d:)24HOZBET 42This file was edited using ZZT AdvancEditor v1.0.3, an editor for ZZT world files created by CyQ. ALL YOUR KEVEDIT ARE BELONG TO CYQ'S ADVANCEDITOR!!!  Title screen ))5)))))9#)))))9#)))))9#)))9#)))))))9))))))9)9)9)9)9))9)))))9)9)9)9)9)9)9 )))))9)9)9)9)9$/9 )))))9)9)9)9)9))9))9)9)9)9) 9)9 )9)9"5W5a5i5t5,5 5H5o5w5 5d5o5 5y5o5u5 5s5p5e5l5 5t5h5a5t5?$5/:$$)$E996999$  1//$$5W5i5t5h5 5s5p5e5c5i5a5l5 5c5a5m5e5o 5 5b5y5 5G5o5g5l5y5o5t5e5n5h5e5i5m5!6$ $5B5y5:5 5Z5a5n5d5o5r5 5152"5 5&5 5B5i5g5m5a5n= 3 N@Zandor 12 #end :touch - I AM NOT A DEER I AM A MOOSE /i/i/i/i #ILIKEWAFFLES <@Omicron #end :touch I WANT MORE SCREEN TIME DAMMIT!!! #end  @Adama #end :touch Adama: Adama. Zandor: Adamo? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Amada? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Odama? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Osama? Adama: ...*Sighs*... Zandor: Time for some Orange Kool-Aid! #zap touch #end :touch Adama: IT'S SPELLED ADAMA! A- DA- MA! Zandor: O- Sa- Ma? Adama: A, D, Zandor: O, S? Bigman: This is getting old. Zandor: Yeah, I know. #zap touch #end :touch ...*Sighs*... /i/i/i/i #take torches 327 weevil YOU HAVE MANY TORCHES /i/i/i/i #end :weevil YOU HAVE NO TORCHES GOOD SIR /i/i/i/i #end "@I LIKE WAFFLES :llop #if spiral oops #llop :oops $Whoah, how'd I get onto the title screen? REMEMBER THE FORKS, LUKE. $The force? NO YOU IDIOT, THE FORKS! $OHH DEAR #send Adder:loop #end ! 3 @LOOK ITS A DOOR #end :touch FEEL THE WRATH OF MY MEANINGLESS LAWSUIT!!! $Woah, this door's that lady who sued $McDonald's AND WON because she was dumb $enough to spill coffee on herself?! WORD. #zap touch #end :touch I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take score 43 #end 6 @Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end 9@Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end 5@Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end "$@Bigman #end :touch Goood eeevening. I am Bigman. Congragulations on touching my chin. Now, away with you. Your presence here is unnatural, and a great disturbance to the forks. $The force? No, forks. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! #zap touch #end :touch Good eeeevening. /i #end $ @Adder #end :loop #char 17 #end % @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end & @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end ' @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end ( @Adder #end :loop #char 72 #end )!@Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end *!@Adder #end :loop #char 114 #end +!@Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end , @Adder #end :loop #char 33 #end  o Board 1 =::5L5O5L5 5H5O5U5S5E5!51$$$$5H5I5G5H5 5S5H5E5R5I5F5'5s5 5C5A5S5T5E5L$x$x $x $x$x $x  5G5R5E5N5E5 5H5O5U5S$x $x  $$    $*$   $*    *   *  *  $x **   xx ** xx** x x $* xx xx* xxxxxxxxxx$xxxxxx  !!! @Him #end :touch HLELO GUD SIR. $Ach, people in mah house!!! THE HIGH SHERIFF HAS GONE FUCKING NUTS HE MUST BE STOPPED. $Why are you in my house? THIS IS THE SPRING 2002 BETRAYAL 24HOZZT DELUXE ALPHA MALE SPECIAL!!! $Why are you in my house? Agh, yer hopeless. Go jump in the well, that starts the game. But first, you have to talk to people. And stuff. $Oh no... that can only mean one thing LOL YOUR IN A NEWBIE RPG!!!!11111 $NOOO!!!!!111 , , 1 1       /@Green House Guy #cycle 3 #end :touch BAH. Life was so much worse in the old days. Ya don't konw how good you have it, Boy. - What the player didn't know was that the crusty old Green House Guy was the single most important man in the universe, and- $Who are you? - Well, I'm the narrator. GET OUT MAH HOUSE NOW BITCH NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!11 /i #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #put w red boulder #change red boulder solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable fake #change red fake empty #take Health 3 #zap touch #ENDGMAE #end :touch I LIKE WAFFLES!!! #end #end :touch I LIKE WAFFLES!!! $Are you the high sheriff? YES. I HAVE BECOME CORRUPT OVER THE YEARS, THUS BETRAYING MY DUTIES!!! $Yay! We're on topic!!! YOU NEED A KEY FOR THE WELL. $No I don't! It's a damn well! WELL AIN'T THAT SPECIAL. $Well? WELL. $What's the point with all the wells? #put n purple key HERE YA GO SONNY. $But I don't need a key! HERE. YA. GO. SONNY. $Now that's better! /i #zap touch #end :touch I LIKE WAFFLES>!!>!1? $@Zandor 12 #end :touch BIGMAN THINKS RED BORDERS ARE COOLER THAN THE YELLOW ONES. $Yep. #give score 27564 #become green breakable YEEHA!!! xxxxx x x xxx x  x x x xxx99xx999xxx$ x  xxxxxx$xx$xx$)x xx$Exxxx x x4x$;x @Bigman Good evening. I am BIGMAN. $But it's the afternoon. It's evening because I feel like it. I AM YOUR GOD. YOU MUST FIND THE... um... COLOR? $Golden? YOU MUST FIND THE GOLDEN... UM... OBJECT? $Goat? YES! YOU MUST FIND THE GOLDEN GOAT!!! $But that's stupid. ACKNOWLEDGED. HERE IS YOUR NEW TEAMMATES. - I am REDSHIRT. I die reight away! - Omicron here. I don't like waffles. - Adamo is my name... Heueheueheueh... #send Zandor12:Kill #end "! 7@Zandor12 #end :Kill #char 148 /s/s/s #put s red breakable #play sgfea--c1111 /i/i/i/i/i/i Zandor: YES!!! Bigman: DAMN IT ZANDOR, DON'T DO THAT!!! Zandor:...Sorry, BM. WELL, ANYWAY, AT LEAST YOU HAVE OMICRON AND ADAMA BY YOUR SIDE. NOW, FETCH ME MY GOLDEN GOAT SO THAT I MAY HAVE AN ELABORATE FEAST!!! #die  Board 3  $  3  3  2  0  /  . $  ,  + $ +   "     $ $                  $          $    $                                                        $             @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon #take health 4 /i I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 -Points are worthless, just like on Whose Line is it Anyway! Bigman: DAMN IT ZANDOR DON'T TELL THEM THAT!!! Omicron: Why am I not getting any screen time? Adamo: ZANDOR KEEPS SPELLING MY NAME WRONG IT SHOULD END WITH AN 'A'. Bigman: LET ME TYPE DAMN IT. #become red fake #end  @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end  @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end  @Adder :loop #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end @Nonviolent Adder #end :touch As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain, I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain But that's just perfect for an Amish like me You know I shun fancy things like electricity At 4:30 in the morning I'm milking cows Jebediah feeds the ch- $Look, I don't have the time to listen to $the lyrics of Amish Paradise. Sorry, $bud. #take torches 4 spoon #end :spoon YOU HAVE NO TORCHES!!! $WHAT'S A TORCH? CAN I CONSOLIDATE MY DEBT CONSOLIDATION?! #become gem @THE HELL?! #end :touch $...No... Not him... anyone but him... I'M NOT BARNEY!!! $Oh. ARE YOU FRED? YESUH. Omicron: WHERE'S MY AGENT?! Adamo: IT'S ADAMA DAMN IT Bigman: LET ME TYPE, ZANDOR!!! #become purple fake }@Zandor 12 #end :touch I JUST DRANK A LOT OF ORANGE KOOL-AID!!! /i #give torches 16547 #zap touch :touch OH YEAH!!! /i #end MY SISTER IS SATAN &:&:&:&$9& & 5U5n5d5 5J5e5t5z5t5, 5 5E5i5n5 5R5P5G5 5K5r5i5e5g5!  