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Address: 134 L.Nadurata St., Maypajo
               Caloocan City 1400, Philippines
(63 2) 288-0557
(63 2) 288-0557


Proficiency in system configuration, installation / upgrades, diagnostics, typesetting, graphic designing, scanning & editing troubleshooting and Maintenance of various computing components, peripherals, hardware, etc. on desktop, peer to peer, client / server, local and wide area network configurations; and system software applications (OS and NOS e.g. MSDOS), Windows 95/98, Native Traditional Networking and practical experiences in LAN & Web Designing.

Finding One's Self Identification

How does a young person go about discovering who he is? Psychologists tell us that a basic part of the whole process of self-discovery is identification.

How does a young person experience this identification? He seeks out heroes. People who really seem to be "someone" and tries to find emotional security by thinking of himself as in some way identify with the hero. This process does not begin with the teens. we all know that younger children have their heroes too. But it is only in the teens that the identification with a hero becomes a part of our attempt to discover who we are. Identification can go out on at a dizzy and confuse pace. A sophomore girl, for example, can act like a Little Flower ane day and like Cleopatra the next. She does not claim to be either one of them, of course; she may not be aware that she is trying to imitate the. But anyone who watches her closely is aware that on one occasion she is very much a saintly nun and on another sophisticated siren. She can change this very easily because she does not as yet have a role that is her own.

The young person choose his heroes from many sources - athletics, movies and television, his family. Because the more important the heroes are those closest to the young person. He is normally much more influenced by his family and his friend than by someone he knows about only through the movies or television.