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Onitsha Center

...Whatsoever born of God overcomes the world even our faith. 1 John 5:4





Bishop and Pastor (Mrs.) Taiwo Adelakun,

The Visioners

Bishop  Taiwo Victor Adelakun     is the General Overseer of Victory International Church with branches in some state capitals in Nigeria, some foreign countries and headquarters in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

A pastor and Teacher, Bishop Adelakun has a burden to see God’s people develop their potentials in God. Consequently, he is giving attention to Training and Development of a Dynamic Army for the Lord Jesus Christ by establishing two Bible training centres – Bible School for Discipleship and Mission (BSDM) and Azuza Ministerial Institute (AMI).


Heaven's Dew


    The Vision


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Year 2004





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Bread of Heaven








Your host is Pastor  Stephen Ayodele Olowo-zion




There is a prominent man in the land of Babylon who hates the Jews. He hated the Jews for whom they were, the loved ones of God, the favored ones, the chosen ones and the prince of God (Ps.132: 13-18).


All because the Jews will not compromise their standard even in captivity, they will not pay homage to any other thing or man nor would they serve any other God but Jehovah. (Esther 3:2-6).

Haman made a conspiracy against the Jews, he plan to destroy them he even made a purchase of their lives with ten thousand talents of silver just to get rid of this people.

          Here him in chapter 3:8 

“Them Haman said to the king Ahasuerus, there is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom, there laws are different from other people’s and they do not keep the king’s laws. Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain.

If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed…"

          The decree was that all the Jews be destroyed in the land of Babylon, both small and great. Chapter 3:9-15.      

          And there were great sorrow, great mourning, among the Jews when they learnt about the king’s decree. In this situation they where helpless, there is nothing they could do but to cry to God.

          And God in His infinite mercy spring up a surprise, in Chapter 5:1-3

"… so it was when the king saw queen Esther  standing in the court that she find favor in his sight  and the king help out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand”.

          Can you see! The king did only redeemed Esther’s life from death (Esther 4:11) but also favored her .Esther was ask to make request or whatever she wants, even to the half of king’s kingdom; Chapter 7:1-10.

Though Esther and the Jews were able to cast away behind them that ugly monster called Haman, yet his work (the king’s decree) is still there working against them.

(Esther 8:3) “Now Esther spoke again to the king, fell down at his feet, and implored him with tears counteract the evil of Haman the Agagite, and the scheme which he had devised against the Jews.

But Brothers and Sister tears will not do this, crying will not stop the enemy, begging will not stop that curses from working in your life but that which had been written concerning you.

"... You, yourself write a decree concerning the Jews as you please, in the king’s name and sealed with king’s signet ring; for whatever is written in king’s name and sealed with king’s signet ring no one can revoke. (Chapter 8:7-8). And this is exactly what Esther and the Jews did (vs.9-11).

          In this letter the Jews were permitted to protect themselves against the attack of the enemies, they were allowed to kill and destroy any forces that stand against their progress in life.

          “Thus the Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, with slaughter and destruction and did that they pleased with those who hated them. "

          This is how God help the Jews and turned their sorrow to joy and mourning to dancing (Chapter 9: 1-22)

 The Lord will do the same for you in Jesus name, Amen.

          Brothers and sisters, do you realize that you and I are the Jews, we are the ones been scheme against by Satan and his spiritual wicked forces?

          He knew that God has created us in his own image, and we are like Him; he knew the God has crowned us with glory and honor, he knew that God has given us dominion over he works of his hands (including the angels) Ps.8, Gen.1; 26-31.

          He knew and he was not happy about this arrangement that is the why he wanted to steal, to kill and to destroy (Jn.10:10)

          Though the enemy succeeds in stealing our inheritance, and also succeed in getting the degree that will kill and destroy us singed.(Gen.3:1-24)

          But God in His infinite mercy spring up a joker in Jesus Christ! Hallelujah.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. (Jn.3: 16). 

          Remember the story of Haman and the Jews, remember that the king have to held out to Esther the golden scepter as a sign of love and redemption but for the work of redemption to be completed Esther on his own part have to strength fort her hand and touched the top of the scepter. This shows that the she gratefully acknowledged her acceptance of king’s proffered grace. (Esther 5:2). 

          The Almighty God had spring up His last joker in giving us His son Jesus Christ, through Him we can only be saved from the works of the ugly monster, the enemy of our soul called Satan.