5-5>     & $ &  $&  &  &  & &-&'&& &%$&% &% &%&%&%& t@LaLaMa #end :touch $WOW!!! THE GOLDEN LLAMA!!! Do you know $where the Golden Goat is? No. #give gems 19763 #die  @@Zandor 12 #end :touch SOMEDAY I SHALL GO TO CANADIA... /i #end .) @Elvis #cycle 1 #end :egh /seek /seek /seek /seek /seek #shoot n #shoot s #shoot w #shoot e #egh :shot #zap eek #send eek :eek #send egh :eek #send egh :eek #send egh :eek #send egh :eek #send egh :eek #char 1 #zap egh Ugh... very good, Mr. Bond. Here's the key you need to get into the well. $But I don't need a key, dammit! $And your code is glitchy, too! FEAR THE RPG BATTLE, UH-HUH. #die :touch WHERE'S CANADIA? /i/i/i #`:Meh #if aligned ohdear #send Meh :ohdear #change white invisible ricochet #send Elvis:Egh #die wBoard 5 $$$99999   $$  $)$ $ $E$ 55$5 $5 $5 9 0$ $/   /$/  @Bigman #cycle 3 #end :slaughter #if blocked rndns spoon #send Gamalazeron1:woopee #end :spoon #if blocked rndns gama #send Gamalazeron2:woopee #end :gama #send Gamalazeron3:woopee #end !" 8@HurtPlayer #end :evil #shoot s #shoot s #shoot s #end  9@HurtOmicron #end :evil #shoot s #shoot s #shoot s #end  6@HurtAdama #end :evil #shoot s #shoot s #shoot s #end A(@DIE :shot OH NO YOU DIEDED!!! /i #shot O #bind DIE P #bind DIE @FEEL THE SCROLLISHNESS!!! #end :touch YAY ISSA RPG DEALY HOPE IT ISN'T TOO GLITCHY Adama: well, that sucked. Omicron: Apparently Bigman and Zandor decided that they didn't have enough time to debug, and hoped that they could get away with playing the crappiness as humor. Adama: A WINNER IS YOU Omicron:...uh...yeah. Adama: Wait... something isn't right here. (Blinks in confusion) HOLY CRUD ZANDOR GOOT MAH NAME RIGHT!!! /i ______ / \ __/it... something isn't right here. \n confusion) HOLY CRUD ZANDOR \______/AME RIGHT!!! /i ______ / \ __/mething isn't right here. \ion) HOLY CRUD ZANDOR \______/T!!! /i ______ / \ __/ right here. \D ZANDOR \______/ /i ____ / \____ /i Adama:... Adama:WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!! Bigman: Well, it appears that the bunny rabbit has eaten your thoughts. Zandor (): It's a poorly drawn Pac-Man DAMN IT ALL Bigman: Bunny rabbit! Zandor: Pac-Man! Bigman: BUNNY Zandor: PAC-MAN ...And so, Bigman and Zandor continued to argue for the rest of time over the smiley face that betrayed the laws of physics and ate a person's thoughts. NEXT SCREEN NOW!!! #set spiral #change red boulder gem #give score 2978 #become ruffian @OH NO Bigman: DAMN IT ZANDOR YOU'VE BETRAYED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!!! You, Omicron, Amado/Amada: But we're not Zandor! Adama: WHY WON'T ZANDOR SPELL MY NAME RIGHT?!!! Bigman: Well, there must be an RPG battle of SOME sort. #cycle 3 :loop #change red breakable fake #change red fake solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable fake #change red fake solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable fake #change red fake solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable fake #change red fake solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #send Bigman:Slaughter #loop  R@Gamalazeron1 #end :woopee #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #put w green boulder #change green boulder solid #change green solid normal #change green normal breakable #change green breakable empty #send HurtPlayer:evil #end _@Gamalazeron2 #end :woopee #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #put w purple boulder #change purple boulder solid #change purple solid normal #change purple normal breakable #change purple breakable empty #send HurtOmicron:evil #end @@Gamalazeron3 #end :woopee #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #change cyan boulder solid #change cyan solid normal #change cyan normal breakable #change cyan breakable empty #send HurtAdama:evil jBoard 6 $U e eeeee eeeee  eee  eee eeeeVeeee Veeee  Veeee Veeee!cVeeee cVeeee/ccVeeee.ccVeeee ,ccVeeee $!cccVeeee " O "cccVeeee * "" *cccVeeee* *"* *ccccVeeee* * ** *ccccVeeee* * ***ccccVeeee * * * @Lightning #cycle 5 :loop #change yellow invisible breakable #change yellow breakable normal #change yellow normal solid /i #change yellow solid normal #change yellow normal breakable #change yellow breakable invisible #play tc+e-d--gG11 /i/i/i #loop d@Zandor 12 You exit the mountain of stupidity. $Yay! So THAT'S why this game sucks! No, that's because of the authors. $I LIKE WAFFLES. #loop :loop /i /w/w/w/w/w/w /e/e/e/e/e/e #loop :touch Player: WHERE IS THE GOLDEN GOAT?! Zandor: The what? Player: The Golden Goat Bigman sent me to find!!! Zandor: ...oh, right! I forgot about that. Bigman (offscreen): That idiot... Zandor: NOW BIGMAN MUST DRAW A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE TO APPEASE THE GODS Bigman: Huh? I don't know ZZT-OOP! Zandor: IT's EASY LOOK ALL AROUND YOU!!! Bigman: ...whatever. Zandor: Eastward player, to the mandatory ART BOARD!!! #die # BIGMAN TRIES DRAWING, NO REALLY  .   .   .$ $.   2   $9 y$9d$9$9_$9$9  .$9$   (   (   O (  k@Fish #cycle 8 ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e #restart :touch The fish blows bubbles. /i/i/i/i #restart k@Fish #cycle 8 ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e #restart :touch The fish blows bubbles. /i/i/i/i #restart /k@Fish #cycle 8 ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e #restart :touch The fish blows bubbles. /i/i/i/i #restart @Fish #cycle 8 ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e #restart :touch The FISH eats your INVENTORY. $Damn it! #take torches 8762 pie #restart :pie #ILIKEWAFFLES #restart + k@Fish #cycle 8 ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e #restart :touch The fish blows bubbles. /i/i/i/i #restart #l@Fish #cycle 8 ?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n ?s?s?s?s?s?s?s?s #restart :touch The fish blows bubbles. /i/i/i/i #restart  @Fish #cycle 8 :loop ?e?e?e?e?e?e?e?e ?s?s?s?s?s ?w?w?w?w?w?w?w?w ?n?n?n?n?n #loop :touch The fish blows some bubbles. /i/i/i/i @Zandor 12 #end :touch THIS WAS SUPPOSSED TO BE AN ART BOARD, BIGMAN!!! Bigman: I can't draw with this thing! So don't blame me!!! *Sigh* Player, go talk to Googlyottenheim. He's in the upper right house. Zandor: Pile of green blocks. Bigman: AND THOSE THINGS ON THE FIRST BOARD ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HOUSES, ZANDOR?! Zandor: ...Pac-Man. Bigman: BUNNY!!! #zap touch #end :touch PAC-MAN!!! /i/i/i/i :|@Green House Guy #end :touch DMAN IT YOUGNSTER YUO DON'T KNOE HOW GOD YOU HAV IT, I HAD TO MVOE TO THISS UNDERSEA COLONY DUE TO TAXES!!! I DONN'T LIKE THE FISH, ALL THEY DO IS SWIM AND BLOW BUBBELS!!! I HOPE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEIR BUBBLE WANDS SNAPS AND THEY RUN OUT OF BUBBLE FLUID. ... NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! /i #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #change red boulder solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable empty #take health 3 #zap touch #endgmae :touch #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #put seek red boulder #change red boulder solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable empty #take health 3 NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! /i/i/i/i #endgmae 5V@Googlyottenheim!!! #end :touch Arrr! In me stor'roo'm be thee gayt' to the next level, matey! $Huh? Pirate slang? Dern tootin', I'll be! Matey! ARRR HAR HAR HAR HAR HRGENnN! *Cough* Damn pipe. $o_0 I'll be havin' nuthin' o that the're smiley face crud in' m' house, matey!!! /i/e/n #clear spiral #zap touch :touch ARRR MATEY!!! #end ;:lBoard 8 \**( (#$% % $#%%#$ ## # ##$ #$   $$  ###  x         @Forest THE FOREST HATES YOU @Golden Goat #end :touch $WOW, it's the Golden Goat! - HEuEHeUehHEuEH CANT CTACH MEEEE! $Damn it! #change red boulder gem #die # Board 9 !!!!!!