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Big Sis, Middle Sis, Little Sis....

The Three Sistah's!

Lady *K* (middle sis), p.kitty (little sis), Laula (big sis)

These next pages are dedicated to the weekend that Lady *K*, Laula, p.kitty, The Warden, and Tennessee Dave met. Of course, I should mention that Laula and The Warden are married and Laula and Lady *K* have known each other for quite a while. As for Tennessee Dave and p.kitty, this was their first time in Lincoln, Nebraska. Without further delay, a quick run down of the weekend...Friday night...p.kitty arrives to Lincoln shortly after Tennessee Dave and his dad, vet20. Blanche was there with Laula and Lady*K* waiting for us all in the parking lot of McDonalds. Later that night, we all went to a bar called Sandy's...if you get the chance to go there, order the house drink, Elk Creek. It is quite tasty! We then went dancing at a place called Temptations. Great music and plenty of nice fellas there!...*LOL*...On Saturday we went to lunch at this great Mexican restaurant, where the waiters smelled good and the beans were yummy!!!...or maybe i should say, the beans smelled good and the waiters were yummy?!?...*LMAO*...Hey, Laula...have those beans hit you yet?...*LMAO*...then we went to the mall for a while, then The Warden joined us for a night out at Guitars and Cadillacs. A band played there, that night and was excellent, I can't remember the name of the band right now, but they were great! That was one of the funnest nights p.kitty has ever had!!! It is a damn shame that Lady *K* lost her camera, as there were plenty of great shots of the group. Speaking of pictures, lets get started...

Big Sis Laula

This is Laula waiting for the rest of us to get ready to go out.

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