          Through the sins of forefathers, we have become sinners and we have come short of the glory and honor that is once before, we have become the enemy of our God, we have lost the privileged authority and access to God.

          But our heavenly father in His love still wants us back, hence the reason he made atonement for us in Jesus Christ, paid all our debt, and died for our sin. (1 Peter 2:24-25)

          The full effect of the death we can found in the book of Isaiah chapter 53.

          Verse 11 of this chapter says, 

He shall see the labor of his soul and servants justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities.”

          This is simple saying that by bearing our sins Jesus Christ ad obtained a righteous standing before God for ALL who will personally accept His atonement. (Romans 5)

          My brothers and my Sisters God is expecting you to accept this gift of redemption He is expecting you say yes Lord to this offer.

“Behold He is standing and knocking at the door of your heart, He said if you will hear His voice and open the door, He will come in to you and dine with you." (Rev.3: 20).

          Why don’t you open your heart to Him today, He is waiting for your response. He had laid before you today two options, to accept Him and live or to reject Him and die in your sin.

          You can’t sit on the fence on this issue, you must make a decision. But I will counsel you to accept His gift of redemption and live.

          How do I accept Him?

Simple: - “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God…………(Jn.3:3-7)

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you be saved…"(Rom.10:9-13).

          Now say this loudly: -

Dear Jesus, I admit I am a sinner and I know I cannot save myself.

I repent of all my sins and I put my faith in the blood you shed for me on the cross to pay for my sins.

I now accept you as my Lord and my savior and I trust you to take me to heaven. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen.

Congratulation! you are now born again, you are now part of the kingdom of God see angels are celebrating in heaven just because of you. Hallelujah!

          “Do not remember the former thing, nor consider the things of the old. Behold, I will do new things. …" Isaiah 43: 18 & 19.

God is telling you to forsake your old path and begin to live a new life in Christ; He said He will do a new thing in your life. and this new thing is the benefits of salvation.(Isaiah 12:3)

          The benefit of salvation are those promises that God has given to us, those special privileges He gave to us in the beginning (Gen.1:26-30). The enemy stole it but God is expecting you to rise up and posses your possession

          In your possession there is dominion; you are expected to have dominion over every situation & circumstances, dominion over the works of His hand.

          In your inheritance there is fruitfulness; you are not expected to be barren in any area of your life but to be fruitful, both physically and spiritually.

          In your inheritance there is multiplication; enlargement in all form and many more packages.

          Brethren go ahead now and familiarized yourselves with those promise in the in the word of God and begin to claim them, they are for you.

          Why don’t you rise up and begin to posses your possession, rise up and begin to claim that benefit that belongs to you. Do not allow the enemy to take away anything that belongs to you.

          Remember what the Jews did in the book of Esther Chapter 9: 1-22. You are permitted to do the same so as to claim back your inheritance.(Matt.11:12).

          “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence; and the violent take it by force”. (Matt.11:12).

          In possessing your possession you must realize that our weapons of our warfare are not sword, gun, cutlasses or any physical weapon but spiritual, because we are not fighting against flesh and blood.

          “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly place”.(Eph.6:12).

          For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh…(2Cor.10:3-5).

          May the Lord Almighty help and guide you as you go ahead and claim your benefits in Jesus name. Amen.









Commanding Signs & Wonders

Bishop T.V. Adelakun

YOU are welcome to a season of Signs and inexplicable breakthroughs. A season of amazing results, undeniable proofs and unquestionable evidences.

Only believing believers become Commander of Signs, dissolving problems and converting obstacles to miracles, troubles to triumphs.

"So God created man in His own image: in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living things that moveth upon the earth."

You were never created to be a victim but a victor. The problem of defeat started when the devil succeeded in tempting Eve to disobey God's instruction. When man broke the word, he lost his trone but praise God redemption has brought us back on the platform of Dominion.

When a man is born-again, he becomes a commander of signs and wonders. It is evil in God's sight to see a redeemed soul live in slavery.

Ecclesistes 10:5-7

"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceeds from the ruler.

Folly is set in great dignity and the rich sit in low place.

I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth."

Redemption has enthroned you to become a king. Revelations 5:10 says God hast made us unto our himself Kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Did you see something in this scripture? It says we shall reign on the earth. The devil is not to reign here, we are.



Your source is not the earth but heaven. You are from above not beneath. You are a 'heavenite'.