*!!!!***!!!!*****!!!!*******!!!!********!! !!!***** *****!!  !!!****** ****!!  *!******* ***!! * **!********!! ***********!! ***********!! ***********!! ** *******!!** $<*****!!** ****!!**$****!!*** ****!!****** *****!!**** ****!! h@Golden Goat #cycle 1 LOLOL!!!111 YOU CANT CATCH ME $Come back!!! /i /e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /n/n/n #put s tiger /n/n/n #put s tiger /e/n/n #put s tiger /n/n/n #put s tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #put w tiger /e/e/e #die /#end :touch #give health 100 HEALTH!!! /i #die * Board 10 ex1x$x0x $x 'xx0xx5xx6xx6xx6xx6xx1xx1x x1x$x1xx2 x2 @Golden Goat /e/e/n/n/n/n/e /n/n/n/n/n/e/e /n/e/e/e/e/e/e #play t850 /w #put e red fake - Damn it, no way out... /i #end :touch - Well, you've caught me... you get your three wishes. But, I've gotta warn you- as far as leprechauns go, I'm not that lucky... $You're not a leprechaun, you're the $Golden Goat! -...Wow, no one has ever seen through that trick before...very well, take me where you will. #send parasect:wooble #set goat #die  @Parasect #end :wooble /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal /e #put n blue normal #put e blue normal #die  C@Parasect #end :wooble /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal /e #put s blue normal Fishies!!! /i Fishies!!! /i Fishies!!! /i Fishies!!! /i Fishies!!! /i Fishies!!! /i #die  Board 11  IS THAT A BEARD??? $9&9*&*&*&,*& o* & * &-*99&  999$*$$  $&$$$*$$$&$$$$$*$$$&$5 $$*$ $ $&5 $9 + #bind EEp &%"@I LIKE WAFFLES :llop #if spiral oops #llop :oops $Whoah, how'd I get onto the title screen? REMEMBER THE FORKS, LUKE. $The force? NO YOU IDIOT, THE FORKS! $OHH DEAR #send Adder:loop #end ! "!9@Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end 5@Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #put n red fake #put s red fake #put w red fake #put e red fake #give score 345 #become red fake #end $$ @Adder #end :loop #char 17 #end % @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end & @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end ' @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end ( @Adder #end :loop #char 72 #end )!@Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end *!@Adder #end :loop #char 114 #end +!@Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end , @Adder #end :loop #char 33 #end # #bind EEp  #bind EEp  #bind EEp  #bind EEp  #bind EEp &'%o@EEp :spoo #shoot w /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #send spoo :shot LASER!!! /i/i/i #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #put w cyan boulder #change cyan boulder solid #change cyan solid normal #change cyan normal breakable #change cyan breakable empty #play 850 /i #send Killa:Kill #send spoo :NO #zap shot #zap spoo #change bullet empty #change yellow invisible normal #change green invisible empty #end @Bigman You've brought back the Golden Goat! $It wasn't easy. Very good! As a reward, I give you... DEATH!!! $I've been betrayed!!! JOE MUTHA'S OFF TOPIC!!! $So is yours!!! TIME FOR ASS-KICKING!!! /i #give health 175 #give ammo 175 #send EEp:loop #end :shot DAMN IT.... GAMA DEATH LASER WAVE ATTACK!!! /i #change empty red breakable #change red breakable normal #change red normal solid #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable empty #play t850 #take health 1 /i Bigman: FEEL MY WRATH!!! Player: That really didn't hurt very much. Bigman: Yeah, but it was