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*Functional Health Analysis Profile*

Health Analysis using the Internet
Health Analysis through a Doctor’s Office

Health Analysis
Using the Internet

Functional Health Analysis Profile: The Functional Health Analysis Profile (FHAP) is an on-line health analysis tool / questionnaire whose purpose is to assess your degree of wellness. This is very different than health questionnaires found in your doctor's office. Your Naturopathic Doctor will provide you with alternative medicine medical advice. The FHAP will provide nutritional advice based upon how you answer your questions. Your doctor attempts to determine if you have an illness or disease. The FHAP is NOT intended to assist in disease diagnosis. Instead, it focuses on how well each of the important systems of your body is functioning. Prior to reaching a state, which is called “illness”, our bodies slowly begin to move away from maximum health. By asking questions, which assess the functioning of important body systems, the individual’s state of wellness can be determined. An evaluation will be done to determine if you are moving away from ideal health. You are provided with a graphical analysis of areas of concern based on your responses. Then appropriate nutritional recommendations will be suggested to assist your body to return to optimum functioning and optimum health. This is true Preventive Health.
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Health Analysis
Through a Doctor’s Office

functional health analysis profile, health analysis tool, alternative medicine medical advice, nutritional advice, nutrition analysis tool, , hair analysis, hormone testing, amino acid testing, food allergy testing, naturopathy, alternative medicine, men’s health, women’s health There are obviously many tests that a doctor can order. The intent here is to list tests that might be unfamiliar to the common medical community. All of these tests and many more are available from our clinic.

Food Allergy Tests: It has been estimated that 60% of the U.S. population suffers from some reaction to a food that can cause or complicate a health problem. Many times the patient does not even know of his or her allergies.

The test we utilize for patient care requires blood serum. A measurement of antibody titers is taken against certain food groups. The greater your level of antibodies to a particular food, the greater your allergic reaction. There are no interruptions to be made as in a skin prick test. These tests are very accurate. The “Ig” stands for “immunoglobulins.” The A, E, GE and G4 represent the type of immunoglobulins being tested:

  • IgA: Acquired allergies that cause an immediate allergic reaction.
  • IgE: Acquired allergies that cause an allergic reaction within about three hours.
  • IgGE: Allergies you were born with that usually have a reaction within three hours.
  • IgG4: Acquired allergies that have a delayed reaction of up to four days, and are very difficult to figure out due to the average four day delay before your allergic reaction occurs.

Amino Acid Testing: Amino acids have a powerful effect on strength and endurance, mental-emotional health, immune function and inflammatory processes. Amino Acid balance is critical to good health. The test can utilize either blood or urine. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential for many bodily processes. Your digestive tract breaks down protein from food you eat into individual amino acids, which are then absorbed into the blood stream.

Amino Acids are used to build structural proteins of muscle and connective tissue. They make enzymes, which control every chemical reaction in your body. They make a variety of brain neurotransmitters and hormones, generate energy, and stabilize blood sugar and aid in detoxification and anti-oxidant protection.

“Essential” amino acids are those that your body cannot make, they must be supplied from your diet. They can be converted into other important amino acids.

Some of the symptoms of amino acid deficiencies can include:

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Food and chemical sensitivities
  • Learning and behavioral disorders in children
  • Mental-emotional disturbances
  • Blood sugar dysregulation
  • Substance abuse
  • Weakened immune system
  • Developmental delay I children
  • Arthritis
  • Impaired detoxification
  • Heart disease

Hormonal Balance: The testing lab we prefer utilizes saliva as the medium. Women during menses must take the test between days 19 and 21 of their cycle. Men or women of any age can take this test. Both men and women have all the sex hormones. Obviously women have a much greater amount of female hormones and men a greater amount of male hormone. I have on several occasions had a female patient present me with a female hormone test that their medial PPO had ordered for them. Generally it does not tell me much as they were only tested to see how much estrogen they had. What kind of estrogen? How much progesterone? What was the ratio? How about the other hormones?

Saliva testing is the most reliable way to measure free, “bioavailablity” hormone activity - hormone activity at the cell level. Most blood tests do not measure “bioavailablity” hormone levels.

Saliva hormones more accurately reflect tissue uptake and response of hormones delivered through the skin from creams, gels, or patches. Blood and urine assays significantly underestimate hormones delivered topically, often resulting in overdosing.

I like testing for the following hormones in a single test panel:

  • Estradiol (E2)
  • Estriol (E3)
  • Estrone (E1)
  • Progesterone (Pg)
  • Testosterone (T)
  • DHEA-S
  • Androstenedione
  • Cortisol (Adrenal Function)

I can do a much better job for my patients when a have a fuller picture.

Hair Analysis: This is a very simple test for basic parameters of both toxic metals exposure, and a good picture of the patient’s nutritional status of vitamins and minerals. The results should be interpreted by a physician, or carefully understood by the patient. Confusion could occur such as:

  • The toxic elements demonstrated will be from acute (everyday) exposure, not from toxins that are deep within the tissues, hidden from most of the daily blood stream activity. The only way to determine if metals are hidden deep within the tissues is with a chelator challenge such as EDTA or DMPS.
  • The vitamins and minerals, if very high, could mean just the opposite, due to the body dumping out the elements instead of utilizing them in the biochemistry. The challenge will be to determine why the body is dumping out those particular nutritional elements.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.