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Latest news

Latest news from:

Yacht Club Neptun

Summer 1997


Sat.-Sun. 31-1 Start and opening of the Establishment..

Sat.-Sun. 7-8 Open house with sales

Sat.-Sun. 14-15 Open house with sales

Sat.-Sun. 20-22 Summermeeting

Sat.-Sun. 23-27 Open house with sales

Sat. 28 The host weeks starts and rolls 6 weeks ahead. Hosts will be there from 26/6-6/8 The bar will be open during the time.

Sön-Sön 29/6-6/7 The summergames in Piteå


Lör 5 Vacation kick off with relaxing happenings.

Wend. 23 Piteå Summergames. 23/7-27/7


Sat.-Sun. 2-3 Family weekend with dinner, dance, games and competitions.

Sat.-Sun. 9-10 Neptun Night. Night navigation competition .

Sat.-Sun. 23-24 Surströmmingsparty .

Sat.-Sun. 30-31 Dinner with punsh evening.


Sat.-Sun. 6-7 The last day of the cottage party.

Sat.-Sun. 13-14 Cleaning and season ending.

This is just a few of the happenings that will take place this summer.


1998 will the Yacht Club Neptun celebrate

50 years

So next year will be something different we can promise.

Address to us

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