purdy. (GREEN passage now!!!) #send EEp:NO #end  @Killa #end :Kill #shoot s #end Q@Waldo :loop #if contact ohno #loop :ohno #take health 9 PAIN /i/i/i/i/i/i #loop  #bind Waldo  #bind Waldo  #bind Waldo  #bind Waldo  #bind Waldo  #bind Waldo  : Board 13 D     $    )    )                     4                               $            R$)$v$EX @Omicron Player: Whoah, Omicron and Adama! I thought that you guys were lost in a plot hole! Adama: And we very nearly did. I mean, if Bigman sent us, then why are we good guys, and not his henchmen? IT MAKES NO SENSE. Omicron: We weren't on nearly enough of the boards... I never once got to use my sword! /i #send Sword:go #end :otay Omicron: See?! It's COOL!!! Adama: Well, I guess it's time for... /i #change green invisible normal /i/i/i/i/i/i/i #change blue invisible normal /i/i/i/i And so, their journey was at an end. Zandor 12 was exiled to Greenland. He vowed to someday build a mecha using nothing but ice and return to wreak havoc on Tokyo. The Adders were given their own colony in the Hamptons. Nobody cared. The Green House Guy continued randomly moving every two minutes to a different green house, attacking whoever would dare enter his house with a laser. The High Sheriff was completely forgotten about after the first board. He spent most of his time visiting the Adders, dictating his memoirs, and arguing with the British prime minister. Googlyottenheim became the navigator for RedBeard's ship, and did quite a good job at it too. 'Til RedBeard got piss drunk one night and crashed the ship. So Googly got a job as the host of TV Game Show Family Feud. He was last seen seven hours ago, arguing with the British minister while on the run from the police in a 900mph high speed go-kart race. Bigman, to pay for his betrayal, was fined two dollars. Instead of paying the fine, he resisted arrest and slayed 632 police officers before finally being brought down by a tank. He is now in Valhalla, arguing with the British prime minister. The British prime minister is...just that. As for Omicron and Adama... Omicron: Why did the beaver cross the road? Adama: Because he was stapled to the rabbit. Omicron: Because he w- exactly. Adama: *groan* /i/i/i/i I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #endgame #send pinata #end :pinata I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i/i/i/i #send pinata ~@Sword #cycle 2 #end :go #char 45 /i /s #char 92 /i /n #char 45 /i /n #char 47 /s #char 45 /i #char 0 #send Omicron:otay #end Board 14 @5B5e5t5r5a5-5 5W5a5i5t5,5 5H5o5w5 5d5o5 5y5o5u5 5S5p5e5l5 5T5h5a5t5?W5T5h5i5s5 5i5s5 5m5y5 5a5n5d5 5B5i5g5m5a5n5'5s5 5f5i5r5s5t5 52545H5O5Z5T5 5e5n5t5r5y5.5W5h5e5n5 5i5t5 5b5e5g5a5n5,5 5i5t5 5w5a5s5 5g5o5i5n5g5 5t5o5 5b5e5 5a5n5 5R5P5G5.5A5s5 5y5o5u5 5c5a5n5 5s5e5,5 5i5n5 5t5h5a5t5 5r5e5s5p5e5c5t5 5w5e5 5f5a5i5l5e5d5 5m5i5s5e5r5a5b5l5y5.5W5e5 5j5u5s5t5 5k5i5n5d5a5 5d5r5i5f5t5e5d5 5h5a5l5f5 5o5f5-5t5o5p5i5c5,5 5r5e5s5u5l5t5i5n5g5 5i5n5 5t5h5i5s5.5 5g5a5m5e5-5l5i5k5e5 5p5r5o5d5u5c5t5.5 5C5o5n5s5i5d5e5r5i5n5g5 5t5h5a5t5 5t5h5i5s5 5i5s5 5B5i5g5m5a5n5'5s5 5f5i5r5s5t5 5Z5T5 5g5a5m5e5,5 5a5n5d5 5m5y5 5s5e5c5o5n5d5,5 5I5'5d5 5l5i5k5e5 5t5o5 5t5h5i5n5k5 5t5h5a5t5 5i5t5 5w5e5n5t5 5a5t5 5l5e5a5s5t5 5f5a5i5r5l5y5 5w5e5l5.5 5A5n5d5 5i5t5 5d5o5e5s5 5h5a5v5e5 5t5h5e5 5f5e5l5 5o5f5 5a5 5h5a5l5f5-5a5s5e5d5 5H5a5l5u5c5i5n5a5,5 5o5r5 5s5o5m5e5 5o5t5h5e5r5t5r5i5p5y5 5g5a5m5e5.5 5E5h5.5 5W5e5l5,5m5a5y5b5e5 5w5e5'5l5 5d5o5 5t5h5i5s5 5b5e5t5e5r 5n5e5x5t5 5t5i5m5e5.5 5O5r5 5m5a5y5b5e5 5m5a5k5e5 5a5 5s5e5q5u5e5l5 5t5o5 5t5h5i5s5.5 5(5B5l5i5n5k5s5)c5-5Z5a5n5d5o5r5 51525,5 535:55535 5p5m35C5e5n5t5r5a5l5 5T5i5m5e.9969993  1//$'$)$E$ 36 !#%./01'