," he said, trying to talk >>her out of it. "If your mother finds out, she'll have us both >>executed." EVERYONE: EXECUTE! EXECUTE! >>"Mother would never let me die," she responded. "The Mammon Machine >>won't work without me. Besides, we might never have this chance again." >>She then sat up and embraced him, whispering softly into his ear, >>"Please Magus. I love you." SOL: (Magus) I love me too and now I'm a cronic masterbator. >>Magus knew what he had to do. He pushed all of his thoughts out of >>his head and concentrated on Schala. He was going to hate himself >>afterwards, but for now he was so engulfed in passion for her that he >>didn't care. He no longer looked upon her as a sister, but as a lover. >>He let out a deep sigh, and relaxed. KY: EDGEY!??!?! WHY!??!? >>*Oh well, if I'm gonna do it, I might as well enjoy it.* EVERYONE: Uh... SOL: Wait... you mean he wasn't enjoying it before? >>Magus gently entered her, pushing himself in as far as he could. He >>suddenly hit a wall, a boundary, and he realized that she was still a >>virgin. She had been waiting for the right man, and it touched his >>heart to think of himself as the one she always wanted. MILLIA: Neglecting the fact that you never told her that you're her brother. >>He gave Schala a look that asked, "Shall I?" and she responded with a nod of approval. >>Slowly, gently, he pressed against her hymen, until he felt it break >>under the pressure that he was exerting. Schala screamed in pain as >>tears began to flow down her face. Magus held her close to him, running >>his fingers through her hair as she cried. >>"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" TESTAMENT: You hurt us. >>"Ooooh, it hurts, it HURTS!" MILLIA: My thoughts exactly. >>"I'm sorry, Schala. Perhaps we should stop." >>"No, no, I'll be fine. Please go on." EVERYONE: DAMN! >>He very gently started to swing his hips, pushing himself deep >>inside her with every thrust. She started to grind against him in slow, >>soft movements, until they reached a rythym that they both seemed to enjoy. SOL: Well I'll be damned, their thrusts go to the beat of the Maceraina! >>Both lovers trembled as the joy they were giving to each other >>pulsed throughout their bodies. >>After a while, Magus looked into Schala's eyes and in a low, soft >>voice asked, "do you enjoy this, my love?" >>"Ooooh, yes. Faster, do me faster." TESTAMENT: Faster pussy cat! KILL KILL!! >>Magus laid her down on her back and grabbed her hips. He increased >>his tempo by twice what he had started out at. She shreiked as she felt >>him move in and out of her, gripping tightly to the bed for support. >>She started to moan as Magus thrusted himself inside her, sending a wave >>of pure pleasure through her body with every stroke. >>"Oh Magus," she said as she gasped for breath. "Faster! FASTER!! EVERYONE: KILL KILL!! >>UHH!!" >>*Damn, woman! Are you trying to kill me? KY: Magus in the hood! SOL: Word up yo. >>I am going fast. Uhhhh....* >>Magus started to grunt heavily as he screwed her as fast as he >>could. Both lovers took turns breathing in deep and exhaling loud >>moans, filling the room with sounds of ectasy. MILLIA: And the smell of teen spunk. >>Their moans amplified as >>they both got closer and closer to orgasm. They continued for several >>more minutes, until Schala had had all she could take. >>"OH MAGUS! YES! YES! YES! UH... >>UHHHH..UUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" KY: When Herbal Essence takes another life. >>She closed her eyes and arched her body back as far as she could, SOL: SNAP! >>and with a scream of ecstasy, went full force into her climax. Magus >>could feel her juices running down his leg, and when her muscles clamped >>down tight on his wang, TESTAMENT: Out of all the penis references, they just had to use wang. >>he lost full control of his own body. >>"Schala... oh Schala.... Err...ERR. ERRRRUGH.....AUUUUUUGH!!!!!!" KY: Herbal Essence victim number two. TESTAMENT: But the commercials show that men never have the organic experience. >>Magus started to buck wildly as he too climaxed, MILLIA: RIDE EM COW GIRL! >>pumping her full with his semen. He let out a roar as he felt himself spasm under the >>ferociousness of his own orgasm. It almost seemed as if it would never >>end, and if he had anything to do with it, it wouldn't have. >>When he finally stopped ejaculating, he felt his muscles strain as >>he struggeled to hold himself up. He collapsed on top of Schala, SOL: Killing millions MILLIA: Story at eleven. >>who greeted him with passionate kisses, which he happily returned. His >>entire body felt tired, having been ravaged by the orgasm that he had >>just experienced. She, on the other hand, seemed to be perfectly fine, >>as she held his weary head to her chest. KY: Suffocating him instantly. TESTAMENT: What a happy ending... >>"Oh Magus," she said, "that was wonderful. Thank you." >>"Heh...the best...I've ever...had.." he said panting, still trying >>to catch his breath. SOL: (Magus) Next to that Frog man.. DOH I shouldn't have said that! >>There was truth in his words, as he reflected about his days as a >>warlock living in the year 600 A.D. He had been with many women, mostly >>hostages, but few if any ever gave him their consent, MILLIA: So been with many woman is the lighter way of saying he raped them. THANK YOU FIC! >>and none had ever >>brought him to a climax such as she had. He held her close and gazed >>into her eyes, wishing the moment would never end. >>"Let's go to sleep, as one body in each other's arms," she suggested. >>How