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INDIA's INTERNET GROWTH-Key findings of NASSCOM’s Internet Survey

Internet Connections in million (within brackets: Users in million):
August 15,1995: 0.002 (0.01)
March 31,1996: 0.05 (0.25)
March 31,1997: 0.09 (0.45)
March 31,1998: 0.14 (0.7)
March 31,1999: 0.28 (1.4)
March 31,2000: 0.9 (2.8)
Augest 31,2000: 1.6 (4.8)

Internet Connections in million (within brackets: Users in million):
March 31, 2001: 2.5 (8.0)
March 31, 2002: 4.5 (15)
March 31, 2003: 10 (32)
December 31, 2003: 15 (50)

There is a pending demand of more than 1 million Internet connections, at present cost considerations.
There will be about 2.5 million Internet subscribers (or 8 million users) by March 2001. This figure is expected to increase to 4.5 million Internet subscribers (15 million users) by March 2002, and 10 million Internet subscribers (32 million users) by March 2003.
As of 31 August 2000, there was a PC base of 5 million PCs. Out of these, there were more than 4 million machines, which had Pentium chips, and above (i.e. machines which could be effectively used for Internet).
More than 81% of stand alone PCs sold during financial year 1999-2000 were driven by the need to access the Internet.
91% of India's corporate Web sites are located overseas.
Internet access continues to be most widespread amongst the 18-24 year age group. However, all age groups have seen vast increases in access over the last 18 months. A significant development is that almost 11% of people over the age of 40 now access the Internet.
Males continue to outnumber females in accessing the Internet at 77% compared to 23%. This has however increased from the ratio of 82:18 in June, 1999.
The Internet and e-commerce industry employs approximately 82,000 people. These include Web developers, Web designers, system analysts, ISP infrastructure providers, marketing staff, e-software professionals etc. It is projected that by March 2003, the Internet and e-commerce industry would employ over 300,000 people.
Countries such as Sweden, US, Australia and Singapore report around 40% homes with Internet connections. India has about 16 lakh households connected to the Internet.
The emergence of competitively priced mobile phone technology with the capability to address the Internet is an evolutionary development. India currently has a mobile population of 2.3 million (by March 2000).
Internet users on an average are estimated to be accessing the Internet for 6 hours a week.
The profile of Internet users in India is dominated by the professional/corporate segment, which accounts for around 43 percent of Internet usage. Inching close behind is the student community represented by school and college goers. This segment contributes close to 38 per cent of Internet surfers.
Over half (59.2%) use the Internet as an information resource, 11.3% use it as an educational tool and just under 8.2% use it for entertainment.
When asked what are the most frequently used service online was, 73.4% answered email, 77% answered search engines and 23% said they use it for downloading / uploading software.
Of the total Internet users around 20 per cent own credit cards and around 14 per cent own mobile phones.
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