Many Christians say they are spiritual but the scripture says you are a Spirit. You have been created in God's image and the scripture in John 4:24 tells us that God is a Spirit. If God be a spirit, then you and I are Spirit beings. The Spirit realm controls the physical realm. Now that you have the understanding that you are a spirit, you must put failure, frustration, lack, sickness and depression under control. Do not allow those beggarly elements to toss you to and fro anymore. You are above them. Where you come from helps you specialize in what the earth refers to as impossibilities.


Jesus our Savior was sent to the world as a sign. Isaiah 7:14 says: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign, Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Jesus appeared on the horizon of life solving problems. We are to continue this ministry. By status, you are not a liability to your generation but an asset.

If you are truly a sign, you are not permitted to lack signs. You should be a distributor of signs.

When your life is void of signs, your sonship is doubtful. Jesus boasted in John 10:37: If I do not the works of my father, believe me not. Signs were His credentials.

You are not the one to go searching for signs, they are to follow you (Mark 16:17).

"And these signs shall follows them that believe: In my name, shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues.

They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."

Running after signs, is a symptoms of ignorance.


To command signs and wonders, you have a responsibility. God told Moses in Exodus 4:17.

"And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs."

You have a responsibility to DO signs. Every notable sign is brought about by the working out of the word of God. Don't pray for signs. Work it ! You have the backing of God.

John 14:12 Jesus says

"Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father."

There is a doing in commanding signs.

In your finances begin to do what the word says you do.

In your marriage begin to do what the word commands.

In your business begin to do what the word enjoins you to do. This is how to command signs.

Do not allow any man to occupy your throne. You are a king sent to reign here on earth (Revelation 5:10).

In reigning you must beware of throne robbers. They are:


The scripture in Proverbs 8:15 talking about wisdom says be me kings reign and princes decree justice. To reign and decree is by wisdom. To be dominated and humiliated is an offshoot of folly. Many frustrations in life has nothing to do with enchantment or manipulation but sheer lack of wisdom. Hosea 4:6 confirms this by saying "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."


Thrones are for sons not babes. The heir remains under tutors until he matures (Galatians 4:1).

Christians who ought to be teachers today are still desiring someone to feed them with milk.

Jesus was born a child but matured to become a son. Until he became a son, the government of the nations could not rest upon his shoulders.

Your level of maturity will determine the level of assignment committed into your hands. This in turn determines the level of control you will have over issues of life. The best way to mature is to make the study an doing of the word of God your foundation.

Paul encouraged Timothy to study to show himself approved unto God. Approval comes in the place of study and signs are born out of approval. Talking about Jesus in Acts 2:22 it says:

"Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also know."


This is a combination of Laziness and Idleness. It takes hardwork to occupy ones throne. Hebrews 11:6 says "God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. There is diligence before enthronement. Laziness keeps a man's throne empty. Braze up and begin to take spiritual assignment seriously. Your prayer life, study life, service life must be diligently adhered to.

You will reign in Jesus Name. You are a Commander of Signs and Wonders by virtue of your source and status. Don't settle for less.






God’s watchful care (1)

Hello brothers and sisters! you are welcome to the year 2004, a year declare by the spirit of god as “ The Year of God’s Watchful Care” for you and me.

“ but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which  drinks water from the rain of heaven .

a land for which the lord your God cares:

the eyes of the lord your god are always on it, from the beginning of the year in the to the very end of the year” (DEUT.11:&12). This year 2004 is a year when your little effort will yield great result for  you. .

Moses told the Jews in the book of Deuteronomy, my  chapter ii verses 10 and 11 that the land of Cannan was not like the land of Egypt they were coming from. The land of Cannan was a land that did not depend so much on the labor of the inhabitants but on the good will and the mercy of God, it was called a land of hills and valleys, A land of Springs and Rivers, A land dependent not on the River of earth but on the rain of heaven.

          People of God the fact may be that in year 2003 you labored so hard and so  much with little results to show for it, you work so hard giving all the you have into that business of yours but can hardly meet your needs, the word of God says:-

“Do not remember the former things

 Nor consider the thing of old

 Behold, I will do a new thing…..” Is.43: 18 & 19

Year 2004 consists those new  things that God was talking about. This is a year of supernatural, this is a year were by you will put in a little effort but supernaturally it will bring forth great harvest for you. I pray that this will be your portion in Jesus name Amen.

          But remember that you are in the world but not of the world, the challenges and difficulties of the world will come your ways, but because you are not of this kingdom but of the kingdom of  God, He who cares for your year will make you victorious above challenges and difficulties this year in Jesus name amen.