he longed to do so, but alas, there was just too much danger >>involved. KY: So he gets killed? SOL: So they cancel this crap and put in the real Chrono Trigger story? >>"No, Schala," he said with a tone of concern in his voice. "If >>anyone comes in her tomorrow morning and finds you with me, it'll be the >>end of us both. You had better go back to your room and get some sleep. >>You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." TESTAMENT: (Magus) Ressurecting Lavos is very fun! >>"I guess you're right," she said, understanding yet feeling let down >>all the same. She reluctantly pulled his now soft penis out of her, and >>stood up, scoping out the room for her clothes. >>Luckily, she didn't wear much in the first place, MILLIA: Then why the lenghthy stip scene??? >>so getting dressed >>was just a simple matter of putting her panties back on and draping her >>dress over her shoulders. As she opened the door and walked out, she >>looked back at him and said, "thank you, Magus. From now on I'll have >>nothing but good dreams." SOL: (Schala) And a child that will be my son and brother! >>She smiled one last time as she closed the >>door and walked back to her room. >>Magus started to get up to put his own clothes on, but then decided >>to sleep in the bed instead of the corner for once. As he pulled the >>covers over himself, he smiled as he sank into a nice, cozy feeling. He >>had forgotten how good a bed felt, and he was completely secure >>underneath his blanket. KY: Aaaaaaaw he has a security blanky! I wanna burn it! >>He looked out at the moon once more, and his >>thoughts came back to him. TESTAMENT: (Magus) DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I DUN???? >>*Well, I hope you're pleased. You just did the nasty with your >>sister. Hell, you did her good, too. Now she's gonna want it EVERY >>night!* SOL: That sentence just seems way out of character. MILLIA: Seems... it is! >>Magus smiled once last time before he closed his eyes. >>*Well, next time, I won't feel so bad about it.* EVERYONE: BOOO! GET OFF THE STAGE! >>He turned onto his side, and went soundly to sleep. >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KY: Those are probably the stitching holding this fic together. >>Magus, also known as Janus, loved only his sister Schala, and no one else. >>When he was teleported to the time period 600 A.D. after Lavos had destroyed his kingdom, >>he thought of nothing else but getting rid of Lavos and finding Schala. >>He was willing to do anything to save her. Anything. I just wanted to prove that. SOL: So he'd have sex with her also? MILLIA: This just doesn't sit well with me at all. >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>What did you think of the story? Loved it? EVERYONE: No >>Hated it? EVERYONE: Yes! >>Let me know! >>This is part of a saga I've been working on, and if I get enough >>positive feedback, I'll send in the rest of the stories. MILLIA: You mean... there's more??? >>My address is Please do not send any >>objectionable material and please try to keep your swears to a minimum. >>If you have any questions about Chrono Trigger, rent the game first >>before approaching me. If you still can't figure out what the hey is >>going on, then I will try my best to explain. Be careful how you E-mail >>me, or you might end up on the dreaded Idiots list! SOL: I want to be on the idiots list! MILLIA: Well if he wants feed back, he should listen to the negative ones also instead of throwing them in the idiot list! >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>SPECIAL THANKS >>Thanks to Squaresoft and Akira Toriyama for making such a great game! >>Thanks to Sakura Lemon Fanfics for putting this work of smut up on their page! SOL: More like work of shi.. MILLIA: You might hurt the authors feelings! >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>IDIOTS LIST KY: SOL! SOL: KY! MILLIA: ZATO! TESTAMENT: POTATOE!!! SOL: I thought you like Potatoes... TESTAMENT: I blanked out ;_; >>No one here yet, but I do expect this to grow as people start mailing >>me. Readers beware! If you piss me off, you might find your E-mail >>address posted here, at which time all of this page's fans will >>humiliate you. BEWARE!!! EVERYONE: .... KY: I see Edgey on this list very shortly! >>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>Well, that's all for now. I'll be expecting some mails from you guys, >>so don't disapoint me! >>Send all E-mail and comments to: >>The ILLUSTRIOUS Joey KY: At least he answered our Illustrious question... >>aka Baron Aloha, Spaceman Hardy, Meelo the Meatloaf-Mack-Daddy-Pimp >>(don't ask), and the Ultimate Being in the Universe SOL: aka Stinky to his friends. TESTAMENT: God complex anyone? SOL: EDGEY!!!!!! What the hell was THAT?? EDGEY: Did the fic break your spirits? Make you nuts? Did it did it did it??? :D SOL: No! Actually it pissed us off! MILLA: Magus was waaaaaaay out of character TESTAMENT: He turned into a thirteen year old boy who just was his first porno flicks! KY: "I like Tities" I mean come on?! SOL: So we decided to start our group called "PORTRAYAL" ALL: huh? KY: PORTRAYAL is the acconim for Millia? MILLA: *ahem* Portraying other real time radical actors Yelling at love. VENOM: What does that have to do with the portrayal of Magus in the fic? TESTAMENT: We... don't... know... MILLIA: dammit. SOL: there goes another one of our causes down the tubes. KY: *sighs* Save the Chocobo's could have gone far. EDGEY: Venom hit the button... fast... The End... For now! STINGER: "Schala, you're a fox!"