ATG | April 2001

Artist . Song Title . Album Title . Record Label

28 April 2001

Well, April has been a pretty rockin' month on the Saturday Edition of Against The Grain, and tonight was no exception. I like to keep you wondering, "What's he going to play next?", so I change direction from time to time.

The country sound will return eventually, but there's so much great music that goes unheard and I'd like to explore some of with to you. Thanks for listening!

21 April 2001

14 April 2001

7 April 2001

Due to technical difficulties during the broadcast of American Routes, my show actually began early this evening.

I went on the air at 6:30 and played several songs from the new Bill Morrissey CD, "Something I Saw or Thought I Saw" on Philo Records. Bill was in town tonight at The Green Rooster Coffeehouse.

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