The kingdom you belong to is a kingdom of cause and effect and you must know that things will not just happen, success will not just come, achievement will not just spring forth, but someone must do something to make things happen.

          So for you to walk over challenges of life as if they are not there, for you to enjoy all the benefits, all the blessings, all the goodness the favor and all the prophecy of year 2004, you have a part to play.

(1)   serve the Lord: This year you must serve God with everything in you, you must serve Him the way you have never done before. Make God and His kingdom to be you r priority this year, stop walking in complacency toward the thing of God . love Him with all of your heart, serve Him with all of your heart with all your soul, then  he will rain down His blessing upon your life in due season. (deut.11:13-15).

(2)   Your relationship with God; your relationship with God is a vitar key to your success  this year.

There is no way you can serve someone you don’t know better. Relationship will help you to know more about God, it will help in drawing you closer to Him and this will help you to know His mind concerning you.

Relationship is something you have to build, it is not in born, you are the one who determined how you want your relationship to be with God. Knowing more of God is not by chance but by choice.

“draw near to God

and he will Draw near to you” (JAMES 4:8) lets look as relationship builders:-

A prayer:- your prayer life must be very sold for you to know more of God. In prayer you ask, you knock and you  seek. And in seeking God you’ll found Him

prayer is the way of communicating with our heavenly father, talking to him and listening to his instruction.

Daniel was a good example of a believer with solid relationship with god through his prayer life (Dan. 6:10,9 :20).

  Daniel was a man who seek the face of the lord at all the time. in season (when it was convenient ). and out of season(when it was not convenient) no wonder he was always been lifted the promoted in a strange land. (Dan 6;1-28).

3. your study life :- studying the word of God is what will shade your life. It will help you to know more about God, you will have more understanding of his ways and his acts.

………”but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploit “ (Dan.11:32). “if your life lack information about God this year, you will end in frustration.”

Every achievement in life rides on the wheels of information.

When a life is stranded or starved of God’s information, that life will suffer disintegration.

Hosea 4:6 says “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (information).

      For you to gain speed in this word of darkness you need the light of God and you can only have access to the light through the exposition of the word of God.

      “The entrance of your word gives light

         it gives understanding to the simple”

        “your word is a lamp to my feet

        and a light to my “

                   (Ps: 119 : 130 & 105.)

I pray that the lord will crown this year for you with his goodness and your path

    Will drip with abundance in Jesus name


To be continued









  • Family Sunday: (To build godly and fruitful homes & families)
  • First Sunday of Every month – 8.00 a.m.

  • Miracles Are Real!: (Linking men with God’s wonders)
  • First Saturday of Every month - (7.00 a.m.)

  • Kingsmen Fellowship (Meeting Men's Spiritual needs)
  • First Monday of Every month - 5.00 p.m.

  • Palace Pillars (Meeting Women's Spiritual needs)
  • Second Monday of Every month - 5.00 p.m.

  • Youth Fellowship (Meeting the Youth Spiritual needs)
  • Third Monday of Every month - 5.00 p.m.

  • Mature Singles Forum (Meeting their Spiritual needs)
  • Third Saturday of Every month - 5.00 p.m.



    In case you visit any City where Victory International Church is located, visit and Worship with. A Word from God is enough to change and transform your life and destiny. See details of our Centre addresses at Satellite:-








    Worship with us at:

    Victory International Church,

    29, Old Enugu-Onitsha Road, Nkpor Junction, Nkpor.



    G.S.M: 0802-365-8767









    If you visit any of these Cities, visit and worship with us at:



    1, Victory Avenue, Oluyole Estate Extension, Ibadan.

    G.P.O. Box 18745, Dugbe, Ibadan.





    LAGOS STATE-Ikeja : 202, Olaniyi Street, New Oke-Oba, Lagos.

    Host Pastor: Yomi Owolabi

    Phone: 0802-825-1563


    EDO STATE - Benin City: 18, Isibor Street, Off Aburimen Avenue, Ugbowo.

    Host Pastor: Timothy Joseph

    Phone: 0802-333-8389


    ONDO STATE - Akure: 38, Oluwatedo Street, Behind Vini College of Theology, Oke-Ijebu, Akure.

    Host Pastor: Wale Adewuni

    Phone:  0803-379-9330


    OGUN STATE - Abeokuta: Oduntan Lane, Off Isabo Junction, Kuto.

