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A self portrait of myself that I drew

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There I am. I'm so zegzi.

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This is DavidTheTerrible. Unfortunately, I don't possess his artistic talent. I bow to thee DTT.

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This is what DavidTheTerrible looks like in real life and everyone's nightmares.

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RBxHaro's self-portrait. (He's a bit slow)

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RBxHaro: I'm speecial!

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Rumor has it that DTT painstakingly worked on this incredible use of pointilism for 3 years.

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"Mommy, what's a puter?" (Inside Jokage)

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This is xFUIxArjabad's self-portrait and it dramatically portrays his struggle to finally admit that he grabs []D[]D's

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This is Arjabad's real pic. (Insert insult here)

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This me taking the flag old school/ghetto/liquor store at 2 in the morning style

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Supposedly Arjabad is on id's design team for Quake 4! He was able to sneak us this screenshot from the graphic intense, GeForce melting game.

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