    Host Pastor: Ope Adeyanju

    Phone: 0803-725-8100


    OSUN STATE - Osogbo: 10, Olayiwola Crescent, Opp. Govt. House Annexe Main Gate, Okefia.

    Host Pastor: Adekola 

    Phone: 0803-319-9799


    RIVERS STATE - Port - Harcourt: 1 Victory Avenue, off Old Refinery Road, Elelenwo Road, PH/Aba Expressway.

    Host Pastor: Tayo Ezekiel

    Phone: 0803-323-5435


    KADUNA STATE - Kaduna: Kurmi-Mashi Junction, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway.

    Host Pastor: Solomon David

    Phone: 0803-725-4466


    PLATEAU STATE - Jos: 22, Zik Avenue, Former Ambassador Hotel,Tafawa Balewa.

    Host Pastor: Sola Ola Phillip

    Phone: 0803-714-7841



    AKWA IBOM STATE - Uyo: 97, Aka Road, 2nd Building from NEPA Line Junction.

    Host Pastor: Segun Emmanuel

    Phone: 0802-385-4066


    ENUGU STATE - Enugu: 23, Amawbia Street, Uwani.

    Host Pastor: Niyi Olojede

    Phone: 0803-392-9797


    CROSS RIVERS STATE - Calabar: 21, Edem Street, Off Marina.

    Host Pastor: David Adeniyi

    Phone: 0803-552-7630


    FCT - Abuja: Plot 278 Parakou / Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja.

    Host Pastor: Gbenga Olufisayo

    Phone: 0803-725-7144


    IMO - Owerri: 49B, Orlu Road, Amakohia, Owerri.

    Host Pastor: Judah Victor

    Phone: c/o 0803-396-7903


    YORUBA CHURCH: Beside Atanda Continuing Education Centre, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan.

    Host Pastor: Bimbo Odebiyi

    Phone: 0803-351-7616





    1. Rietveld 118, Near the Centrum, Delft, Holland
    2. Laak Kapel, Delmanstraat 7, Den Haag off Van Musschenbroekstraat (take tram 10).
    3. Mailing Address: Ijsselstraat 38, 2515 XJ, Den Hagg.

    Host Pastor: Kunle Oresanya










    This ministry is a heavenly vision. It is born out of several divine encounters I had back in 1987. God visited me and said to me:

    "My son, awake and be attentive unto me. Behold, though you are small now, I have declared you great. Before you I have set an open door…" – 23rd July 1987.

    "I have chosen you to be my vessel. I have ordained you to give hope to the hopeless. To lift up those that are cast down." – 24th July 1987.

    "In and out of this nation you will minister. I will cause the nations to be opened unto you…" – 14th March 1987.

    "Men of stature and reputation in the things of this world shall press into the Kingdom of God, for I have ordained it to be so." – 24th July 1987.

    Everyone I shared this vision with was skeptical. They did not believe in it, neither did they believe in me. In fact, a friend jokingly passed this comment: "Who will listen to you. You that cannot speak well."

    But I believed the Lord. And in 1988, I started the Bible School for Discipleship and Missions. A 6-month intensive training for converts who desire to grow in the things of God. When the second batch of the Bible School graduated, the Lord asked me to start a church. A church? Did I hear him well? I had struggles obeying God.

    During that time, Pentecostal churches were few. I had to answer some pressing questions. Was God really asking me to start a church? A church would be too demanding and sacrificial! I surrendered to His Voice and Victory International Church started in 1989, against all odds. We took off in the premises of a nursery school with 2 adults and 3 children. Sometimes, we would increase, some other times; not a single soul would come to church. But I refused to give up because I heard God clearly.

    Two scriptures were and are still my guiding light. The first is in 1 John 5:4

  • "For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the Victory that overcomes the world, even our faith."
  • The second is in Job 8:7

    This ministry has known small beginnings. But today, we have the testimony of God’s faithfulness that He has increased us. And He is still enlarging us. The favour of God has been our hallmark. He has opened doors that seem difficult and impossible for us. He is still doing it.

    It is to this God of Enlargement and favour we are inviting you. We testify that salvation and victory belong to Him. If you seek Him in faith, you will enjoy His faithfulness like many are currently doing. He is able to save and deliver you, heal and bless you. He is able to change and build you. He wants to mend your broken marriage and business. This God we proclaim does not know impossibility. And the reason He has put us on this Website is to enlighten you on how to walk through life with your head held high in daily victory, and to turn your limitations to exaltation.